The preliminary plat shall clearly show the following features and information:
Surveyor. The name of the registered land surveyor preparing the preliminary plat.
Owner and subdivider. The name and address of the owner and the subdivider.
Title. The title under which the proposed subdivision is to be recorded.
Scale. Scale at not more than 100 feet to one inch.
Location. The location of the subdivision by government lot, recorded private claim, quarter section, section, township, range and county noted immediately under the title.
Vicinity sketch. A small drawing oriented on the sheet in the same direction as the main drawing of the section or governmental subdivision of the section in which the subdivision lies with the location of the subdivision indicated thereon.
Boundary lines. The approximate bearings and distances of the boundary lines of the tract to be subdivided.
Streets and other features. The location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the tract and other important features, such as existing permanent buildings, wooded areas, watercourses, railroad lines, corporation lines, township lines, etc.
Topography. Topographic data shall be referred to Village datum and shall be plotted at two-foot intervals, except where the ground slope exceeds 10%, making five-foot-interval contours acceptable.
Streets, drainage, lots, etc. The layout, names, grades and widths of proposed streets, alleys and drainage and utility easements; the location and approximate sizes of culverts, catch basins and other drainage structures; and the layout and approximate dimensions of proposed lots. The street names shall not duplicate or closely approximate any existing street names within or near the Village unless they constitute an extension of or definite relationship to the existing street.
Public uses. All parcels of land intended to be dedicated, temporarily reserved for public use or to be reserved in the deeds for the common use of property owners in the subdivision, with the purpose, conditions or limitations of such reservation indicated.
North arrow. A North arrow shall be shown.
Deed restrictions. The Village may require that any public and specific restrictions pertaining to the land included in the plat be submitted with the preliminary plat.
Street profiles. The Village may require that proposed street profiles for center-line and building line grades extending 300 feet beyond the boundaries of the subdivision be approved by the Village prior to approval of the preliminary plat.
Zoning. The zoning on and adjacent to the proposed subdivision.
Adjoining properties. The location and names of adjacent subdivisions and the owners of the adjoining parcels of unsubdivided land.
Water elevations. The water elevations of adjoining lakes, streams and ponds at the date of the survey and the approximate high and low water elevations of such lakes, streams and ponds. If the subdivision borders any such body of water, a meander line shall be established not less than 20 feet back from the ordinary high-water mark of such body of water.
Soils information. Percolation test data, test boring information and any other information requested by the State Department of Safety and Professional Services for those subdivisions not being served by sanitary sewers shall be attached to and submitted with the preliminary plat for use by the state and Village.
Additional information. Any additional information requested by the Village to verify ownership, clarify questions raised during the approval procedure and any other information the Village deems necessary to reach a decision on the preliminary plat.
The final plat shall be drawn with waterproof, nonfading black ink on muslin-backed white paper, 22 inches wide by 30 inches long, with a binding margin of 1 1/2 inches on the left side of the thirty-inch length and a one-inch margin on all other sides.
The following information shall be shown:
Boundary lines. Boundary lines with lengths of courses to hundredths of a foot and bearings to seconds as determined by an accurate field survey performed by a registered land surveyor and balanced and closed with an error of closure not to exceed one to 3,000.
Recorded streets. The exact location and the width along the property line of all existing recorded streets intersecting or abutting the boundaries of the tract.
Tie to government survey. True bearings and distances to nearest established survey lines or other official monuments, which monuments shall be located or accurately described on the plat. Any patent or established survey or corporation lines shall be accurately monumented and located on the plat.
Monuments. The accurate location and material of all permanent reference monuments as specified in § 236.15, Wis. Stats.
Design. The exact design, including:
Streets and alley lines. Names, bearings, angles of intersection, widths, including widths along the line of any obliquely intersecting street, length of center lines, etc.
Curve data. Lengths of arcs, bearings and lengths of main chords, radii, central angles and tangent bearings at either the point of curve or point of tangency shall be shown either in their proper place or in a separate table for all streets and alleys. Lot lines may be shown in the same manner or by bearings and distances.
Easements and right-of-way. Easements and rights-of-way shall be shown on plats, certified survey maps and assessor's maps by center line and width when lines are parallel to a boundary; otherwise boundary bearings and distances shall be shown. All deeds of conveyance of any lot or parcel of land within a plat, certified survey map or assessor's map relating to the lot or parcel of land conveyed by the owner.
