To provide reasonable standards for the development
of an apartment structure, business or professional offices, convenience
goods and personal service shops and facilities or any multiple combination
use thereof; to provide design standards that will minimize traffic
congestion on the streets, provide for the public convenience and
to harmonize with adjoining residential uses.
Permitted uses shall be as follows:
B. One-family semidetached (twin).
V. Nonresidential accessory.
Z. No-impact home-based business.
[Added 3-27-2012 by Ord. No. 347]
Conditional uses shall be as follows:
E. Private recreation facility.
F. Nursing or convalescent home.
J. Retail delivery business.
[Added 12-29-2004 by Ord. No. 309]
Area and dimensional requirements shall be as
A. See use regulations for standards pertaining to uses outlined in §
215-12B(1) through
B. Required lot area:
(1) One-family detached and dwelling in combination: 6,000
square feet.
(2) One-family semidetached (twin): 4,000 square feet.
(3) Two-family (duplex): 3,000 square feet.
(4) Place of worship, public school, commercial school,
recreation facility, library or museum, hospital and cemetery: 1 acre.
(5) All other uses: 5,000 square feet.
C. Maximum building coverage:
(1) One-family detached, one-family semidetached, two-family
(duplex) and dwelling in combination: 30%.
(2) All other uses, except townhouse, garden apartment
and high-rise apartment: 40%.
D. Minimum yard requirements:
(1) Front yard depth: 30 feet.
(2) Side yard depth (combined): 15 feet (minimum five
(3) Rear yard depth: 30 feet.
E. Building height limit: See Schedule A.
F. Minimum lot width: 60 feet.
[Amended 5-28-2002 by Ord. No. 290]
Where an office, commercial and/or apartment use abuts a residential district (R-1 and R-U), the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to require the installation of a buffer yard of at least 30 feet in width and extending the full length of that yard of the lot which abuts the district. This area may be a part of the setback area in a building of four or more stories in height. No structure, parking or loading shall be permitted in the buffer yard. Buffer yards shall be planted and maintained in accordance with Article
III, §
215-16 of the codification of ordinances and screen planting shall be provided in accordance with Article
III, §
215-17 of the codification of ordinances.