The plan does not have to be drawn to scale and is subject to the subdivider's discretion. Useful information for this sketch includes:
Tract boundary and location by deed plotting.
North point.
Existing and proposed street and lot layout.
Significant topographical and physical features.
A sketch landscape plan shall be included and show the following:
[Added 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 367]
Approximate location of specimen or mature trees.
Approximate location of tree masses.
[Amended 8-25-1994 by Ord. No. 140-D]
The plan shall show or be accompanied by the following information.
Drafting standards.
The scale shall be smaller than 100 feet to the inch and shall be accurate to within one part in 300.
Dimensions shall be in feet and decimals and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds.
The courses and distances of the boundary line survey of the entire land to be subdivided. The survey shall not have an error of closure greater than one part in 2,500.
The sheet or sheets shall be one of the following sizes: 15 inches by 18 inches, 18 inches by 30 inches or 24 inches by 36 inches. If more than one sheet is necessary, each sheet shall be the same size and numbered to show its relation to the total number of sheets in the plan, as in “Sheet No. 1 of 5 sheets."
Where there are two or more sheets, a key map at a scale sufficient to show their relationship shall be furnished.
Location and identification.
A title consisting of the name and address of the subdivider, developer or builder and the registered engineer or surveyor or qualified site planner.
The name of the municipality and subdivision.
The date, scale and North point.
The entire tract boundary with bearings and distances.
A key map relating the subdivision to at least three existing intersections of Township roads.
Existing features.
Within 400 feet of any part of the land being subdivided: Location, names, width, radii and surface conditions of existing streets and alleys and those shown on the Township Official Map Summary of streets and alleys, the location of watercourses, floodplains, sanitary sewers, storm drains, utilities above or below the ground and other similar features.
Within the land to be subdivided: Location, names, widths and other dimensions, including center-line courses, distances and curve data, paving widths, curblines, right-of-way and curbline radii at intersections and street location tie-ins by courses and distances to the nearest intersection of existing and planned streets and alleys, and the location and size of existing sanitary sewers and storm drains, watercourses and drainage flows, floodplains, location and size of utilities above or below the ground and recreational areas; in addition, the location and dimensions of existing public utility easements.
Contours at vertical intervals of five feet or, in the case of relatively level tracts, at such lesser intervals as may be necessary for study, as determined by the Planning Commission or Township Engineer. In no case shall the contour interval exceed 100 feet horizontally. Datum to which contour elevations refer. Where reasonably practicable, data shall refer to known established elevations or to USCGS datum. Steep slopes, over 15%, as delineated in the Soil Survey, shall be plotted.
Location and character of existing buildings, outer limits of tree masses, the location of quarries, marshlands and land subject to inundation and other topographical features which may affect the location of proposed streets or buildings.
Measured distances from the center line of streets to buildings, large trees standing alone.
Depth of the water table shall be noted on the plan or in a separate report, along with the location of the test borings. When percolation tests are required, the location of the test holes shall be indicated.
Zoning requirements, if any, or requirements of any Township ordinance or resolution on and adjacent to the land to be subdivided.
Proposed street and lot layout.
The layout of streets, alleys and crosswalks, including names and widths of cartway and ultimate right-of-way.
The layout and dimension of lots and net area.
A reference to any land to be dedicated for public use.
Tentative grades to an existing street or to a point 400 feet beyond the boundaries of the subdivision.
Location and size of sanitary sewers and storm drains.
All building setback lines, with distances from the ultimate right-of-way line.
Indication of any lots in which a use of other than residential is intended.
Where there are existing buildings located on the land being subdivided, the buildings that are to be demolished shall be indicated.
A statement on the plan shall show the number of acres being subdivided; the number of lots; the type of buildings; character of buildings; lineal feet of new streets, lineal feet of streets to be widened and average lot size.
Proposed improvements.
Tentative cross-section and center-line profiles for each proposed or widened street shown on preliminary plan, including profile for proposed sanitary sewers and storm drains showing manholes, inlets and catch basins.
Preliminary design of any bridges, culverts or other structures and appurtenances which may be required.
