[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gillett 6-5-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-7 (Ch. XVI of the former Municipal Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose and intent of this chapter is to strike a balance between the federal interest concerning the construction, modification and siting of telecommunications towers and antennas for use in providing personal wireless services and the interest of the City of Gillett (hereinafter the "City"). The regulations contained herein are designed to protect and promote the public health, safety and welfare of the community and the aesthetic quality of the City. The goals of this chapter are to protect residential and commercial areas and land uses from the potential adverse impacts of towers and antennas and avoid potential damage to adjacent properties from tower failure through engineering and careful siting of tower structures. It is also the intent of this chapter to provide a public forum to ensure a balance between public concerns and private interests in establishing commercial telecommunications and related facilities.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any exterior transmitting or receiving device mounted on a tower, building or structure and used in communications that radiate or capture electromagnetic waves, digital signals, analog signals, radio frequencies (excluding radar signals), wireless telecommunications signals or other communication signals.
The provision of multiple antennas of more than one commercial wireless communication service provider or government entity on a single tower or structure.
A use that involves the exchange of cash, goods, or services, barter, forgiveness of indebtedness, or any other remuneration in exchange for goods, services, lodging, meals, entertainment in any form, or the right to occupy space over any period of time.
A cabinet or building used to house equipment used by telecommunications providers at a facility.
A self-supporting structure erected on the ground which consists of metal crossed strips or bars to support antennas and related equipment.
A monopolar structure erected on the ground to support wireless communication antennas and connecting appurtenances.
Any mobile service that is not a commercial mobile service or the functional equivalent of a commercial mobile service, as specified by regulation by the Commission, 47 U.S.C. § 332(d)(3).
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Any structure erected on the ground to support the transmission and operation of video antennas or transmission and reception of audio antennas.
Any plant or equipment used to carry wireless commercial telecommunications services by radio signal or other electromagnetic waves, including towers, antennas, equipment buildings, parking area and other accessory development.
A mast pole, monopole, guyed tower, lattice tower, freestanding tower, or other structure designed and primarily used to support antennas. A ground- or building-mounted mast greater than 15 feet tall and six inches in diameter supporting one or more antennas, dishes or arrays shall be considered a telecommunications tower.
Any elevated water storage facility.
Registration and application requirements.
All personal wireless service carriers and providers that offer or provide any telecommunications services for a fee directly to the public, either within the City or outside the corporate limits from telecommunications facilities within the City, and all telecommunications tower owners shall register with the City on forms to be provided by the City Clerk/Treasurer, shall apply for a conditional use permit, and shall provide the following information on such application:
The identity and legal status of the registrant, including any affiliates.
The name, address, and telephone number of the officer, agent or employee responsible for the accuracy of the registration statement.
A narrative and map description of the registrant's existing telecommunications facilities within the City and/or adjacent cities, villages and townships.
Such other information as the City Clerk/Treasurer may reasonably require.
The owner or owners, whether public or private, of any radio tower, antenna, transmitter or receiver attached to any municipal facility, such as towers, utility poles, public buildings, service buildings, smokestacks, etc., shall register with the City on forms to be provided by the City Clerk/Treasurer, shall apply for a conditional use permit, and shall provide the following information on such application:
The identity and legal status of the registrant, including affiliates.
The name, address and telephone number of the officer, agent or employee responsible for the accuracy of the registration statement.
A narrative and map description of the registrant's existing transmission or receiving facilities within the City.
Such information as the City Clerk/Treasurer may reasonably require.
The operator of such facilities shall be granted a license with a specific term and fee for all such installations.
Purpose of registration. The purpose of registration under this chapter is to:
Provide the City with accurate and current information concerning personal wireless services carriers and providers, telecommunications tower owners, and radio operators that offer or provide services within the City or that own or operate telecommunications facilities and radio transmitters within the City.
Assist the City in enforcement of this chapter.
Assist the City in monitoring compliance with local, state and federal laws.
Enforcement. It shall be unlawful for any personal wireless services carrier or provider that offers or provides services within the City, or any telecommunications or radio tower owner that owns or operates telecommunications or radio transmission facilities within the City, to fail to register and provide the information required in Subsection A above within 30 days of such a request by the City.
Conditional use application requirements. In addition to the requirements contained in Subsection A above, the conditional use application shall address the following:
The requirements contained in §§ 8-5, 8-6, 8-7 and 8-9 below, including a narrative and map description of the applicant's system-wide plan describing existing and applied-for facilities to serve the community.
