This district is intended to provide for residential land uses and to maintain a low-density character of existing and newly established neighborhoods with primarily single-family and two-family residential uses.
Permitted principal uses and structures: single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, home occupations subject to registration with the City Clerk/Treasurer and not more than two roomers or boarders in addition to the resident family unit.
Exception uses and structures: churches and schools, public utility installations, hospitals, cemeteries, parks and playgrounds, convalescent and nursing homes, day-care centers, boarding/rooming houses and bed-and-breakfast establishments. All require Common Council approval.
Dimensional requirements. Single-family and two-family dwellings shall have a minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet, lot width of 100 feet, front yard of 10 feet from street line, rear yard of 30 feet, side yards of 10% of lot or a maximum of 10 feet, and a maximum height of 45 feet. A maximum lot coverage of not more than 40% of the lot area may be occupied by the principal and accessory buildings.
Single-family and two-family dwellings: two spaces per unit, one space for each boarder, and one space for each bed-and-breakfast bedroom.
Churches: one space per three fixed seats.
High school: one space for each three students and one space for each employee.
Elementary school: one space for each employee plus 12 extra spaces.
Nursing and convalescent homes: one space for each five beds plus one space for each employee per shift.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
This district is intended to provide an attractive community and to ensure the best use and most appropriate development of and improvement of each building site. See separate restrictive covenants for details.[1]
Permitted principal uses and structures: single-family dwellings.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures. Home occupation is not allowed.
Exception uses and structures: none permitted.
Dimensional requirements. Single-family dwellings may not exceed 2 1/2 stories. Home size will be a minimum of 1,400 square feet of finished living space. An attached garage will be limited to 1,000 square feet, and exterior material will be in harmony with house design and rooflines. One outbuilding will be allowed not to exceed 1/2 of the total square feet of living space of the house and shall be in harmony with the house exterior. There shall be a minimum twenty-five-foot setback from a street line to any garage, twenty-foot setback from a street line to any living area wall, ten-foot setback from a street line to any non-living wall other than garage, and a ten-foot setback to any side or rear lot line.
Parking. Single-family dwelling: two spaces per unit.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
Editor's Note: The Declaration of Conditions, Covenants, Restrictions and Easements for Ridgewood Heights is on file at the office of the Clerk/Treasurer.
This district is intended to provide for high-density residential development of three or more units in the City.
Permitted principal uses and structures: single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and multifamily dwellings.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, home occupations subject to registration with the City Clerk/Treasurer, and not more than two roomers or boarders in addition to the resident family unit per dwelling.
Exception uses and structures: churches and schools, public utility installations, hospitals, cemeteries, parks and playgrounds, public recreation and community centers, convalescent and nursing homes, community-based residential centers, day-care centers, boarding/rooming houses, and bed-and-breakfast establishments. All require Common Council approval.
Dimensional requirements. Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and other permissible principal uses and structures: same as for the Residential District. Single-family, two-family and multifamily dwellings shall have a minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet or 2,000 square feet per unit for multifamily dwellings, whichever is larger; lot width of 100 feet; front yard of 10 feet from street line; rear yard of 30 feet; side yards of 10 feet each; and maximum height of 45 feet. A maximum lot coverage of not more than 50% of the lot area may be occupied by the principal and accessory buildings.
Single-family, two-family and multifamily dwellings: two spaces per unit, one for each boarder, and one space for each bed-and-breakfast bedroom.
Churches: one space per three fixed seats.
High school: one space for each three students and one space for each employee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Elementary school: one space for each employee.
Nursing and convalescent homes: one space for each five beds plus 12 extra spaces and one space for each employee per shift.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
This district is intended to provide for high-density residential development of three or more units in the City.
Permitted principal uses and structures: single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and multifamily dwellings.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, home occupations subject to registration with the City Clerk/Treasurer, and not more than two roomers or boarders in addition to the resident family unit per dwelling.
Exception uses and structures: churches and schools, public utility installations, hospitals, cemeteries, parks and playgrounds, public recreation and community centers, convalescent and nursing homes, community-based residential centers, day-care centers, boarding/rooming houses, and bed-and-breakfast establishments. All require Common Council approval.
