Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of this article at the time a new building or use is established or when any existing building or lot is converted to a new use or expanded in size. The parking shall be available during the entire hours of operation of the use for which they are provided.
In the case of any building or premises, the use of which is not specifically mentioned herein, the provisions for a use so mentioned and to which said use is similar, in the opinion of the Zoning Officer, shall apply. In the case of mixed uses or multiple uses of one structure, the total number of required parking or loading spaces shall be the sum of the required spaces for the uses computed separately.
The required number of off-street parking spaces shall be provided as set forth in the following schedule:
Type of Use
Required Spaces - Minimum
Residential Uses
Single family, two family, townhouse including family based group home
2 per dwelling unit + 1 per employee for the maximum shift for family-based group home
Multiple-family dwelling
2 per dwelling unit; 1 for each dwelling unit for retirement housing complex
Mobile home parks
2 for mobile home lot
Institutional Uses
Corrective/penal institution
1 for each 5 persons of total facility capacity + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Day-care center
1 for each 5 students/clients + 1 for each employee
Family day-care home
2 for dwelling unit + 2 customer spaces
Group care facility
1 for each 2 residents + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Nursing home or retirement home
1 for each 2 beds + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Elementary schools
5 for each classroom + 1 for each employee
Middle or high school, post-secondary facility
1 for each 4 seats of auditorium or gymnasium capacity, whichever is greater + 1 for each employee
Churches, social halls, and similar places of public or private assembly; government, municipal or community buildings
1 for each 3 seats of total facility capacity
Libraries, museums or other cultural facilities; fire or police stations
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
Hospitals or health care facilities
1 for each 2 beds + 1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Commercial/Retail Uses
Retail stores or service or repair business, including agricultural business and shopping centers
1 for each 200 square feet of gross floor area + 1 for each employee/vendor on the maximum work shift
1 for each 2.5 seats of total facility capacity + 1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Animal hospital or kennel
1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Business or professional office and financial institutions
1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area + 1 for each employee
Medical, dental or veterinary office
5 for each doctor + 1 for each employee
Home occupation, home-based business
2 for dwelling unit + 2 customer spaces
1 for each guest room + 2 for dwelling unit
Motel or other similar lodging establishment
1 for each guest room + 1 for each employee on the maximum work shift
Funeral home
1 for each 50 square feet of assembly area + 1 for each employee with a minimum of 20 spaces
Clubs, fraternal organizations or similar use
1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
Industrial Uses
Manufacturing, warehousing, industrial surface mining operation, waste storage or processing facility
1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Distribution center
1 for each 500 square feet of gross floor area + 1 for each employee in the maximum work shift
Lumber yard, saw mill, junkyard salvage yard, contractor shop or yard
1 for each employee + 6 customer spaces
Recreational Use
Parks and playgrounds
1 for each 5 persons of total facility capacity
Commercial or institutional recreational developments
1 for each 3 persons of total facility capacity + 1 for each 2 employees
The parking lot design shall provide handicapped accessible parking spaces in accord with current ICC/ANSI A117.1-2003, ADA and IBC standards.
Every commercial, industrial or other building which requires the receipt or distribution by vehicles of material or merchandise shall provide off-street loading space for each structure or part thereof as set forth in the accompanying table entitled, "Minimum Required Off-Street Loading Berths."
Minimum Required Off-Street Loading Berths
Gross Floor Area
Minimum Number of Berths
0 to 25,000 square feet
25,001 to 40,000 square feet
40,001 to 60,000 square feet
60,001 to 100,000 square feet
For each additional 50,000 square feet
1 additional
The minimum area for each off-street loading space, excluding area for maneuvering, shall be 250 square feet, except where semi-trailers are expected to be used, and then the minimum area shall be 700 square feet.
At no time shall any part of a truck or van be allowed to extend into a public thoroughfare or the right-of-way while the truck or van is being loaded or unloaded.
Whenever off-street parking is required, the parking area, turning aisle and space shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the following minimum standards.
Parking facilities shall be located on the same lot as the use to which they are necessary unless alternate arrangements have been made to provide parking on an adjacent or nearby lot owned or controlled by the applicant (see Subsection J), or that shared parking facilities are provided in accord with Subsection K.
Adequate provisions shall be made for ingress and egress to all parking spaces using driveways and aisles within the parking lot. Access to off-street parking areas shall be limited to a minimal number of well-defined locations. In no case shall unrestricted access along the length of a street upon which the parking abuts be permitted. Parking areas shall be designed so there will be no need for motorists to back over public walkways or rights-of-way, except that single-family and double dwellings need not comply with this requirement.
Parking areas shall be set back from street right-of-way lines and property boundaries at a minimum distance of 15 feet, except that single-family and double dwellings need not comply with this requirement. These reserve strips shall be protected by wheel bumpers or curbs and shall be planted with grass or shrubs. No parking or plantings shall be permitted within the clear sight triangle of any intersection (see § 300-53).
The parking area, service drives and entrance and exit lanes shall be constructed in accord with the construction standards for minor collector streets found in Chapter 266, Subdivision and Land Development, be graded for proper drainage, and maintained in good repair. Single and double dwellings need not comply with paving requirement for parking areas.
Parking spaces shall have dimensions of 10 feet by 20 feet.
Parking areas for all nonresidential uses shall be effectively screened on each side that adjoins or faces a Residential District or use. Such screening shall consist of a fence or wall at least four feet in height, a building or meet the requirements for screen planting as set forth in § 300-59 of this chapter.
In all cases where curbs, gutters or sidewalks are existing or are adjacent to the proposed parking area, said curbs, gutters or sidewalks shall be retained or extended through the parking area.
Parking areas shall be illuminated as is necessary to protect the public safety; such illumination shall be designed, directed, or shielded to effectively eliminate direct glare on adjacent property or roadways. Lighting shall not be required for residential dwellings that are permitted uses, for lots less than five spaces in size, or for other uses that do not have nighttime hours. At the time any exterior light is installed or substantially modified, and whenever a zoning certificate is sought, an exterior lighting plan shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in accord with Article XVIII in order to determine that adjoining property will not be adversely impacted by the proposed lighting.
In accordance with conditional use procedures, the Borough Council may authorize the use of an adjacent or nearby lot owned or controlled by the applicant.
The required parking spaces for two or more uses may be shared provided that the Zoning Officer shall determine that the uses have distinct and different peak-hour requirements; for example, a use with evening or Sunday hours may share parking with a use that has daytime hours.