A visual analysis, which may include photo montage, field mock-up, or other techniques, shall be prepared by or on behalf of the applicant which identifies the potential visual impacts and the design capacity of the proposed facility to the satisfaction of the Planning Committee. Consideration shall be given to views from public areas as well as from private residences and the type of tower lighting. The analysis shall assess the impacts of the proposed facility and other existing telecommunications facilities in the area and shall identify and include all feasible mitigation measures consistent with the technological requirements of the proposed personal wireless services. All costs for the visual analysis and applicable administrative costs shall be borne by the applicant. As part of the Planning Committee's continuing jurisdiction over conditional uses, each registrant shall inform the City, within 60 days, of any change in the title information set forth in Subsection A.
Minor alterations. Antennas affixed to an existing telecommunications tower or structure, together with the related support facilities and equipment buildings, or the replacement of a previously approved telecommunications tower and related antennas, support facilities and equipment buildings, may be authorized by issuance of a permit as a minor alteration to an existing conditional use or an existing permitted use when approved by the City Clerk/Treasurer. Such minor alterations shall be compatible with the concept approved by the City Planning Committee in accordance with this chapter. If said minor alteration is not approved, the applicant shall apply to the Planning Committee for said approval in accordance with the conditional use standards contained herein.
Inventory and tracking system. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall compile a list of existing communications facilities within the City's jurisdiction based upon information provided by personal wireless service providers and communications tower owners. The City Clerk/Treasurer shall maintain and update said list on a regular basis. The list shall also include the location of public facilities that may be available for co-location.
If a telecommunications facility or radio tower shall cease to be used for a period exceeding one year and a day, the facility or radio tower shall be deemed abandoned, and the owner or operator of such facility or tower shall remove it upon the written request of the City Clerk/Treasurer at no cost to the City and within 90 days of such request.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Every telecommunications facility and radio tower shall be designed and constructed so as to comply with the requirements of Ch. SPS 362, Wis. Adm. Code, as amended from time to time. If, upon inspection, the City Clerk/Treasurer concludes that a facility or tower fails to comply with such codes in effect at the time of construction and constitutes a danger to persons or property, then, upon notice being provided to the owner of the tower, the owner shall have 30 days or such time as determined by the City Clerk/Treasurer to bring such tower into compliance with the applicable codes. Failure to bring such tower into compliance within 30 days, or such time as determined by the City Clerk/Treasurer, shall constitute grounds for the removal of the tower or antenna at the owner's expense.
All new telecommunications facilities and radio towers, except exempt facilities and towers as defined in § 8-9 below, shall be designed to blend into the surrounding environment to the greatest extend feasible. To this end, all the following measures shall be implemented:
Telecommunications and radio towers shall be constructed out of metal or other nonflammable material, unless specifically permitted by the City to be otherwise.
Telecommunications and radio support facilities (i.e., equipment rooms, utilities, and equipment enclosures) shall be constructed out of nonreflective materials (visible exterior services only) to the greatest extent possible and, where possible, shall be sited below the ridgeline or designed to minimize their impact.
Telecommunications and radio equipment buildings, shelters and cabinets shall be designed and finished to appear as nearly as possible like other buildings or facilities found in the area.
The City shall have the authority to require reasonable special design (materials, architectural features and color) of telecommunications facilities where findings of particular sensitivity are made (e.g., proximity to historic or aesthetically significant structures, views and/or community features).
Telecommunications facilities and towers, and radio facilities and towers, shall ensure that sufficient anti-climbing measures have been incorporated into the facility or tower as needed to reduce the potential for trespass and injury.
Equipment buildings shall be located, designed and screened to reduce the visual impact to the extent feasible considering the technological requirements of the proposed personal wireless services and the need to be compatible with neighboring residences and the character of the community.
Antennas shall be designed to blend with their supporting structure. The color selected shall be one that, in the opinion of the Planning Committee, will minimize the visibility of the antennas to the greatest extent feasible.
