As used in this Part 1, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Approved by the designated enforcement officer of the Town of Williamson.
A structure wholly or partially enclosed within exterior walls, or within exterior party walls, and a roof, affording shelter to persons or property.
That portion of the sanitary drainage system which extends from a point three feet outside the building wall to the approved point of connection with the Town sanitary sewer system or other place of disposal. The building sewer shall not be used to convey stormwater or groundwater.
The nominal diameter as designed commercially, unless otherwise specially stated.
The employee of the Williamson Sewer Department, by whatever title he may have, who is responsible for the overall supervision of the Sewer Department, or such person as he may designate as his representative.
That portion of the Town sanitary sewer system which connects to the building sewer and conveys sanitary wastes from the building sewer to the main sewer. The main sewer and lateral sewer are constructed by the Town of Williamson.