[Adopted 11-18-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-10 (§ 78-3 of the 1997 Code)]
This article is adopted pursuant to the authority granted Town boards under § 60.44(2), Wis. Stats., which allows for the adoption of an alternative claim procedure for approving financial claims against the Town which are in the nature of bills and vouchers.
Payments may be made from the Town treasury pursuant to this article for all claims against the Town which are also consistent with the Town purchasing policy.
[Amended 11-10-2016 by Res. No. 2016-05]
Payments may be made from the Town treasury after the Town Administrator audits and approves each claim as a proper charge against the treasury by first determining that the following conditions have been complied with:
Funds are available under the Town budget to pay the bill or voucher.
The item or service covered by the bill or voucher has been duly authorized.
The item or service covered by the bill or voucher has been supplied or rendered in conformity with the authorization and follows the Town purchasing policy.
The claim appears to be a valid claim against the Town.
The Town Administrator may require submission of proof to determine compliance with the conditions under Subsection A(1) to (4) prior to approval.
After determining that the above conditions have been met, the Administrator shall indicate approval of the claim by placing his or her signature or initials on the bill. Upon approval of a bill or voucher under this procedure, the Clerk shall prepare a check and have it countersigned by the Town Treasurer, Town Administrator and the Town Chairperson pursuant to § 66.0607, Wis. Stats. The Clerk shall then mail or deliver the completed checks to the appropriate parties.
At least monthly, the Town Administrator or Town Treasurer shall file with the Town Board a written list of claims approved pursuant to this article. The list shall include the date paid, name of claimant, purpose and amount.