Owners or operators storing flammable or combustible materials in underground storage systems shall obtain a permit from the Fire Chief in addition to the hazardous material permit from the Board of Health required under § 113-3. Owners and operators storing hazardous materials or wastes underground which are not flammable or combustible need only obtain a permit from the Board of Health under § 113-3.
Any discharge or abnormal loss of material from underground storage systems shall be reported to the Fire Chief, the Hazardous Materials Coordinator, the Board of Health, and the appropriate office of the DEP immediately upon detection.
Response procedures to any discharge or abnormal loss of material from an underground storage system shall follow the requirements of 527 CMR 9.20 or 310 CMR 30.697, whichever is applicable. In the case of any hazardous material for which response procedures are not specified under state law, response procedures shall be those required for hazardous wastes under 310 CMR 30.697, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Health.
Prior to any change in the material stored in an underground tank, such change of material shall be approved by the Board of Health and (in the case of flammable or combustible materials) by the Fire Chief. Confirmation by the tank manufacturer that such a change in material would be compatible with the tank type shall also be submitted, in writing, to the Board/Fire Chief.
All underground storage tanks shall be designed to minimize the risk of corrosion and leakage, and shall conform to all construction and installation requirements under applicable state and federal law. All new underground storage systems for hazardous materials or waste shall meet the standards for new underground hazardous waste tanks set forth in 310 CMR 30.693 and 30.694, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Health. Hazardous wastes or waste products that are flammable or combustible shall meet 527 CMR 9.
Installation procedures for all underground storage tanks shall conform to all requirements under applicable state law. Installation procedures for any underground tanks for any hazardous materials not covered by state regulations shall comply with the requirements in 310 CMR 30.693 for installation of tanks for underground storage of hazardous wastes, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Health.
The Board of Health may require the placement of monitoring wells around any underground storage tank located within any aquifer protection area as delineated in § 107-6 of Chapter 107, Groundwater Protection, as amended.