Jersey Shore Borough is hereby divided into the following districts:
R Residential District. The Residential District encompasses all of the exclusively residential neighborhoods of the Borough. A variety of residential types are included; in addition, limited commercial uses such as day-care centers, professional offices, funeral homes, and public facilities, including parks and churches, are provided for on a more limited basis. Such uses may be suitable, provided they do not detract from the residential character of a neighborhood. There are locations that provide the opportunity for infill development, provided that compatibility with existing building scale, design and use are maintained. The location of the fringe portion of the one-hundred-year floodplain in parts of this district requires a project design that is consistent with the municipal floodplain regulations (see Article XII).
S Services District. The primary purpose of this district is to provide land for the educational, professional, medical, and governmental facilities and institutions of the region. The Jersey Shore Hospital and the Jersey Shore Area School District are the predominate facilities in this district. Housing of a variety of types including retirement housing and assisted-living facilities are also appropriate. Commercial activities such as medical or professional offices, restaurants, retail, wholesale, service, or repair business that support the primary uses are desirable secondary uses provided they are not disruptive of the neighborhood character.
C Commercial District. A primary purpose of the Commercial District is to provide for the commercial needs of the Borough and the region. However, as a result of historic developments patterns, it is a mixed-use area, including significant existing residential development. The district is in the form of a corridor along North Main Street, Allegheny, and Bridge Streets. These streets provide convenient access to the Route 220 Highway at both the east and west ends of the Borough. There is little available vacant land for development in the district. Consequently, any new development activity will result from the reuse of existing building or from redevelopment activity. New commercial development will require a high degree of design sensitivity to ensure that compatibility with existing residential uses.
I Industrial District. The purpose of the Industrial District is to permit and encourage industrial uses that will be located and harmoniously developed in appropriate parts of the Borough, contributing to the soundness of its economic base, providing local employment opportunities convenient to residences, thus reducing traffic and travel to and from work, and otherwise to further the purposes of this chapter. Residential and commercial uses are included with this district based on the historic development pattern of the Borough and their proximity to similar uses, compatibility with adjoining uses, the availability of utilities and the road network available to serve the neighborhood.
A Agriculture District. The purpose of the Agriculture District is to permit, protect and encourage the continued use of agriculture as a viable activity. This district is comprised of prime agricultural land which is located entirely within the one-hundred-year floodplain of the Susquehanna River. The Agriculture District provides for a productive use with minimum property damage potential. Any associated development (e.g., farm structures) must be consistent with the municipal floodplain regulations.
Adoption of Official Zoning Map. The areas within the Borough limits as assigned to each district and the location of boundaries of the districts established by this chapter are shown upon the Official Zoning Map for the Borough, which together with all explanatory matter thereon, is declared to be a part of this chapter and shall be kept at the Borough office. If, and whenever, changes are made in boundaries or other matter included on an Official Zoning Map, such changes in the map shall be made after the amendment has been approved by the Jersey Shore Borough Council.
Copies of Zoning Map. Regardless of the existence of copies of the Zoning Map which may from time to time be made, an Official Zoning Map shall be that map which is on file at the Borough office. An Official Zoning Map shall govern in all cases where conflicting map information is identified.
Zoning district boundary lines. The zoning district boundary lines shall be as shown on an Official Zoning Map. District boundary lines are intended to coincide with lot lines, center lines of roadways and streams, the corporate boundary of the Borough or as identified on the Map.
Interpretation of boundaries. If uncertainty exists as to the boundary of any district shown on the Official Zoning Map, the Borough Council shall determine the location of such boundary. The Borough Council may request a recommendation from the Planning Commission prior to making such decision.