A preliminary landscape plan shall be included and show the following:
[Amended 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 367]
Existing features. The location and character of existing buildings, mature trees standing alone; outer limits of tree masses and other existing vegetation; the location of floodplains, wetlands, contours, mounding, water features, and other natural features that may affect the location of proposed streets, buildings and landscape plantings.
Proposed landscaping. This shall be superimposed on the basic layout plan and shall include:
Approximate location of all proposed landscaping required under this chapter,
Demarcation of existing vegetation "to remain," including trunk and drip line locations, and vegetation "to be removed," and the means of protecting existing vegetation during construction.
A schedule showing all landscape requirements as applied to the tract undergoing subdivision and/or land development.
Proposed planting schedule, including the common and scientific name, size, quantity.
Approximate location of proposed buildings, paving, utilities or other improvements.
Existing and proposed contours, including related landscape features such as mounding and water features.
All existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals to determine the relationship of planting and grading; areas with slopes in excess of 15% shall be highlighted on the plan.
Certificates. When approved, the preliminary plan must show:
The signature of the subdivider, developer or builder certifying his adoption of the plan.
The signature of the Township Secretary certifying that the Township Commissioners approved the plan on the date shown.
[Amended 10-6-1975 by Ord. No. 140-A; 8-25-1994 by Ord. No. 140-D]
Improvement construction plan.
Drafting standards. The same standards shall be required for an improvement construction plan as for a preliminary plan, except that the horizontal scale of the plan and profile shall be 50 feet to scale of the plan and profile shall be 50 feet to the inch, and the vertical scale of the profile shall be two, four and 10 feet to the inch, whichever is most convenient.
Information to be shown. The plan shall contain sufficient information to provide working plans for construction of the proposed streets, or any portion thereof, including all appurtenances, sewers and utilities shown on the approved preliminary plan, from one existing or approved street to another or, in the case of a cul-de-sac, to its turnaround and shall include:
Horizontal plan. The horizontal plan shall show details of the horizontal layout as follows.
Information shown on the preliminary plan pertaining to the street to be constructed.
Beginning and end of the proposed immediate construction.
Stations corresponding to those shown on the profile.
Elevation of the curb at tangent points of horizontal curves, at street or alley intersections and at the projected intersections of the curblines.
Location and size of sanitary sewers with distances between manholes of water, gas, electric and other utility pipes or conduits and of storm drains, inlets and manholes.
Location, type and size of curbs and widths of paving.
Location and species of street shade trees and location and type of fire hydrants and streetlights.
Profile. The profile shall be a vertical section of the street with details of vertical alignment as follows.
Profiles and elevations of the ground along the center lines of proposed streets.
Profile of sanitary sewer with a profile over the sewer of the present and finished ground surface showing manhole locations with stations, beginning at the lowest manhole.
Profile of storm drain showing manhole locations.
Cross section. The cross section shall comply with Township standards and specifications as minimum requirements. It shall show a typical cross section across the street or alley with details of grading and construction as follows:
Ultimate right-of-way width and the location and width of paving within the ultimate right-of-way.
Type, depth and crown of paving.
Type and size of curb.
When sidewalks are required, grading of sidewalk area should be carried to the full width of the ultimate right-of-way and slopes of cut or fill extended beyond the ultimate right-of-way.
Location, width, type and depth of sidewalks, when required.
Typical location, size and depths of sewers and utilities.
Highway occupancy permit. All plans and specifications proposed for submittal to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for the purpose of obtaining a highway occupancy permit shall be submitted with the final plan. Said plans and specifications shall be reviewed by the Township Engineer, and approval of said plans and specifications by the Township Engineer shall be a prerequisite of approval of the final plan by the Township.
Landscape plan. A final landscape plan shall be included and show the following:
[Amended 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 367]
Drafting standards. The same standards shall be required as for a preliminary plan. (See § 215-35, Preliminary plan, of this chapter.)
Information to be shown:
Plan scale, date, North arrow and location map with zoning district designations for the site and adjacent properties.
