[Adopted 12-5-1988]
The Supervisors shall annually assess, or cause to be assessed, the cost and expense of such fire protection service by an equal assessment upon all improved real property as defined by tax parcel (as shown on the current Chester County tax map), whether or not exempt by taxation by existing law, abutting upon highways, streets/roads and alleys, or portions thereof, within Pennsbury Township along which fire hydrants which now exist or are to be installed, and upon property located within 780 feet of any such fire hydrant.
No such assessment shall be levied against any farm land or land used as an aviation field or against other real property in the district not benefited thereby.
This article shall not apply to any property located within a Township approved land development or subdivision where, as part of the terms of approval of the land development or subdivision, the owner thereof, or a homeowners' association, has assumed an obligation to pay for the installing and maintaining of fire hydrants to service the land development or subdivision.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection D, which provided that the initial assessment for the fiscal year 1989 shall be $18, and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 2-22-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-1.
The annual assessment shall be collected by the Township Tax Collector in the same manner as collection for the Township real estate tax for which collection the Township Tax Collector shall receive the same commission as he or she does for Township real estate taxes.
The Township Tax Collector shall include all receipts for the fire hydrant assessment in the monthly return of Township taxes to the Township Treasurer who shall keep the same in a separate account and shall pay the same out only upon orders signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, attested by the Township Secretary. The Township Treasurer shall include all such receipts in the annual report to the Township auditors.
If any assessment remains unpaid at the expiration of 90 days from date of mailing of the bill for payment of same, it shall be placed in the hands of the Township solicitor for collection. The Township Solicitor shall collect the same together with a 5% commission and interest from the date such assessments were due by a municipal claim to be filed against the property of the delinquent owner in like manner as municipal claims are by law filed and collected.
The fire hydrant assessment shall become effective January 1, 1989.