Dimensional requirements. Single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and other permissible principal uses and structures: same as for the Residential District. Single-family, two-family and multifamily dwellings shall have a minimum lot area of 12,000 square feet or 2,000 square feet per unit for multifamily dwellings, whichever is larger; lot width of 100 feet; front yard of 10 feet from street line; rear yard of 30 feet; side yards of 10 feet each; and maximum height of 45 feet. A maximum lot coverage of not more than 50% of the lot area may be occupied by the principal and accessory buildings.
Single-family, two-family and multifamily dwellings: two spaces per unit, one for each boarder, and one space for each bed-and-breakfast bedroom.
Churches: one space per three fixed seats.
High school: one space for each three students and one space for each employee.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Elementary school: one space for each employee.
Nursing and convalescent homes: one space for each five beds plus 12 extra spaces and one space for each employee per shift.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
This district is intended to establish and preserve general business areas consisting of buildings or premises used for permitted uses.
Permitted principal uses and structures: retail department, grocery and specialty stores; personal service establishments, including barbershops and beauty shops; business and professional service establishments, including accountants, attorneys, health care professionals, insurance offices and the like; repair shops; restaurants; photography studios; financial institutions, including drive-in facilities; health care clinics; day-care centers; public and private institutional uses, including offices, libraries, museums and the like; hotels; printing and publishing establishments; recreational establishments; transportation terminals; dwellings, provided that such dwellings shall be above the ground floor of or behind the principal use; shopping center; bed-and-breakfast establishments, provided that off-street parking is provided in the amount of one parking space for each rented bedroom; automobile dealers and repair shops; funeral homes; and uses of a similar nature. Drive-in theaters shall be prohibited. Home occupations are required to be registered with the City Clerk/Treasurer.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permissible principal uses and structures.
Exception uses and structures: such exception uses and structures as deemed appropriate and consistent with surrounding premises and with such conditions as established by this chapter. All require Common Council approval.
Dimensional requirements: ten-foot setback from street line or no closer than the setback of existing adjacent buildings. Further no building may cover more than 90% of the lot area.
Parking. One parking space per employee and per dwelling unit and one space per bed-and-breakfast rented bedroom. Available space on primary lot must be used for parking.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art III)]
Purpose and intent.
It shall be the purpose of the Industrial District to provide areas for manufacturing and related uses and employment which areas would be both desirable for such uses and yet not detrimental to the subject site or surrounding areas by reason of vibration, contamination of surface or ground waters or of the air from dust, smoke, fumes, odor, or noise, or of harm to property values, health, safety, prosperity, aesthetics and general welfare by virtue of the foregoing or for reasons including harm to public safety or general welfare due to traffic, loading or industry-specific characteristics.
Plan. In order to determine that none of the deleterious factors listed in Subsection A(1) preceding are likely to be present, no permit for a use or expansion thereof in this district shall be granted until a plan for the use has first been submitted by the applicant and reviewed and approved by the staffs of the County Planning and Zoning Department and the County Highway Commissioner's office. Such reviews shall be made expeditiously, on forms or other uniform basis, dealing with the building, site and operations of the proposed use, and may include conditions of approval. Applicants unsatisfied with denials or with the conditions of approval may seek review and modification by the Planning Committee.
Permitted uses (including usual accessory parking and signs) subject to Subsection A(2) above.
Manufacturing, assembly, fabrication, and processing operations, including related materials and product storage and warehousing, where the factors of Subsection A(1) would not be violated.
Transportation terminals, including trucking and railroading, and related transportation services, including accessory sale of fuel or service, overnight lodging, and eating facilities oriented to trucks.
General warehousing.
Commercial or service uses that are oriented to serve industrial functions and which prefer to locate within an industrial area, such as restaurants, professional offices, and highway service uses such as those listed in Subsection B(2), but which also serve passenger automobiles.
Public utility offices and installations, including service yards.
