Any proposal to develop land or to prepare land for development other than the act of subdivision shall be subject to the requirements of this section with the following exceptions:
Erection of a single- or two-family detached dwelling on its own lot or accessory structures thereon.
Improvements to any building that do not increase the area it occupies on the ground or the need for additional parking spaces.
Expansion of a building to cover additional ground area, provided the expansion is not more than 500 square feet and is not closer than 100 feet to any property line abutting a residential property or 50 feet to any other property line.
Expansion of existing buildings or construction of new buildings for agricultural use (housing of livestock, shelter for farm equipment, storage of silage, etc.) on a family-run farm or agricultural operation.
Minor land developments, as defined, in category MLD1 and MLD2 recommended for approval following an administrative review.
[Added 2-28-2011 by Ord. No. 140]
[Amended 2-28-2011 by Ord. No. 140]
Applicability. For the purpose of this article, there are hereby established three categories of minor land developments:
Minor land developments proposed on undeveloped lots (MLD1);
Minor land developments proposed on lots previously approved for a land development and involving an addition or expansion to an existing building to a maximum 100% of existing square footage (MLD2); and
Minor land developments proposed on developed lots which have not been previously approved for a land development involving an addition or expansion to an existing building to a maximum 100% of existing square footage (MLD3).
Review procedure. Adams Township recognizes that expediting the approval of certain less intensive land developments which can reduce site design and administrative costs, while still providing sustainable development, is in the best interests of the Township. The following administrative review procedure shall be applicable to minor land developments in the MLD1 and MLD2 categories as described in this section:
Advisory meeting. The owner/applicant shall be prepared to discuss the details of the proposed site development with Township staff and consultants, including a description of existing covenants and deed restrictions, land characteristics, community facilities and utilities, commercially developed areas, abutting residential areas, abutting industrial areas, proposed open space, proposed protective covenants, utilities and street improvements.
General information. Three copies of a concept plan with sufficient detail to convey the key elements of the proposed minor land development shall be submitted to the Township Code Enforcement Officer in order to conduct an administrative review and to distribute the plan to consultants for comment. The following general information shall be submitted with MLD1 and MLD2 minor land development applications:
The boundaries of the property described by bearings and distances.
A location map shall show the relationship of the proposed development to existing community facilities which support or serve it and shall include the development name, location, existing facilities, including stormwater management facilities, title, scale, North arrow and date.
The location of adjacent streets, indicating street curbs and street width, as well as existing and/or proposed curb cuts entering the property and streets or curb cuts directly across the street from the property.
The location of existing structures to remain and proposed buildings or additions, showing distances to property lines, height and use of each building or addition.
The location and size of existing utility lines to remain and proposed sewer and water lines, or location of proposed on-lot sewage disposal system and well.
Arrangement of off-street parking on the property, indicating number of spaces and location of access lanes, as well as truck loading and unloading areas.
Proposed areas of grading and excavation on the site, indicating steepness of slopes and means to collect and dispose of stormwater, in accordance with the provisions of this section.
Proposed landscaping of the site, indicating also pedestrian walks, retaining walls, fences and other features.
The location of the proposed development shall be shown on the United States Geological Survey Map or a comparable substitute for purposes of relating the development to the existing topography, slopes, gradient and other physical features.
Land subject to hazards of life, health and safety shall not be developed until such hazards have been removed. These hazards shall be interpreted to mean land subject to flooding, slides due to excessive slope, excavation or soil type, land of excessive or improper fill material or land improperly drained.
Minor land developments categorized as MLD3 shall follow the review and approval process outlined in § 167-22 for major land development submittals.
Where the proposed minor land development application also involves action on a subdivision, the Planning Commission shall make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors in compliance with this Subdivision and Land Development Chapter prior to an administrative review of the minor land development application.
All required federal, state and Township permits and approvals shall be acquired by the owner/applicant prior to the issuance of any zoning/building permits.
The owner/applicant shall be apprised of the required method of payment for costs associated with consultant review fees, technical reports, inspections and related services. Owner/applicant shall be responsible for all such costs.
[Added 6-29-2010 by Ord. No. 136]
Such dwelling shall be a mobile, modular or manufactured home and may only be placed on a property with:
A minimum of two acres where the property is serviced by an on-lot sewage system; or
A minimum of one acre where the property is serviced by a public sanitary sewerage system.
