[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Pennsbury 6-5-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "Township of Pennsbury Plumbing Code."
That certain document, three copies of which are on file in the Office of the Township of Pennsbury, Chester County, Pennsylvania, being marked and designated as the "BOCA National Plumbing Code, 1993, Ninth Edition," as published by the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc., be and is hereby adopted as the Plumbing Code of Pennsbury Township and shall govern the design and installation of plumbing systems as herein provided; and each and all of the regulations of said BOCA National Plumbing Code, and the whole thereof, together with all supplements and amendments made thereto hereafter by the publisher thereof, save and except such portions as are hereafter deleted, modified, added or amended by applicable provisions of this chapter, and hereby referred to, adopted and made a part thereof, as if fully set out in this chapter. From and after the date on which this chapter shall take effect, the provisions of the said BOCA Code shall be controlling within the limits of the Township of Pennsbury.
Whenever the word "municipality" is used in the Plumbing Code, it shall be held to mean the Township of Pennsbury, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Whenever the word "Plumbing Official" is used in the Plumbing Code, it shall be held to mean the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her assistants.
The BOCA National Plumbing Code, 1993, is modified and amended as follows:
In Section P-101.1, Title, insert "Pennsbury Township, Chester County" for "(name of jurisdiction)."
In Section P-108.3, By whom application is made: The application for a permit shall be made by the person responsible for the satisfactory completion of such work. Such individual shall appear in person to the Code Enforcement Officer or his or her assistant(s) and present satisfactory proof of his or her being a Master Plumber, unless the individual is the owner of the structure where the work will be performed. Applicant shall then register his or his firm's name and address and list all journeymen and apprentice plumbers under their supervision with the Township Code Enforcement Officer and shall pay a registration fee in accordance with the Township of Pennsbury Plumbing Fee Schedule. A person performing any work covered by this code on his own existing home shall not be required to pay a registration fee, but must demonstrate to the Township Code Enforcement Officer qualifications to perform the work to be done. However, a permit, as set forth in this code, shall be required.
Section P-113.2, Fee Schedule: The permit fees for all plumbing work provided for in this code shall be paid in advance in accordance with the fee schedule established by resolution, duty adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township, as the same may, from time to time, be amended.
Section P-116.3, Prosecution of Violation, shall read as follows: "If the notice of violation is not complied with promptly, the Code Official shall issue a non-traffic citation in accordance with the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, or the Code Official shall request the legal counsel of Pennsbury Township to institute the appropriate proceedings at law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate such violations or to require the removal or termination of the lawful occupancy of the building or structure in violation of the provisions of this code or of the order or direction made pursuant thereto."
Section P-116.4, Penalties, shall read as follows: "Any person who shall violate any provision of the BOCA Code or of the provisions of the adopting ordinance, being Section 2 of the Code of the Township of Pennsbury, or who shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall install any plumbing work in violation of an approved plan or directive of the Plumbing Official or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of the BOCA Code or this section shall be guilty of a summary offense and shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to a fine not exceeding $1,000, together with the costs of prosecution, for each and every offense or to imprisonment in the county prison for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both. Imposition of one penalty for any violation or noncompliance shall not excuse the violation or noncompliance not permit it to continue or be repeated, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defects forthwith. When not otherwise specified, each day that a prohibited condition is maintained or violation is committed or continued shall constitute a separate offense punishable by like fine or imprisonment, or both."
[Amended 2-22-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-1]
Section P-117.2, Unlawful continuance, shall read as follows: "Any person who shall continue any plumbing work in or about any building or structure after having been served with a stop-work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to the penalty provisions of Section P-116.4 of this code."
Section P-121.2, Membership of Board, the Board of Supervisors shall serve as the Board of Appeals.
Section P-121.2.1, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.2.2, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.2.3, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.2.4, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.2.5, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.2.6, delete in its entirety.
Section P-121.5, Postponed Hearing, amended to read: "When three members are not present to hear an appeal, either the appellant or the appellant's representative shall have the right to request a postponement of the hearing."
Section P-121.6, Board Decision, amended to read: "Any modification or reversal of the decision of the Code Official shall be by a concurring vote of not less than two members."
Section P-304.3, Public Systems Available, amended to read, in the space designated "[number]", insert "150 feet."
Section P-309.4, Freezing, is deleted in its entirety and the following is substituted:
P309.4, Freezing: Water service piping and sewers shall be installed below recorded frost penetration, but not less than three feet six inches (42 inches) below grade for both water piping and sewers. Plumbing piping in exterior building walls or areas shall be adequately protected against freezing by insulation or heat, or both.
Section P-309.5, Sewer Depth, shall be amended by adding the words "twelve (12) inches" where applicable.
Section P-403.3, Lead-Free Solders and Flux, is amended and the following is substituted:
P403.3, Lead-Free Solders and Flux
i. The following language is added: "Prohibition: Any pipe, solder or flux connected to or employed in the installation or repair of any public and private water system, or any plumbing in a residential or nonresidential facility providing water for human consumption which is connected to a public water system, shall be lead-free.
ii. The term "lead-free," when used with respect to solders and flux, means solders and flux continuing not more than two-tenths percent (0.2%) lead, and, when used with respect to pipe and pipe fittings, means pipes and pipe fittings containing not more than eight and zero-tenths percent (8.0%) lead."
