[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of New York Mills 11-27-1973 by L.L. No. 2-1973 as Ch. 47 of the 1973 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
No person shall set out or plant any North Carolina poplar trees on public or private property in the Village.
[Amended 12-9-1997 by L.L. No. 4-1997]
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them. All other words shall have the meanings normally ascribed to them in regular usage.
A dense growth of unkempt grass, weeds and/or shrubbery; grass clippings or trimmings from trees, shrubs or bushes.
Any owner, tenant, trustee, receiver, executor or other person or entity who controls, in whole or in part, any subject premises.
A usually, closely mown plot or area planted with grass or similar plants.
Means and includes any individual person or persons, firm, partnership corporation, whether business, membership, religious, charitable or otherwise, any association or other unit or entity owning real property in the Village of New York Mills.
It shall be the duty of the owner, lessee or person having charge of each and every parcel of land in this Village to keep said parcel free of harmful weeds and other rank or noxious vegetation.
Grass shall be cut on improved private property at least once every two weeks and on vacant parcels of land at least once every three weeks from the first day of May to the last day of October of each year. The accumulation of rubbish on the subject premises or the growth of brush, grass or weeds more than nine inches high is prohibited. This provision shall not apply to land under cultivation, naturally wooded areas or undeveloped areas which are at least 200 feet distant from any occupied building or residence.
In the event that the Zoning Officer or law enforcement officer determines that there exists such brush, grass, rubbish or weeds which constitute a fire or health hazard or public nuisance as described in § 188-3 of the Village Code, the Village Board shall direct the Codes Enforcement Officer to give written notice to the owner of such real property to spray, remove, cut or trim the same as may be necessary to remove such hazard or nuisance. Such notice shall be given in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the owner of such property and to the owner's last known address as appears on the latest assessment roll of the Village of New York Mills. In the event that the lot, tract or parcel of land is unoccupied and the address of the owner is unknown, service of the notice shall be made upon the owner by posting the same on such lot, tract or parcel of land. Such notice shall direct that such hazard or nuisance be remedied within 10 days of the mailing of such notice.
If, within said 10 days, the owner or occupant should fail, refuse or neglect to abate the hazard or nuisance, the Village of New York Mills may undertake to abate the same through the use of its own personal facilities or equipment, or the Village of New York Mills may contract with an independent contractor or contractors to do the work and cause the hazard or nuisance to be abated. In either event, the costs incurred by the Village of New York Mills to accomplish the abatement of the hazard or nuisance shall be assessed against and be a lien upon the lot, tract or parcel of land where the hazard or nuisance existed.
It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, lessee, agent, tenant or otherwise, to throw, cast or deposit, or cause or permit to run, drop or remain or to be thrown, cast or deposited, in or upon any vacant lot of land or vacant place, upon the surface of any lot of land, enclosed or otherwise, within the Village of New York Mills, except at such place or places designated or provided by the Board of Trustees of the Village of New York Mills, New York, any waste, leaves, brush, hay, weeds, straw, litter, wastepaper, boxes, shavings or any filthy, combustible or flammable materials, rubbish, garbage or dirt whereby a fire hazard, danger or risk is or may be engendered or injuriously effected or whereby the premises of another, or the enjoyment of the premises of another, are or may be injured, damaged, interfered with or prejudiced. Nothing in this section shall be construed as to prohibit the depositing of manure upon any private property for the purpose of fertilizing the soil.
Any person committing an offense against any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a violation punishable by a fine of $50 for first offense, $100 for second offense and $200 for a third offense and each offense thereafter.