The temporary second dwelling shall only be occupied by immediate family of the family living in the existing dwelling. As utilized herein, "immediate family" shall mean brother, sister, child, parent, grandparent and their spouses, parents or children.
The property owner shall provide a plot plan, showing the existing buildings, sewage system and proposed location of the temporary second dwelling.
The temporary second dwelling unit shall not be permanently affixed to the ground by means of a foundation or otherwise.
The Board of Supervisors shall determine that a hardship exists involving the immediate family which cannot be resolved by housing provided elsewhere.
If the Board determines that the requisite hardship exists and grants permission, the grant of permission is for a maximum of 12 months. If the applicant seeks to renew the grant of permission, the applicant must renew the request before the expiration of the twelve-month period.
The applicant shall notify the Township within 48 hours after the immediate family member no longer lives in the temporary second dwelling, no longer requires personal or assisted care, or has passed away.
If the grant of permission expires or the applicant has notified the Township pursuant to Subsection G, above, the temporary second dwelling:
May not be used for any other use or for any other party; and
Shall be removed within three months.
The temporary second dwelling may be attached to the same on-lot sewage disposal system that serves the existing house if approved by the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer.
The owner/applicant is urged to request the Planning Commission to informally review a proposed plan relative to the requirements of this section at a regular Planning Commission meeting. The owner/applicant shall provide a sketch plan showing in preliminary form the information required for the formal submission. Any statements made by the Commission members during this preapplication meeting shall not be deemed to be indicative of approval or disapproval of the plan as it will be later presented. The owner/applicant shall inform the Zoning Officer at least 10 days prior to the meeting, or as otherwise specified, of his intent to present a sketch plan.
For a formal application, the owner/applicant shall provide at least three copies of the following drawings and data to the Planning Commission, informing the Zoning Officer at least 28 days prior to a regular meeting date. The owner/applicant or his authorized representative shall be in attendance to present the application.
Name and address of property owner, and owner/applicant if different from owner; name, address, and seal of the registered land surveyor who has prepared the property survey and seal of the registered land surveyor or professional engineer who prepared the plan; scale of the drawing, North arrow, date of drawing and location map relating the site to nearby major roads and landmarks.
Boundaries of property, described by bearings and distances.
Contours at a vertical interval of two feet for all areas of the site.
Existing physical features on or adjacent to the site, including, but not limited to, access or utility easements, watercourses, drainage swales, culverts, storm drains, buildings, sewer and water line, manholes and fire hydrants noted, street right-of-way lines, edges of pavement and pavement width, location of vehicular entrances across the street from the site, all public utilities proposed, steep slopes, wooded and flood-prone areas of the site, any other significant man-made or natural features and use of abutting properties surrounding the site.
Proposed improvements to be installed on the site or connecting to off-site services, including, but not limited to, buildings with number of floors, dwelling units indicating number of bedrooms in each and/or rentable commercial floor area, points of access from adjacent road or roads, internal vehicular driveways, parking areas with each parking space shown, walkways, if any, grading and drainage revisions needed to accommodate the project, preliminary landscaping plan and connection of development to off-site utility lines or means to provide sewer and/or water service on the property.
Proposed total development of the property in preliminary form showing phasing of development if the plan presented is for only a part of the total land holding;
Design and location of facilities to collect, store and release stormwater in accordance with § 167-38 of this chapter.
Facilities to control erosion and collect sediment during construction in accordance with § 167-39 of this chapter.
A report, if required by the Township, prepared by a traffic engineer or transportation planner demonstrating the traffic impact of the proposed development on all intersections of the development site, and a traffic impact mitigation plan, to address anticipated decreases in the levels of service.
A highway occupancy permit application from PaDOT if the site is to have access to a state highway.
Letters, or approved modules, verifying capacity and access to public sewer and/or water systems, or certificate of approval from Sewage Enforcement Officer if development is to be served by on-lot sewage disposal.
Typical cross sections through access drives and parking areas showing slopes and materials to be used and their thicknesses; and through areas of significant grading, showing means of draining the sloped surfaces.
Profiles along center lines of sanitary and storm sewers or drainage swales, showing connection to off-site system, and profile along center line of access drives showing elevation of surface before and after installations of improvements.
A notarized letter addressed to the Board of Supervisors indicating whether or not any toxic or hazardous chemical or other substances regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PaDEP) will be used in connection with the operation of the development and, if so, how such use will be controlled and waste materials disposed of.
