[Adopted 6-27-1974 by Ord. No. 134]
From and after the passage of this article, as herein provided, all garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish and other refuse matter or material that may accumulate within the limits of the Township of Commercial shall be collected or disposed of only as herein provided.
The provisions of this article shall apply to all residential dwelling and multiple dwelling houses having not more than 10 individual apartments. The provisions of this article shall not apply to stores, warehouses, factories and other industrial and business establishments of every kind and description and no garbage, trash or other refuse shall be collected therefrom.
Every owner, lessee, agent, occupant or other person having control of any residence or dwelling unit covered by the terms of this article shall provide, place, keep and make readily accessible for collection or removal of all garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish and other refuse matter or material suitable and sufficiently covered containers for such purpose in accordance with the provisions of this article.
Receptacles for ashes shall be metallic containers, in such size as can be handled by one man and so constructed so as to prevent the spilling or leakage of their containers and such receptacles shall not be filled higher than three inches below the top of the container. Receptacles for refuse or rubbish shall be either metal, plastic or wood containers with lids, or capable of being securely closed, of not greater capacity than can be handled by one man, but where rubbish is of such nature, such as broken furniture or brush, that it cannot be deposited in such receptacles, it must be securely bundled in such manner as to permit easy handling and to prevent contents being scattered, and at no time shall any such refuse or rubbish be deposited in the same container that holds ashes. Wooden boxes may be used as receptacles for lawn cuttings and rakings, including twigs and leaves.
The receptacles in which the garbage accumulations are deposited shall be a metallic watertight vessel or other container, including plastic bags securely tied, not less than 10 inches nor more than 20 inches in diameter, and not less than eight inches or more than 26 inches in height, and shall have a separate close-fitting cover when in place or in the case of plastic bags be securely tied. No container or receptacles, including its contents, shall weigh in excess of 100 pounds. Containers or receptacles that have deteriorated to the extent of having jagged or sharp edges capable of causing injuries to handlers or to others who may have to handle the same shall be removed by the collector and disposed of as refuse.
All garbage shall be thoroughly and completely drained of all water and placed in a suitable container as herein provided. Only garbage free of bottles, glass, crockery, tin cans and all other material shall be placed in this receptacle. Paper shall be securely and properly tied in bundles or other packages in a manner to prevent any scattering while being handled by the collector or awaiting collection. The bundles or packages shall be of a size and weight to permit ease of handling by one man.
Garbage containers and refuse containers or receptacles shall be placed by the occupant near the curbline or roadway so as to be easily collected from the roadway, but not so near the curb or roadway as to project therein or to interfere with vehicles lawfully using said street or roadway.
The garbage and refuse containers or receptacles shall be placed for collection just prior to the regular collection time so as not to remain for a longer period of time than is necessary to permit collection thereof; and the empty receptacles of containers shall be removed immediately following the collection of the garbage and trash.
No person shall throw, lay, deposit or leave or cause to be thrown, laid, deposited or left in or upon any street, avenue, roadway, sidewalk or public thoroughfare, any garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish, or other refuse matter or material of any kind whatsoever.
It shall be unlawful for any rag-picker, junk dealer, or other person to overhaul the contents of containers or receptacles containing garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish or other refuse matter or material after having been set out for collection and before being collected.
The Township Committee of the Township of Commercial may, in addition to this article, adopt rules and regulations pertaining to the collection, removal or disposal of garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish and other refuse matter or material within the limits of said Township, by resolution or otherwise.
The Township Committee of the Township of Commercial may provide, by contract or otherwise, for the collection and removal of garbage, trash, ashes, rubbish or other refuse matter or material within said Township, or within the boundaries of all the established fire and or light districts of said Township by separate contract within the boundaries of each such district.
In the interpretation of this article, the following words and phrases shall be held to have the following meanings:
The residue from fires used for cooking foods and heating buildings. Ashes also shall include such floor sweeping or other accumulation in connection with the ordinary daily use of dwellings and apartments.
The meat and vegetable waste solids resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of foods. Garbage is considered to originate primarily in kitchens and other places where food is cooked, stored, and consumed.
All broken crockery, glassware, household receptacles and utensils, bottles, tin cans, lawn cuttings, hedge trimmings, garden growth, old clothing and such similar waste material, including paper, cardboard or containers made of paper.
The provisions of this article shall not apply and shall not include the collection of earth, stone, plaster, wood or other material from excavating or from construction, altering or repairing any buildings.
All persons violating the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof be, punishable by a fine of not more than $500 or by imprisonment for not longer than 90 days, or both, such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge.