[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Ingram 9-9-1991 by Ord. No. 8-1991. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Zoning — See Ch. 185.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any structure constructed of wood, metal, wire, mesh, masonry or similar material erected for the purpose of screening one property from another to assure privacy, protection, or confinement of property. A wall other than a retaining wall shall be considered a fence.
A wall designed to resist the lateral displacement of soil or other material.
A building permit must be obtained from the Building Inspector for the erection of any fence. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining any fence in safe condition and keeping it in good repair.
No fence shall be erected in a right-of-way.
Retaining wall, masonry or concrete fences shall not be located within any easement. Any other fences constructed in an easement shall require a certification by the owner that the owner agrees to remove the fence at the request of the owner of the easement and that the Borough shall be relieved of any liability relating thereto.
Fences shall be located on the inside of property line.
On a corner lot, authorized fences shall not extend beyond the lines of the building in any front yard. Authorized fences may be erected in any rear yard or side yard of a property, provided that, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, site distances in the yards are not compromised, and the erection of such fence in the rear yard or side yard would not harm the health, safety and welfare of the Borough of Ingram community.
[Amended 8-14-2006 by Ord. No. 3-2006]
Fence must be attractive, constructed of wood, masonry, metal, mesh, or any fencing material or similar materials.
Fences constructed of concrete blocks, barbed wire, plywood, corrugated material or other fences with sharp points or edges protruding therefrom and electrical fences shall not be permitted.
Residential districts. The following restrictions shall apply:
Masonry or concrete fences shall not exceed three feet in height.
Front yard fences, other than masonry or concrete fences, shall not exceed four feet in height with a minimum of 25% open space per running foot. "Front yard" is considered from front of house building line forward to front property line.
Rear yard and side yard fences shall not exceed six feet in height. "Rear yard" is considered from rear of house building line back to rear property line. "Side yard" is the remaining yards on the side of the house building lines to side property lines.
Nonresidential districts. The following restriction shall apply: Masonry or concrete fences shall not exceed 10 feet in height, provided any fence exceeding six feet in height shall have a ratio of solid to open portion of at least 25%.
Fences shall not obstruct the clear sight distances at street or driveway intersections. The required clear sight distance shall be determined by the Code Enforcement Officer, consistent with applicable PennDOT standards (67 Pa. Code, Chapter 441).
The finished side of the fence shall always face the abutting properties or street. All structural supports such as posts, rails and framing shall face the applicant's property.
Any fence erected that does not comply with this chapter must be dismantled, or brought to comply with this chapter on the order of Borough Code Enforcement Officer.
On order of the Borough Code Enforcement Officer, the noncomplying fence must be dismantled or brought to comply with this chapter within 30 days of notice.
Not to comply with this chapter is subject to a maximum fine of $100 or 30 days in jail for each day bypassing the thirty-day notice.