A vote passed at any Representative Town Meeting
authorizing the expenditures of any sum, as an appropriation other
than Town charges, shall not be operative until after the expiration
of five days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, from the dissolution
of the meeting. If, within such five days, a petition signed by not
less than five percent of the registered voters, containing their
names and addresses as they appear on the list of registered voters,
is filed with the Selectboard requesting that the question or questions
involved in such vote be submitted to the voters of the Town, then
the Selectboard, within fourteen days after the filing of the petition
shall call a special election which shall be held within ten days
after the issuing of the call, for the purpose of presenting to the
voters at large the question or questions so involved. The polls shall
be opened at eleven o'clock in the morning and shall be closed not
earlier then eight o'clock in the evening. All votes upon any questions
so submitted shall be taken by ballot, and the check list shall be
used in the same manner as in the election of Town officers. The questions
so submitted shall be determined by vote of the same proportion of
voters voting thereon as would have been required by law of Town Meeting
members had the question been finally determined at a Representative
Town Meeting. The questions shall be stated upon the ballot in the
same language and form in which they were stated when finally presented
to the Representative Town Meeting by the Moderator as appears from
the records of the meeting.