Location of all existing and proposed buildings and structures.
Location of all existing and proposed roads, parking, service areas and other paved areas.
Location of all outside storage and trash receptacle areas.
Sidewalks, berms, fences, walls, freestanding signs and site lighting.
Existing and proposed underground and aboveground utilities, such as site lighting, transformers, hydrants, manholes, valve boxes, etc. (Reference may be made to other submission drawings.)
All existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals to determine the relationship of planting and grading; areas with slopes in excess of 3:1 shall be highlighted on the plan.
Existing mature trees, woodland and tree masses to remain.
Existing mature trees, woodland and tree masses to be removed.
Location of all proposed landscaping, including, but not limited to, required street trees, stormwater basin landscaping, parking lot landscaping, property line buffer and site element screen landscaping.
A planting schedule listing the scientific and common name, size, quantity and root condition of all proposed plant material.
A schedule showing all landscape requirements as applied to the tract undergoing subdivision and/or land development, and plantings proposed for each category.
Planting details including method of protecting existing vegetation and landscape planting methods.
Information in the form of notes or specifications concerning seeding, sodding, ground cover, mulching and the like, etc.
A detailed cost estimate shall be submitted with the public improvement escrow showing the value of all proposed landscaping, including all labor, materials and guarantee.
This condition may be satisfied through a land development agreement with sufficient and appropriate financial guarantees.
Certificates. When approved, the landscape plan must show:
The signature and seal of the registered landscape architect responsible for preparing the landscape plan and details.
The signature of the subdivider, developer or builder.
The signatures of the elected municipal officials, Planning Commission, and engineer or landscape architect.
Record plan.
Drafting standards. The same standards shall be required for a record plan as for a preliminary plan and, in addition, for recording purposes, the plans shall be placed on sheet sizes of 24 inches by 36 inches, 18 inches by 30 inches or 15 inches by 18 inches.
Information to be shown. The plan, which may constitute a portion only of an approved preliminary plan, shall show:
A title, as required for a preliminary plan.
Courses and distances sufficient for the legal description of all the lines shown on the plan. The error of closure shall not be greater than one part in 2,500.
Names of abutting owners, names, locations, widths and other dimensions of streets, including center-line courses, distances and curve data, descriptive data of ultimate right-of-way lines not parallel with or concentric with a center line and location tie-ins by courses and distances to the nearest intersections of all existing, planned and approved streets, alleys and easements, recreational areas and other public improvements within the land to be subdivided.
All lots to be deeded to the side of public ultimate rights-of-way so that a single deed may be drawn to the governing body for the dedication of streets by the subdivider, developer or builder.
Evidence that the plans are in conformity with zoning, building, sanitation and other applicable Township ordinances and regulations. In any instance where such plans do not conform, evidence shall be presented that an exception has been officially authorized.
Location, material and size of monuments with reference to them.
Building setback lines with distances from the ultimate right-of-way lines.
Restrictions in the deed affecting the subdivision of the property.
Certificates. When approved, the record plan must show:
The signature of the registered engineer or surveyor certifying that the plan represents a survey made by him, that the monuments shown thereon exist as located and that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct.
The signature of the subdivider, developer or builder certifying his adoption of the plan.
The signature of the Township Secretary certifying that the Township Commissioners approved the plan on the date shown.
A tentative, preliminary and final plan of a plat of land development shall be required and shall be presented in conformance with the drafting standards, existing features of the land to be set forth and information to be shown as enumerated in §§ 215-34, 215-35 and 215-36 of this chapter as they are applicable to land development plans.
In addition, a land development plan shall include the following:
All covenants relating to use.
Man-made features for the use of two or more prospective occupants.
Lot size.
Zoning classification and applicable standards with which compliance is necessary for granting final approval.
Type of building.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Density and/or intensity of use.
Lot coverage.
Use of the development.
Location and placement of accessory structures and facilities.
Streets, pedestrianways and parking facilities.
Common open space.
Public facilities.
A site utilization scheme.
Specifications for required improvements and changes to be effected upon the existing terrain or existing structures thereon.