Blocks. Blocks, if designated, shall be consecutively numbered or lettered in alphabetical order. The blocks in numbered additions to subdivisions bearing the same name shall be numbered or lettered consecutively through the several additions. The exact length and bearing of the boundary lines of all blocks shall be shown.
Lots. All lots in each block shall be consecutively numbered. Outlots shall be lettered in alphabetical order within each block.
Meander lines. Distances and bearings for meander lines shall be shown with the distance between the point of intersection of such meander lines with lot lines and the high-water mark also shown.
Additional requirements. As required by § 236.20, Wis. Stats.
Name of subdivision. The name of the subdivision shall be shown and shall not duplicate the name of any other subdivision in Waukesha County.
North arrow, scale and date. The North arrow, graphic scale, scale as drawn and dates involved.
Deed restrictions and setback lines. When it is in the best interest of the Village, the Village Board may require that private deed restrictions and setback lines be either shown on the plat or filed with the Register of Deeds.
Affidavits and certificates. The surveyor's certificate, owner's certificate, certificate of taxes paid and other affidavits and certificates required by Ch. 236, Wis. Stats., shall be lettered or printed legibly with waterproof, nonfading black ink or typed legibly with black ribbon on the final plat.
Additional information. Any additional information required by Ch. 236, Wis. Stats., or requested by the Village.
Reproducible tracing. An acceptable reproducible tracing of the final plat shall be filed with the Village before the Village's approval is affixed to the final plat.
Any division or sale of land which creates not more than four parcels shall be surveyed and a certified survey map prepared and recorded as provided in § 236.34, Wis. Stats. Such certified survey map shall be submitted to and approved by the Plan Commission and the Village Board prior to recording. Upon final approval of such certified survey map by the Village Board, the applicant shall pay a recording fee to the Clerk as determined by the Village Board and such certified survey map shall be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Waukesha County by the Village Clerk. Four copies of such certified survey map shall be filed with the Village Clerk by the applicant at the time approval thereof is requested. Such certified survey map shall be approved by the Plan Commission and the Village Board if such certified survey map meets the following requirements:
Registered land surveyor. The survey has been performed and the map prepared by a registered land surveyor.
Monuments. All corners have been monumented in accordance with § 236.15(1)(c) and (d), Wis. Stats.
Map. The map shall be prepared in accordance with § 236.20(2)(a), (b), (c), (e), (f), (g), (i), (j) and (k), Wis. Stats., on durable white paper 8 1/2 inches wide by 14 inches long. All lines shall be made with nonfading black ink on a scale of not more than 100 feet to an inch.
Certificates and description. The certified survey map shall include the certificate of the registered land surveyor who surveyed and mapped the parcel, including a clear and concise description of the land surveyed by bearings and distances, commencing with some corner marked and established in the government survey and acceptable to the Village Engineer.
Percolation tests. At least one percolation test per lot shall be submitted with the certified survey map. The Village may request test boring data and other information for the parcels not served by sanitary sewer.
Additional information. The map shall also show all existing buildings, watercourses, drainage ditches, setbacks or building lines, if required by the Village Board, and other information deemed pertinent by the Village, including dedications for streets and other information if required by the Village Board.
An assessor's map shall meet the following requirements:
Registered land surveyor. The survey has been performed and the map prepared by a registered land surveyor.
Monuments. All corners have been monumented in accordance with § 236.15, Wis. Stats., insofar as it is applicable.
Map. The map shall be prepared in accordance with § 236.20, Wis. Stats., insofar as it is applicable, with all lines made with nonfading black ink on a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch.
Certificates and description. The assessor's map shall include the surveyor's certificate, including the names of the governing body by whose order the plat was made and the date of the order; a clear and concise description of the land surveyed and mapped, commencing with some corner marked and established in the government survey and acceptable to the Village Engineer; a statement that the plat is a correct representation of all the exterior boundaries of the land surveyed and each parcel thereof; and a statement that he/she has fully complied with the provisions of § 70.27, Wis. Stats., in filing the same.
Additional information. The map shall also show any other information deemed pertinent by the Village relating to existing buildings, watercourses, drainage ditches, easements, setbacks and building lines, etc.