If the Village is used as the forwarding agency, the subdivider shall file legible copies of the preliminary or final plat with a list of the authorities to which the plat must be submitted for approval or objection under § 236.10 or 236.12, Wis. Stats., with the Village Clerk, who shall note the date of filing on each print.
Forwarding of plats. Within two days after a preliminary or final plat has been submitted for approval, the Clerk shall forward the specified number of copies to the following agencies authorized to object to the plat, along with a list of all agencies authorized to object or approve the plat:
State agencies. Two copies for each of the state agencies required to review the plat to the Department of Administration, which shall examine the plat for compliance with §§ 236.15, 236.16, 236.20 and 236.21(1) and (2), Wis. Stats.[1]
If the subdivision abuts or adjoins a state trunk or connecting highway, the Department shall transmit two copies to the State Department of Transportation.
If the subdivision is not served by a public sewer and provision for such service has not been made, the Department shall transmit two copies to the Department of Safety and Professional Services.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
County planning agency. Six copies to the county planning agency.
Village Engineer. Two copies to the Village Engineer for his report on the technical aspects of the plat and his estimates of the costs involved to install the improvements required by this chapter.
Village Plan Commission. Two copies to the Village Plan Commission for its comments on the general design of the plat.
Objections to plat. Within 20 days of the date of receiving the copies of the plat, any agency having the authority to object shall notify the subdivider and all approving or objecting authorities of any objection or, if there is no objection, it shall so certify on the face of a copy of the plat and return that copy to the approving authority from which it was received, except that the Department of Administration shall have 30 days to act. The Village Engineer and Village Plan Commission shall make their report to the Village within the same twenty-day period.[2]
Objections must be satisfied. The plat shall not be approved or deemed approved until all objections have been satisfied.
Failure to act. If the agency having the authority to object fails to act within the time limit, it shall be deemed to have no objection to the plat.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
The subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat in sufficient detail to determine whether the final plat will meet layout requirements. The subdivider shall also submit data required by the Department of Safety and Professional Services regarding percolation tests and soil borings.
Approval or rejection. Within 90 days of the date of submittal, the Village shall take action to approve, approve conditionally or reject such plat and shall state in writing any conditions of approval or reasons for rejection.
Failure to act. Failure of the approving authority to act within such 90 days shall constitute an approval of the preliminary plat, unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider.
Approval required prior to construction. No subdivider shall proceed with any construction work, including grading, until the preliminary plat has been approved.
Principles of design. The design principles of this chapter shall apply to subdivisions within the Village.
Filing fee. To defray the administrative costs resulting from the act of subdividing land within the Village, the subdivider shall pay a filing fee to the Clerk at the time of plat submittal.
If the final plat conforms substantially to the layout shown in the preliminary plat as approved, including any conditions of that approval, it shall be entitled to approval with respect to such layout.
Submission date. If the final plat is submitted within 36 months of the last required approval of the preliminary plat, the Village shall take action to approve or reject the plat. If the final plat is not submitted within 36 months, the Village may refuse to approve the final plat and may require resubmittal of the preliminary plat.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Plat portion of preliminary plat. The final plat may, if permitted by the Village, constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the subdivider proposes to record at that time.
Approval or rejection. The Village Board shall take action to approve or reject the final plat within 60 days of its submission, unless the time is extended by agreement with the subdivider. If a plat is rejected, the reasons therefor shall be stated in the minutes of the meeting and a copy thereof or a written statement of the reasons supplied to the subdivider and all objecting authorities.
Failure to act. If the Village fails to act within 60 days of submittal and the time has not been extended by agreement and no unsatisfied objections have been filed within that period, the final plat shall be deemed approved, and, upon demand, a certificate to that effect shall be made on the face of the plat by the Village Clerk.
Penalty. Any subdivider or his agent who offers or contracts to convey or conveys any subdivision, lot or parcel of land which lies in a subdivision knowing that the final plat thereof has not been recorded with the Register of Deeds may be subject to a forfeiture of not more than $500 or, in default of payment of such forfeiture, may be imprisoned in the county jail until payment thereof, but not exceeding six months, except that where the preliminary or final plat of the subdivision has been filed for approval with the Village, an offer or contract to convey may be made if that offer or contract states on its face that it is contingent upon approval of the final plat and shall be void if such plat is not approved.
Fee. All costs for Village engineering and planning consulting services, administration and inspections of the final plat and the improvements installed therein shall be paid by the subdivider. The Village may require that part or all of this fee be paid prior to granting approval of the final plat.
Surety. Whenever the improvements required by this chapter have not been installed and accepted by the Village prior to approval of the final plat, the final plat shall not be approved until the subdivider has legally guaranteed their installation by filing an adequate surety bond, performance bond, cash or certified check approved by the Village Attorney with the Clerk.
Filing. The subdivider shall file six legible copies of the certified survey or assessor's map with the Clerk, who shall forward two copies each to the Village Engineer and Plan Commission.
Approval or rejection. The Village shall take action to approve, approve conditionally or reject the certified survey or assessor's map within 90 days of submittal. The subdivider shall be notified in writing of any conditions of approval or the reasons for rejection. The certificate of approval of the Village shall be typed, lettered or reproduced legibly with nonfading black ink on the face of the map and signed by the Clerk.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
In lieu of the previously described procedure, the subdivider or his agent may submit the original plat directly to each of the agencies authorized to object. Each such agency shall have 20 days from the date of the submission of the original plat in which to object to the plat. Failure to act within 20 days from the date of submission shall mean that the agency has no objection to the plat, and, upon demand, it shall so certify on the face of the plat.
Approval required prior to recording. The Village Board shall approve the final plat prior to recording. The subdivider shall file a reproducible tracing 22 inches by 30 inches or acceptable substitute of the final plat with the Clerk before recording the final plat with the Register of Deeds. The Clerk shall certify to approval of the final plat only after this requirement has been met.
Recording of final plat. The subdivider shall file the original of the final plat with the Register of Deeds within 12 months after the date of the last approval of the plat and within 36 months after the first approval. Any subdivider causing his final plat to be recorded without submitting such plat for approval as herein required or who shall fail to present the same for record within 30 days of the date of the Village approval shall forfeit no less than $100 nor more than $1,000 to the Village. (§ 236.30, Wis. Stats.)[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).
Recording of certified survey map. The subdivider shall file the original certified survey map and four copies with the Village Clerk, together with a recording and dedication fee. Upon approval of the Village Board, the Village Clerk shall record the original of the certified survey map in the office of the Register of Deeds of Waukesha County.
Recording of assessor's map. Where it is not practicable to require that a final plat of a subdivision created by successive divisions be filed in accordance with this chapter, the Board may order an assessor's map to be made under § 70.27, Wis. Stats., and may assess the cost thereof as provided in such section or to the subdivider. The subdivider shall file a reproducible tracing with the Village after approval has been given.