Retail uses which by virtue of their extensive outdoor storage or display of product prefer to locate in an industrial area, including building supply, contractor or farm equipment, recreational or manufactured home sales, and similar uses.
Offices or owner/caretaker residence accessory to any of the above uses.
Conditional uses; standards.
Conditional uses.
Day-care facilities for the children or older adult relatives of employees or other community residents, where the location within an industrial area is convenient and yet not detrimental to the day care occupants.
Auto or equipment salvage yards, provided that the conditions include adequate protective measures to prevent surface or ground water contamination by petroleum products, acids, rust, and other contaminants associated with such yards, as well as visual screening necessary to shield product storage area
Stockyards or related facilities that process livestock, wherein violation of the standards of the intent of this district is a high probability, but where through location, and agreement on special conditions, the use might become acceptable.
Standards applicable to conditional uses. The Planning Committee shall review uses proposed for this district with regard to such matters as the purpose and intent of this district [see Subsection A(1)] as well as:
The creation of nuisance conditions for the public or for users of nearby areas.
The creation of traffic hazards.
The creation of health hazards.
Other factors affecting the general welfare.
Glare and heat. No activity shall emit glare or heat that is visible or measurable at the boundaries of the lot on which the principal use is located. All operations producing intense glare or heat shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building. Exposed sources of light shall be shielded so that the direct rays are not visible outside their premises.
Odors. Except for agricultural uses no activity shall emit any odorous matter of such nature or quantity as to be offensive, obnoxious or unhealthful outside its premises. The guide for determining odor measurement and control shall be Ch. NR 429, Wis. Adm. Code, and amendments thereto.
Water quality protection.
Surface and subsurface waters protected. No activity shall locate, store, discharge or permit the discharge of any treated, untreated or inadequately treated liquid, gaseous or solid materials of such nature, quantity, obnoxiousness, toxicity or temperature that would be likely to run off, seep, percolate or wash into surface or subsurface waters as to contaminate, pollute or harm such waters or cause nuisances, such as objectionable shore deposits, floating or submerged debris, oil or scum, color, odor, taste or unsightliness, or be harmful to human, animal, plant or aquatic life.
Dimensional requirements. Space will be required for off-street customer and employee parking, loading and unloading. Front yard setback of 30 feet is required or a minimum of 75 feet if front yard parking is needed. On a corner lot, a setback of 30 feet is required from the side street. Rear yard minimum is 25 feet and side yard 10 feet. Maximum building height is 45 feet. Site plan must be submitted to the appropriate committees per § 21-10.
Parking. Minimum parking space of one space per employee per shift must be established. Roadways and alleys will not be utilized by parked vehicles.[2]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which originally immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
Note: The City of Gillett Common Council has approved the following requirements for sale of lots in the Industrial Park: Future costs for installing water, sanitary sewer, and curb and gutter will be assessed to each lot. Cost per foot will be determined based on the total cost of installation at the time of installation. Landowners will be allowed five years to pay the assessment and will be charged 5% interest per year on the unpaid balance.
This district is intended to provide for mobile home park developments in areas of the City. Any mobile home park shall meet the licensing requirements of the State of Wisconsin.
Permitted principal uses and structures: mobile homes.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, and home occupations subject to registration with the City Clerk/Treasurer.
Exception uses and structures: office building, laundry, meeting room, and recreation center. All require Common Council approval.
Dimensional requirements. Front, side and rear lot setbacks shall be the same as for the Residential District. Mobile home parks shall have a minimum lot area of 10 acres and provide a greenbelt or buffer strip not less than 20 feet wide along all boundaries and, unless adequately screened by existing vegetation, may be required to provide a screening of vegetation or screen fence not less than six feet in height. The maximum number of mobile home spaces shall be eight per acre. Individual spaces shall be a minimum of 4,000 square feet. A minimum setback of 50 feet shall be provided from all public rights-of-way bordering the park boundaries, 40 feet from all other park boundaries, and 25 feet from all common areas, including parking area.