Section P403.4, Water Service Pipe, amended to read: "Water service pipe shall conform to NSF 61 listed in Chapter 19 and shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table P-403.4. All water service pipe or tubing installed underground and outside of the structure shall have a minimum working pressure of 160 pounds per square inch (psi) (1,100 kPa) at 73.4° F. (23° C.). Where the water pressure exceeds 160 psi (1,100 kPa), piping material shall have a minimum rated working pressure equal to the highest available pressure. Plastic water service piping shall terminate within five feet (1,524 mm) inside of the point of entry in the building. Copper tubing utilized as a water service pipe shall be a minimum of Type K."
Section P-403.5, Water Distribution Pipe, amended to read: "Water distribution pipe shall conform to NSF 61 listed in Chapter 19 and shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table P-403.5. All hot water distribution pipe and tubing shall have a minimum pressure rating of 80 psi (550 kPa) at 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82 degrees Celsius). Copper tubing below ground shall be a minimum of Type K. Interior copper tubing shall be a minimum of Type L. Type M copper is not permitted in a water distribution system."
Section P-513.0. Delete in its entirety.
Section P-803.1. Amended to delete the words, "or a combined sewer system."
Section P-805.4. Delete in its entirety.
Section P-809.3 Separate Storm and Sanitary Drainage, is amended by deleting the words including and after the word, "Exception."
Section P-1303.1, General, amended to read: "Hangers and anchors shall be attached to the building construction in an approved manner. All metal hangers shall be extra heavy band iron or other material approved by the Building Official. Plastic strapping shall not be permitted."
Section P-1505.9, Maximum Flow and Water Consumption, shall be deleted and the following shall be substituted: "The performance standards of this subsection shall apply to plumbing fixtures and fittings installed in new construction and in existing structures undergoing renovations involving replacement of such fixtures and fittings.
For sink and lavatory faucets, maximum flow shall not exceed three gallons of water per minute when tested in accordance with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) A112.18.1M.
For shower heads, maximum flow shall not exceed three gallons of water per minute when tested in accordance with ANSI A112.18.1M.
For water closets and associated flushing mechanisms, maximum volume shall not exceed an average on 1.6 gallons per flushing cycle when tested in accordance with the hydraulic performance requirements and ANSI A112.19.2M and ANSI A112.19.6M.
For urinal and associated flushing mechanisms, maximum flow shall not exceed 1.5 gallons of water per flush when tested in accordance with the hydraulic performance requirements of ANSI A112.19M and ANSI A112.19.6M.
The performance standards of this subsection shall not apply to fixtures and fittings such as emergency showers, aspirator faucets and blowout fixtures that, in order to perform a specialized function, of meet the standards specified herein. The plumbing fixtures and fittings required hereby shall be certified and labeled by the manufacturer as meeting the water conservation performance standards of this subsection. Certifications shall be based on independent test results and plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be labeled in accordance with ANSI A112.18M and ANSI A112.19.2M."
No person shall hereafter engage in the business of plumbing and/or house and building drainage in Pennsbury Township without first applying for and obtaining a permit to do so pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Application for such permit shall be made on suitable forms provided by the Township and shall be made directly to the Township Plumbing Inspector or such other officials designated by the Board of Supervisors.
Any person making any false statements to secure a permit or who makes any false answers to any of the questions set forth in the application form shall forthwith forfeit and surrender any such permit thereafter issued.
Prior to the issuance of any permit, the Plumbing Inspector or his or her designee, unless a property owner is performing plumbing work as defined herein on their own property, shall require the applicant to submit satisfactory proof that he or she is a bona fide master plumber, or equivalent, as defined by the standards in the trade within the area of Pennsbury Township. The Plumbing Inspector shall, among other things, require the applicant to demonstrate training, education, experience and provision for continuing training and updating and other qualifications acceptable in the trade.
Applicant shall furnish to the Plumbing Inspector or his or her designee a certificate of insurance executed by an authorized representative of the agency's insurance underwriter, providing evidence of insurance coverage of the applicant and his employees, if any, for the following:
Workmen's compensation and occupation and disease insurance with statutory limits and employer's liability coverage with a minimum limitation of $100,000.
Plumbers' or builders' public liability insurance under comprehensive form with bodily injury limits of not less than $100,000 per occurrence.
Each such application shall be accompanied by the current fee prescribed by resolution of the Board of Supervisors, the provisions of which resolution, as the same may be from time to time amended and revised, are incorporated herein by reference.
Any person aggrieved by action of the Plumbing Inspector or his designee in refusing to issue a plumber's permit shall have the right of appeal as provided in Section P-121.
No person other than a master plumber or a journeyman in such master plumber's employ or under his direct supervision and control shall be employed by another to alter, repair, make connections with or otherwise affect any drain, sewer line, waste line, vent pipe or other connection therewith.
No owner, builder, interested party or other person shall permit any plumbing work regulated by this chapter to be done by anyone other than a master plumber or a journeyman in such master plumber's employ or under his direct supervision and control until a proper permit has been obtained.
At least 24 hours prior to the commencement of plumbing work by any person to whom or for whom a permit has been issued, the permittee or the plumber shall notify the Plumbing Inspector that the work is to commence and the date, time and place where the work is to be performed.