The following words, terms and phrases, when
used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings:
Jersey Shore Borough, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania.
Seasoned wood without paint, or other coating, and wood that
has not been treated with, including but not limited to, copper chromium
arsenate, creosote, or pentachlorophenol.
A building designed or used as the living quarters for one
or more persons.
A fire, the air contaminants from which are emitted directly
into the outdoor atmosphere and are not directed through a flue/vent
stack or chimney.
A device located outside a dwelling or structure and used to burn materials for the purpose of generating heat inside a dwelling or structure and is certified by UL, CAN/CSA, ANSI or another independent testing organization. An outdoor furnace shall be considered a "structure" for purposes of any other ordinance or regulation applying to or effective in Jersey Shore Borough, including but not limited to Chapter
300, Zoning, and building codes.
Any individual, public or private corporation for profit
or not for profit, association, partnership, firm, trust, estate,
department, board, bureau, or agency of the commonwealth or the federal
government, political subdivision, municipality, district, authority,
or any other legal entity whatsoever, which is recognized by law as
the subject of rights and duties.
Anything constructed or portable or installed that requires,
for normal use, a location on a parcel of land, which can be used
temporarily or permanently for housing, business, commercial, agriculture
or office purposes. It also includes, but is not limited to, garages,
workshops, barns, incinerators and accessory buildings.
The regulations of this chapter shall apply
to all outdoor furnaces, as defined above, that are situated in the
Borough on the effective date of this chapter, but shall exclude the
A. Grills or cooking stoves using charcoal, wood, propane
or natural gas; and
B. Stoves, fireplaces, furnaces or other heating devices
located within a building or structure used for human or animal habitation.
Failure to comply with this chapter shall be
considered a violation of the same. In the event of violation and
upon conviction thereof, said violator shall pay a fine of no less
than $100 and no more than $1,000 or the maximum amount permitted
by law, and in default of said payment, to imprisonment for a term
not to exceed 90 days. Every day of violation shall constitute a separate