Parking. Two spaces per mobile home shall be provided.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
This district is intended to provide for the continuation of agricultural uses and very low density residential development in peripheral areas of the City until they are needed for nonagricultural development and a full range of City services can be economically provided.
Permitted principal uses and structures: agricultural uses, including general farming, outdoor plant nurseries, horticulture, viticulture, sod farming and single-family detached dwellings. Feedlots or confinement operations shall be prohibited.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures, home occupations subject to registration with the Clerk/Treasurer, and not more than two roomers or boarders in addition to the resident family.
Exception uses and structures: same as for the Residential District.
Dimensional requirements. All permitted principal uses and structures shall have a minimum lot area of five acres, lot width of 150 feet, front yard of 25 feet, rear yard of 25 feet and side yards of 25 feet each.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection E, Permitted Signs, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.
Off-street parking: same as for the Residential District.
This district is intended to provide an area for manufacturing and industrial activities (and such commercial activities as may be approved by the Common Council). It is intended to provide an area for a variety of uses which require relatively large installations, facilities or land areas; or which would create or tend to create conditions of public or private nuisance, hazard or other undesirable conditions; or which for these or other reasons may require special safeguards, equipment, processes, barriers or other forms of protection, including spatial distance, in order to reduce, eliminate, or shield the public from such conditions.
Permitted uses. The uses for all property within the Industrial Park District will be subject to review by the Planning Committee. The following are permitted as uses within this park. Such uses shall be subject to the approval of the Common Council following the recommendation of the Planning Committee with regard to such matters as the creation of nuisance conditions for the public or for the users of nearby areas, the creation of traffic hazards, the creation of health hazards, or other factors. Such permitted uses are:
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Manufacturing establishments, usually described as factories, mills or plants, in which raw materials are transformed into finished products and establishments engaged in assembling component parts of manufactured products.
Other industrial or commercial activities such as warehouses and wholesale and/or retail establishments which require relatively large areas and possess the special problem characteristics described above relating to the creation of hazards or nuisance conditions.
The outdoor storage of industrial products, machinery, equipment, or other materials, provided that such storage or enclosure by a suitable fence or other manner of screening is approved by the Planning Committee.
Uses customarily incidental to, or similar to, the above uses.
Lot size. Minimum lot size will be two acres. Space will be required for off-street customer and employee parking, loading and unloading.
Setback requirements. There will be a minimum front yard setback of 30 feet and a minimum of 75 feet if front yard parking is needed. On a corner lot, a setback of 30 feet is required from the side street. Roadways and alleys will not be utilized by parked vehicles. Rear yard minimum is 25 feet and side yard minimum is 10 feet.
Maximum building height. Maximum building height is 45 feet.
Building size, location and screening. Building size and location must be submitted for review to the Planning Committee before construction begins.
Minimum parking provided. Minimum parking space of one space per every two employees must be established.
Truck unloading area. Sufficient space must be provided so that no streets or alleys need to be blocked.
Land purchase price. The purchase price will be determined by the Common Council at the time of the sale.
Junked automobiles. See Chapter 15, § 15-11, Junked vehicles and appliances, of this Code.
Underground installations required. Wires, cables, or other equipment for the transmission of electric current impulses, sounds, voices or communications or any appurtenances thereto hereafter installed shall be placed underground in conduits properly constructed, laid and maintained in accordance with the ordinances and state code pertaining thereto. No wires, cables or equipment for the purposes mentioned herein shall be installed above or over any street, alley, parkway, sidewalk, park or other public place within the Industrial Park District after this section goes into effect.
The intent of this district is to preserve areas that are in public ownership and use.
Permitted principal uses and structures: public parks, recreational uses, playgrounds, fairgrounds, arboretums, exhibits, institutional uses such as public administrative offices, public utility installations, and public garages. Buildings owned by nonprofit organizations may be allowed with Common Council approval.
Permitted accessory uses and structures: uses and structures which are necessary additions to permissible principal uses and structures and are under the management or control of the public agency owning or managing the principal area or structure.
Dimensional requirements. There are no minimum lot area requirements.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, Permitted Signs, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-3-2011 by Ord. No. 3-2011.