[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Gillett 8-2-2007. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Tourism and Marketing Commission (hereafter "Commission") shall consist of no less than four nor more than six members.
The Mayor or his/her designee shall be a member of the Commission.
All members shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Council then present when the vote is taken. Of the initial appointments by the Mayor, three shall be for two-year terms and the balance for one-year terms. Subsequent appointments shall be for one-year staggered terms.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Hotel and motel member. One of the Commissioners appointed shall be a representative of the Wisconsin hotel and motel (hospitality) industry. In the event that no members of the hotel and motel industry are able to serve, the Mayor may appoint a member of the Gillett Business Association to serve representing the hospitality industry.
Council member. One Commissioner appointed by the Mayor shall be a member of the Gillett City Council.
Terms. All Commissioners shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may be reappointed upon the expiration of their initial term of office.
The Commission shall organize by May 1 in each year. Thereupon, the Commission shall elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, a Secretary and such other officers as shall, in the judgment of the members, are necessary. The Commission shall set its own rules for operation. The Commission shall meet not less than quarterly and may meet more often as the Commission shall choose.
Meetings shall be called by the Chair or Vice-Chair in the absence of the Chair, and the Secretary shall give such notices of meetings as required by law. The Commission Secretary shall be responsible for posting and distribution of agendas, shall take and distribute minutes of all meetings. All such meeting notices and minutes shall be in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law then in effect. The City Clerk shall forward notice of each meeting to the Mayor and to all members of the City Council.
The Commission shall keep minutes of its meetings and a copy of the minutes shall be filed with the City Clerk within seven days of each meeting.
Quorum shall be set at four members. All actions shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Commission then present.
The Commission shall have the powers and duties prescribed by § 66.0615, Wis. Stats., Powers.
Accountability. The Commission shall require for all organizations, whether private or governmental, who receive funds hereunder, an annual accounting of the application of all room tax or other funds for use by the Council. The Commission shall make its budget recommendations with respect to the proposed expenditures from the room tax to the Common Council of the City of Gillett.
For the City's fiscal year ending December 31, the City of Gillett Clerk/Treasurer shall allocate the room tax collections as follows:
Eighty percent to a special fund entitled "Marketing and Tourism Promotion."
Said fund will be a nonlapsing fund dedicated solely to the operations and programs of the Commission.
Twenty percent to the general funds of the City.
The Commission shall prepare an annual budget for use of all funds available to the Commission and such funds that are anticipated to be available in the next fiscal year. The Commission shall submit the annual budget to the Mayor and City Council for review and approval in accordance with the City's established budget practices.
The Commission shall cooperate with all committees and commissions of the City of Gillett in any and all projects undertaken by the Commission. No authority is granted to the Commission to supplant or replace designated authority or responsibility of any other standing or ad hoc committee or commission of the City of Gillett.