The provisions found in § 127-7 shall apply.
Each trailer camp shall be marked off into trailer lots.
The total number of trailer lots in such camp shall not exceed 12 per gross acre.
Each trailer lot shall have a total area of not less than 2,500 square feet with a minimum dimension of 30 feet.
Any travel trailer shall not be parked or otherwise located nearer than a distance of:
At least 20 feet from an adjacent travel trailer in any direction.
At least 50 feet from an adjacent property line.
At least 100 feet from the right-of-way line of public street or highway.
At least 10 feet from the nearest edge of any roadway location within the park.
Only one trailer shall be permitted to occupy any one trailer lot.
Each trailer lot shall have a travel trailer stand which will provide for the practical placement on and removal from the lot of the travel trailer, and the retention of the trailer on the lot in a stable condition.
The stand shall be of sufficient size to fit the dimensions of the anticipated travel trailers.
The stand shall be constructed of an appropriate material which is durable, compacted and adequate for the support of the maximum anticipated loads.
The provision found in § 127-10D shall apply.
The provisions found in § 127-11 shall apply.
The provisions found in § 127-12A shall apply.
The following utilities and service facilities shall be provided in each trailer camp which shall be in accordance with the regulations and requirements of the Niagara County Department of Health, the New York State Department of Health and the Sanitary Code of New York State.
Each trailer camp which provides for travel trailers having all the facilities of a mobile home, as defined in § 127-3 of this chapter, shall provide the required facilities indicated in § 127-13A(1) and (2).
Each trailer camp, which provides for travel trailers not equipped with the facilities in a mobile home as defined in § 127-3 of this chapter, shall provide the following facilities:
An adequate supply of pure water for drinking and domestic purposes shall be supplied by pipes to all buildings and trailer lots within the camp to meet the requirements of such camp. Each lot shall be provided with a cold water tap, the waste from which shall be emptied into a drain connected to an approved disposal system.
Toilet and other necessary sanitary facilities for males and females shall be provided in permanent structures. Such facilities shall be housed in either separate buildings or in the same building, in the latter case such facilities shall be separated by soundproof walls. The male and female facilities shall be marked with appropriate signs and have separate entrances for each.
Such toilet and other sanitary facilities shall be provided in the following manner:
Male facilities shall consist of not less than: one flush toilet for every 15 trailers; one urinal for every 15 trailers; one lavatory for every 10 trailers; one shower, with an adjoining dress compartment of at least 16 square feet for every 10 trailers.
Female facilities shall consist of not less than: one flush toilet for every 10 trailers; one lavatory for every 10 trailers; one shower, with an adjoining dress compartment of at least 16 square feet for every 10 trailers.
Lavatory and shower facilities shall be supplied with hot and cold running water.
The buildings housing such toilet and sanitary facilities shall be well-lighted at all times of the day and night; shall be well-ventilated with screened openings; shall be constructed of moisture proof material; shall be well-heated; and shall be clean and sanitarily maintained at all times. The floors of such buildings shall be of a water impervious material.
Such buildings shall not be located nearer than 20 feet nor further than 200 feet from any travel trailer.
The provision found in § 127-13B shall apply.
The provision found in § 127-13C shall apply.
The provision found in § 127-13A(3) shall apply.
Waste from all buildings and trailer lots shall be discharged into an approved public or private sewer system, in such a manner so as not to present a health hazard.
The provision found in § 127-13D shall apply.
The provision found in § 127-14 shall apply.
The provision found in § 127-15 shall apply.
The owner or operator of each trailer camp shall keep a written record of all persons occupying or using the facilities of such camp. This record shall be available for a period of at least one year from date of occupancy.
The record shall include:
The name and address of the occupant of each travel trailer.
The name and address of the owner of each trailer which is not occupied by such owner.
State in which trailer is registered and the registration number.
Name and address of owner of automobile or other vehicle which propelled the travel trailer.
State in which automobile is registered and the registration number.