[Adopted 10-6-1986]
For general revenue purposes, a tax upon the transfer of real property or an interest in real property within the limits of Pennsbury Township, regardless of where the instrument making the transfer is made, executed and delivered or where the actual settlement of the transfer takes place, is hereby levied and assessed to the extent that the transaction or transactions is subject to the tax imposed by Article XI-C of Act 77 of 1986, 72 P.S. § 8101-C, including all future amendments thereto.
The rate of tax shall be 1% for each transfer of real property or interest in real property; provided, however, that in the event a similar tax on the same transaction or transactions is imposed by a second political subdivision within the Township, such as a school district, during the same year or part of the same year, then the rate of tax shall be 1/2 of 1%.
The Recorder of Deeds of Chester County, or her duly appointed deputy, is hereby appointed as agent for Pennsbury Township to collect the tax imposed by this article.
The tax imposed by this article shall be administered, collected, and enforced in accordance with the Act of December 31, 1965, as amended, known as “The Local Tax Enabling Act,” 53 P.S. § 6901, et seq.
All taxes imposed by this article if not paid when due shall bear interest thereon at the rate of 1/2 of 1% per month until paid in full and shall bear an additional penalty of 1/2 of 1% of the amount of the unpaid tax for each month or a fraction thereof during which the tax remains unpaid.
All taxes imposed by this article, together with interest and penalties from the due date thereof, may be recovered as other debts of like character are recovered in which case the person liable therefor shall, in addition, be liable for the reasonable costs of collection.
The tax imposed by this article shall become a lien upon the lands, tenements, or hereditaments, or any interest therein, lying, being, and situate within the boundaries of Pennsbury Township, which lands, tenements, hereditaments, or interests therein, are described in or conveyed or transferred by the deed or other instrument relating to any transaction or privilege which is the subject of the tax imposed, assessed and levied by this article, said lien to begin at the time when the tax under this article is due and payable and shall continue until discharged by payment or in accordance with law.