The Township Engineer shall review all data for compliance with the standards of this section and shall report his findings and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of receiving the material. The owner/applicant shall provide the Engineer with all the above not later than 30 days after receiving approval from the Planning Commission.
The Planning Commission may recommend approval, disapproval or approval with conditions to the Board of Supervisors after reviewing the submitted drawings and data. The Board shall vote to approve or disapprove the plan and may modify or accept any or all of any recommended conditions, which shall be noted on the final approved plans. The Board shall make its decision not more than 90 days after the regular meeting date of the Planning Commission at which the application was first formally reviewed. If the owner/applicant chooses not to accept all the conditions attached to approval, he shall so inform the Township Secretary and the application shall be considered as denied; otherwise a final plan of proposed improvements, including additions or corrections to address conditions imposed by the Planning Commission, shall be submitted.
If the owner/applicant withdraws his plan after having submitted it and prior to any action from the Planning Commission, the review period shall cease and shall start from day one when the plan is resubmitted. If the Planning Commission requests additional information from the owner/applicant that is not provided with the application, the time period shall be held in abeyance until the information is provided and then will commence at the beginning of the ninety-day review period.
Approval of a plan shall constitute an agreement between the owner/applicant and the Township that the site will be developed in accordance with the plan. Any subsequent deviations in the plan shall require review and action by the Planning Commission. The owner/applicant shall apply for a building permit within six months (180 days) after receiving final plan approval.
As a condition of final approval, and consistent with the provisions of Article III, the Board of Supervisors may require an improvement or performance bond to be purchased by the owner/applicant, or an escrow account to be opened, to the benefit of Adams Township, to cover on-site improvements. Such bond or account shall not exceed 110% of the value of the improvements to be guaranteed. Such improvements may include, but need not be limited to, construction and paving of driveways, parking areas and walkways, storm drainage collection, retention and disposal system and landscaping materials. The Township Engineer shall review cost estimates prepared by the registered professional engineer, or a professional surveyor of the owner/applicant shall determine the costs of the improvements to be covered, and shall inform the Board and owner/applicant. if the owner/applicant's engineer and the Township's Engineer cannot agree on the amount of the financial security, or if the Township's Engineer recommends to the Board of Supervisors that the Board refuse the developer's estimate, the Board and the owner/applicant shall agree to retain and share the expenses of a third registered professional engineer who shall recalculate the improvements costs and provide a final estimate presumed to be fair and reasonable. The bond or escrow account shall be released as provided for in Article III.
Points of access into a land development shall be located to provide maximum visibility for motorists entering and leaving a site. Where possible, points of access shall be directly in line with entrances to development or street intersections on the opposite side of the road abutting the site.
The Planning Commission may recommend the restriction of movements at certain intersections in the interests of safety and may recommend separate right and left turn lanes at exit points.
A transitional grade not to exceed 2% shall be provided on each access driveway, excluding private residential driveways, between the abutting public road cartway and a line across the driveway not less than 25 feet inside the property line.
Entrance driveways, excluding private residential driveways, shall be constructed to meet the requirements of § 167-29G of this chapter. No internal driveway designed for public use within a land development shall have a grade in excess of 12%.
Where a proposed commercial, industrial or institutional land development will abut residentially zoned property, landscaping shall be installed in conformance with the provisions of the Adams Township Zoning Ordinance.[1] All plant materials, once in place, shall be maintained by the commercial, industrial or institutional property owner and replaced if necessary.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 192, Zoning.
The Planning Commission may recommend and the Board of Supervisors may require the owner/applicant to post a maintenance bond or establish an escrow account to guarantee survival of all plant materials for a period of not more than two years after the initial planting. The Board may also require the owner/applicant to provide a continuous maintenance program for feeding, spraying and pruning of all plant materials on the site. The owner/applicant shall submit an as-built landscaping plan whether a maintenance bond is posted or not.
The affixing of the signature of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and others as required by § 167-16 shall render the land development plan application ready for recording.
Upon the approval a land development plan, the developer shall, within 90 days of such final approval or 90 days after the date of delivery of an approved land development plan signed by the Township Board of Supervisors, following completion of conditions imposed for such approval, whichever is later, record such land development plan in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Butler County. Whenever such land development plan approval is required by the Township, the Recorder of Deeds of Butler County shall not accept any land development plan for recording unless such land development plan officially notes the approval of the Board of Supervisors and review by the Butler County Planning Commission.