The Town of Stoughton, at the annual Town election next following the acceptance of this act by the Town, the voters shall elect, by official ballot, five members of the School Committee, two of whom shall be chosen for the term of three years, one for the term of two years, and two for the term of one year; and annually thereafter they shall elect, for the term of three years, either one or two members according as the term of one or two members is about to expire. Upon the election and qualification of the members of the School Committee, as provided in this section, the terms of office of members of the then-existing Committee shall cease and determine. (Town Manager Act, Chapter 400, Acts of 1921)
In case of resignation or removal from Town, a member shall submit such statement to the Town Clerk. In the event of such vacancy, the remaining members shall, after written notice to the Selectmen, with them fill such vacancy with ballot. A majority of the ballots shall elect, and the person elected shall serve till the next Annual Meeting. (MGL c. 41, § 11)
The School Committee shall serve without compensation and shall be ineligible to serve as teachers or Superintendent of Schools. (MGL c. 71, § 52)
The Committee shall employ a Superintendent of Schools and fix his compensation; said Superintendent shall be the executive officer of the Committee and, under its direction, shall have the care and supervision of public schools, the keeping of its records and accounts, the making of reports legally required and shall recommend to the Committee teachers, textbooks and courses of study. (MGL c. 71, § 59)
The Committee shall elect and contract with teachers, requiring evidence of moral character, qualifications for teaching and capacity for the government of schools. (MGL c. 71, § 38)
The Committee shall cause each teacher to take and subscribe to the oath required by law. Religious belief or political opinions shall not affect appointment to a teaching position. (MGL c. 71, §§ 30A,[1] 39)
Editor's Note: MGL c. 71, § 30A, was repealed 1986, 195.
The School Committee may after one school year and shall after three school years of local consecutive service elect a teacher at its discretion (commonly called "tenure"). A teacher not serving at discretion (tenure) shall be notified in writing on or before April 15 whenever such person is not to be employed for the following school year. (MGL c. 71, § 41)
The Committee, by two-thirds vote of the whole Committee, may dismiss a teacher on tenure for inefficiency, incapacity, unbecoming conduct, insubordination or other good cause, provided that said teacher is notified 30 school days prior to the meeting at which the vote is taken, and at the teacher's request, he shall have been furnished with written charges, has been given a public hearing and shall have the Superintendent's recommendation thereon. The Committee shall have the right, however, to suspend for unbecoming conduct or to dismiss if decreased enrollment makes it desirable. (MGL c. 71, § 42)
The School Committee shall have the general charge of all the public schools and schoolhouses, keep them in good order, determine the number of weeks and hours of sessions and shall continue to maintain a sufficient number of schoolhouses properly furnished and conveniently situated. Transportation shall be furnished to pupils living two or more miles from the school for his district without charge. Flags shall be provided and displayed for each schoolhouse and each room where opening exercises are held. Opening exercises shall include reading from the Bible without comment and Pledge of allegiance to the Flag. (MGL c. 71, §§ 31, 37, 68, 69)
The School Committee shall cause every child between seven and 16 to attend the public schools in the Town, if he resides there, unless he is in attendance at an approved private school, and shall provide for and enforce the attendance of all such children. The Committee shall maintain elementary schools for 180 days, at least, and high school for 180 days, exclusive of vacations, and shall provide instruction in orthography, reading, writing, English language, geography, arithmetic, drawing, American history and civics, United States and Massachusetts Constitutions, physiology and hygiene (including the effects of alcohol and narcotics and the prevention of tuberculosis), good behavior and physical education, as well as such other objects as deemed expedient. (MGL c. 71, §§ 1, 4; c. 76, § 1)
The Committee shall appoint a Supervisor of Attendance and shall affix his compensation, assigning the duties under the law, and shall appoint one or more school physicians and nurses, assigning them to schools, providing facilities to perform their duties and requiring physical examinations in all classes. (MGL c. 71, §§ 53, 54; c. 77, § 12)
All appropriated monies shall be expended for legally authorized schools under the order and superintendence of the School Committee. Annual estimates, in detail, of the amounts necessary to maintain the School Department shall be furnished to the Town Accountant 10 days before the end of the Town financial year. Between December 31 and the next annual appropriations expenditures may be made, not exceeding any one month's expenditure of the previous year, nor more than 1/12 of the estimate submitted. (Mass. Const., Art. 46, Sec. 2, and MGL c. 41, § 59; c. 44, § 13)
The Committee shall purchase textbooks and other school supplies, and shall loan them to pupils free of charge. By a two-thirds vote of the whole Committee, if notice of change is given at a preceding meeting, textbooks in use may be changed. (MGL c. 71, §§ 48, 50)
When there are five or more pupils retarded in mental development in attendance upon its public schools, the School Committee shall establish special classes for the instruction of the educable and trainable mentally retarded. The School Committee shall employ a teacher to offer instruction to physically handicapped children in their homes. The School Committee shall employ a teacher to offer instruction to children emotionally disturbed. (MGL c. 71, §§ 46, 46A, 46H[1])
Editor's Note: MGL c. 71, §§ 46, 46A and 46H, were repealed 1972, 766, § 10.
