[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Pennsbury 9-2-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-4. Amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter shall be known as the "Pennsbury Township Preservation Of Open Space Benefits Ordinance."
It is the purpose of this chapter that Pennsbury Township may take action to preserve land for open space benefits. The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township has deemed it important for the Township to promote conservation of open space and natural resources, including farmland, forests, water resources and watersheds, undeveloped areas, scenic areas, and historic resources. The acquisition and/or resale of real property interests authorized by this chapter are hereby declared to be for the public benefit, for the advancement of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the citizens of Pennsbury Township, and for the promotion of sound land development by preserving suitable open space, protecting and conserving natural cover, preventing floods and soil erosion, and protecting water quality and supplies.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
Any right in real property, improvements thereto or water, whatsoever, including but not limited to a fee simple, development right, easement, remainder, future interest, lease, license, restriction or covenant of any sort, option or contractual interest or right concerning the use of or power to transfer property.
The benefits to the residents of Pennsbury Township, through the promotion of sound, cohesive and efficient land development and by the preservation or restriction of the use of selected undeveloped open space areas, including but not limited to the protection and conservation of natural resources, including but not limited to natural cover, soils, steep slopes, water sheds, streams, floodplains, or marshes; the protection of scenic resources, including but not limited to areas for public visual enjoyment from public rights-of-way; the protection and conservation of forests and farmland; the preservation of sites of historic, geologic or botanic interest; the protection of existing or planned park, recreational or conservation sites.
Any interest in real property acquired hereunder for the purpose of achieving open space benefits.
The establishment of this Board and the specific responsibilities, procedures and review criteria of this Board shall be created by resolution. The Board shall include one member of the Planning Commission, one member of the Pennsbury Land Trust and three Pennsbury Township residents. The purpose of the Open Space Review Board shall be to identify, review, evaluate and rate the relative desirability of interests and submit recommendations to the Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors for its consideration to acquire such interests in the real property.
Land uses which are not inconsistent with the achievement of open space benefits.
The establishment of eased areas for visual access, programmed access, educational access and/or trail access for passive or active recreational, educational and public enjoyment that would otherwise not be available.
The removal of development rights from specified lands so that the development potential, which they represent, is removed.
Pennsbury Township shall not acquire any interest in real property under provisions of this chapter unless real property has been designated for open space in a Township resource, recreation or land use plan.
Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors shall by resolution establish a five-member Open Space Review Board responsible for reviewing Township parcels for open space benefits. This Open Space Review Board shall use such procedures and criteria as set forth in that resolution to identify, review, evaluate and rate the relative desirability of interests and submit recommendations to the Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors for its consideration to acquire such property interests. Proceedings of the Board shall remain confidential until such time as the Board makes its recommendation to the Board of Supervisors pursuant to § 109-11 below.
Pennsbury Township may acquire any interest in real property by purchase, contract, condemnation, gift, devise or otherwise, for any of the following purposes:
To protect and conserve farmland and undeveloped areas of the Township;
To protect and conserve water resources and watersheds;
To protect and conserve forests, wildlife or other environmentally significant area by controlling contiguous or nearby lands in order to protect the scenic, aesthetic or watershed values of the area;
To limit the use of real property so as to achieve open space benefits.
In the event of sale of any real property interest acquired pursuant to this chapter, the net proceeds shall be used solely for the forgoing purposes or for acquisition, maintenance and/or repair of Township parkland, recreational or nature preserve sites.
Pennsbury Township, pursuant to this chapter, may authorize the establishment of a program to purchase open space property interests on an installment or other deferred basis. The obligation of the Township to make payments on an installment or other deferred basis shall not be subject to the requirements of § 602 (b) or (c) of the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L. 781, No. 185), known as the "Local Government Unit Debt Act."[1] A landowner who enters into an installment agreement with the Township shall receive, in addition to the selling price, interest in an amount or at a rate set forth in the purchase agreement. Debt pursuant to this chapter shall be retired on or before December 31, 2009.
Editor's Note: Said Act was repealed 12-19-1996 (P.L. 1158, No. 177). See now 53 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 8021 to 8029.
If development rights are acquired under this chapter, they shall be retired so that the development potential, which they represent, is removed from future use.
Pennsbury Township, under this chapter, shall be authorized to acquire fee simple property interests in land to be held for public purposes of, but not limited to, the establishment of parks, recreational areas, conservation sites or nature preserves.
The use of the power of eminent domain by Pennsbury Township to acquire interests in real property for the purposes of this chapter shall be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the Eminent Domain Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as may be permitted by law.
Interests in real property to be acquired pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be designated by the Pennsbury Township Board of Supervisors upon recommendation of the Open Space Review Board. After such designation, said interests shall not be acquired until a public hearing is held to set forth the interests to be acquired and their proposed open space benefits. In all cases where a public hearing is held in accordance with this section, notice to the public shall be given by publication one time at least 14 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper of general circulation for the Chester County area, and written notice shall be conspicuously posted at the Township Building to notify potentially interested residents.