All new telecommunications facilities and radio towers shall be located so as to minimize their visibility and the number of tower sites. To this end, a good faith effort in achieving co-location shall be required of the requestor and host entity, subject to existing co-location contracts, and all of the following measures shall be implemented for telecommunications facilities in addition to meeting the conditional use standards in § 8-3D of this chapter:
No telecommunications or radio tower shall be installed closer than 1/4 mile to another telecommunications tower, measured from the base of the telecommunications tower to the base of the proposed tower, unless it is a tower situated on a multi-tower zoning lot or credible evidence to a reasonable degree of certainty acceptable to the Planning Committee is submitted to show both a clear need for the proposed location of the new tower and that it is not feasible to co-locate it on an existing site.
No telecommunications or radio tower shall be installed on a zoning lot that is not already developed with a telecommunications tower unless the applicant demonstrates that no tower in the area in which the applicant's equipment must be located is of sufficient height to meet the applicant's requirements and the deficiency in height cannot be remedied at a reasonable cost; or the existing tower is not of sufficient strength to support the applicant's equipment and the deficiency in structural strength cannot be remedied at a reasonable cost; or the applicant's equipment would cause electromagnetic interference with equipment on the existing telecommunications tower(s) within the area in which the applicant's equipment must be located and the interference, from whatever source, cannot be eliminated at a reasonable cost; or the fees, costs, or contractual provisions required by the owner in order to co-locate on an existing communication tower are unreasonable relative to industry norms; or the applicant demonstrates that there are other factors that render existing communication towers unsuitable or unavailable and establishes that the public interest is best served by the placement or construction of a new telecommunications tower.
No telecommunications or radio tower shall be located on a lot in a residential or commercial district.
Telecommunications and radio towers, guy wires, appurtenant equipment and buildings shall comply with the yard and setback requirements of the zoning district in which they are located, and, in addition thereto, all telecommunications towers and radio towers shall be set back at least 100 feet from any property devoted to residential use.
Unless the applicant is submitting an application to locate or co-locate upon an existing tower or structure, an analysis shall be prepared by or on behalf of the applicant; subject to the approval of the Planning Committee, which identifies all reasonable, technically feasible alternative locations and/or facilities which would be usable for the proposed personal wireless services. The intention of the alternatives analysis is to present alternative strategies which should minimize the number, size and adverse environmental impacts, including aesthetics, of facilities and towers necessary to provide the needed services to the City and surrounding rural and urban areas. The analysis shall address the potential for co-location at an existing or new site and the potential to locate facilities and towers as close as possible to the intended service areas. It shall also explain the rationale for selection of the proposed site in view of the relative merits of any of the feasible alternatives. Approval of the project is subject to the Planning Committee making a finding that the proposed site results in fewer or less severe environmental impacts, including aesthetics, than any feasible alternative site. The City may require independent verification by a qualified engineer of this analysis at the applicant's expense. In regard to facilities that are not proposed to be co-located with another telecommunications facility or tower, the applicant shall provide a written explanation why the subject facility is not a candidate for co-location.
All new telecommunications towers shall be structurally and electrically designed to accommodate at least three separate antenna arrays, unless credible evidence is presented that such construction is economically and technologically not feasible or the Planning Committee determines that for reasons of aesthetics a telecommunications tower of sufficient height to accommodate three antenna arrays is unwarranted.
Multi-user telecommunications towers shall be designed to allow for future rearrangement of antennas and to accept antennas mounted at varying heights. Parking areas, access roads, and utility easements shall be shared by site users, at fair market rates as determined by customary industry standards, when in the determination of the Planning Committee this will minimize overall visual impact to the community.
The following facilities and towers are exempt from the operation of this chapter:
Amateur radio towers installed, erected, maintained and/or operated in any residential zoning district by a federally licensed amateur radio operator and complying with the provisions of Chapter 21, Zoning, of this Code, so long as all of the following conditions are met:
The antenna involved is accessory to the primary use of the property which is not a telecommunications facility;
In a residential zone, no more than one support structure for a licensed amateur radio operator is allowed on the parcel;
Sufficient anti-climbing measures have been incorporated into the tower as needed to reduce the potential for trespass and injury; and
All height standards of Chapter 21, Zoning, are complied with.
Publicly owned and operated telecommunications facilities required in the public interest to provide for and maintain a radio frequency telecommunications system, including digital analog, wireless or electromagnetic waves, for police, fire and other municipal services.
Currently existing antennas or businesses that currently own antennas.
Any person or entity who or which violates any provision of this chapter or who or which fails to comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction, pay a fine or forfeiture as provided in Chapter 1, Article II, Penalties and Enforcement. Each day any such violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.