Without interference with school purposes, the Committee shall allow the use of school buildings for such educational, recreational, social, civic, philanthropic and like purposes as it deems for interest of the community. (MGL c. 71, § 71)
The Superintendent of Schools shall annually make reports to the Commissioner of Education, on forms supplied by him, covering census of school children, expenditures for schools and compliance with the laws. The Committee shall annually make a detailed report of the condition of the schools and shall forward two copies to the Commissioner before April 30. School returns shall be sent by July 31. (MGL c. 72, §§ 3, 4)
No teacher's salary shall be reduced without his consent, except by a general salary revision of all teachers in that salary grade, and no Superintendent's salary shall be reduced without his consent until one year after the Committee has voted. (MGL c. 71, § 43)
School Committees may use, therefor, funds disbursed to them under the provisions of the School Lunch Act, gifts and other funds received from the sale of lunches under such programs. Such contributions received in the form of money, together with the fees from the sale of lunches and any allotments received from the state for this purpose, shall be deposited with the Treasurer of the Town and held as a separate account and expended by the School Committee without appropriation. Nothing in this act shall prevent cities or towns from appropriating funds in addition to those provided from other sources. (MGL c. 548, § 3, as amended)
The Office of the School Lunch Programs, with the approval of the Commissioner, shall prescribe regulations for the keeping of accounts and records and the making of reports by or under the supervision of the School Committee. Such accounts and records shall at all times be available for inspection and audit by authorized officials and shall be preserved for such period of time, not in excess of five years, as the division may lawfully prescribe. (MGL c. 548, § 4)
In addition to the payments provided by § 311-3, the State Treasurer shall annually, on or before November 20, pay to any city or town certified by the Commissioner to have paid teachers or special classes in excess to the regular compensation paid to its teachers, out of the proceeds of the taxation on incomes under Chapter 62, or if such proceeds are insufficient from other revenues as may be appropriated therefor, a sum not to exceed $500 for each teacher so paid. (MGL c. 71, § 46E[1])
Editor's Note: MGL c. 71, § 46E, was repealed 1972, 766, § 10. See now MGL c. 19B, § 17.
No person known to be suffering from tuberculosis in a communicable form, or having evidence thereof, shall be employed or continued in employment at any school in the commonwealth, in any capacity. Immediately prior to his employment, and every three years thereafter, each School Superintendent, Principal, Director, teacher, food handler, janitor, bus driver, nurse, doctor or other person whose duties bring him in direct contact with children shall file with the Superintendent, on forms furnished by the Department of Health, a report relative to his freedom from tuberculosis. (MGL c. 71, § 55B[1])
Editor's Note: MGL c. 71, § 55B, was repealed 2003, 46, § 81.
An Act Relative to Standards of Certification of Certain Teachers in the Massachusetts Public Schools. (MGL c. 71, § 38G)