[Amended 10-5-1992 by Ord. No. 127-R; 9-26-1996 by Ord. No. 198; 10-26-2000 by Ord. No. 224; 12-3-2007 by Ord. No. 276; 12-7-2009 by Ord. No. 292; 12-17-2015 by Ord. No. 324]
In expansion of the community development objectives found in Article I of this chapter, it is the intent of this article to:
Set reasonable standards and provide reasonable controls to assure sufficient parking capacity for the uses or potential uses of land in the Township.
Provide flexibility for the implementation of these standards by permitting construction of a reduced number of parking spaces under appropriate conditions and permitting, with special exception, the required number of parking spaces to be located on a separate lot as common parking.
Require proper design of industrial and commercial parking lots in order to limit the environmental impact as well as the impact on abutting properties.
Provide adequate off-street loading facilities.
Control the off-street parking, loading and storage of tractor-trailer trucks, trailers, major recreational equipment and storage pods.
Any building or other structure erected, altered or used and any lot used or occupied for any of the following purposes shall be provided with minimum off-street parking spaces as set forth below, together with adequate passageways or driveways or other means of circulation and access to and from a street or way.
[Amended 7-1-2024 by Ord. No. 368 ]
Any building or structure erected, altered or used and any lot used or occupied for any of the following purposes shall be provided with the minimum number of all-weather parking spaces set forth below, together with adequate dimensions, driveways and street access in compliance with the requirements of the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1] The following are minimum parking standards:
Table 250-202
Off-Street Parking Requirements
Number of Required Spaces
Single-family, detached and semidetached dwellings
2 per dwelling unit
Two-family dwellings
2 per dwelling unit
Townhouses and garden apartments
2 per dwelling unit
Age-restricted housing
2 per dwelling unit; may be reduced to 1.5 per dwelling unit for age-restricted communities. Offices, maintenance buildings and community center shall be treated as separate uses.
Rooming/boardinghouse, group home, and other similar places
1 per resident
1 per each employee on shift of highest employment
Home occupation
2 per dwelling unit
1 for each nonresident employee working during an 8-hour period
No-impact home-based business
1 per dwelling unit
Low-impact home-based business
1 per dwelling unit
At least 1 additional parking space, but not more than 2 additional parking spaces, shall be provided in addition to those required for the approved residential use. Such parking shall be provided on the same lot as the residence.
Additional requirements for all home occupations
Parking for home occupations shall not be permitted in the required front yard setback.
Commercial swimming pools and outdoor recreation
1 per 4 persons of total capacity
1 per employee on the highest shift of employment
Private or membership clubs, residential clubs, lodges, or social halls
1 per 150 square feet of gross floor area devoted to public and/or patron use
1 per employee
Driving ranges, miniature golf
1 per tee
1 per employee on the highest work shift
Bowling alleys
4 per lane
1 per employee on the highest shift of employment
Theaters, auditoriums, stadiums
1 for every 4 seats
1 per employee on the highest shift of employment
Community center, library, museum or other similar place
1 for every 500 square feet of floor area in public use
Indoor recreation facilities
1 for every 4 seats of design capacity, plus 1 for every 50 square feet of rink area; or 1 for every 250 square feet of design capacity, whichever is greater
1 for each employee on the highest shift of employment
Bed-and-breakfast inns
1 per guest bedroom
2 for owner(s)
Assisted living facilities
1 for every 4 units
1 for each employee on the shift of highest employment
Hospital, nursing home, personal care facility, convalescent home, institutional home
3.5 per 1 patient beds
1 per staff or visiting doctor, and 1 for each employee on the shift of highest employment
Churches or other places of worship
1 per 4 seats
1 per 100 square feet of meeting room area, and 1 for each employee
Public auditorium, assembly, meeting room, or meeting room or other similar space of public or private assembly
1 for every 4 seats provided for public assembly
1 per presenter
Patient-oriented medical or dental office, clinic, etc.
3.5 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
1 per employee at the highest shift of employment
Medical laboratory
1 per 600 square feet of gross habitable floor area
Special medical treatment facility
1 per 400 square feet of gross habitable floor area
Patient hostel
1 per guest room
1 per employee on the highest shift
Hospital staff dormitory
1 per student or employee
Nursery/day-care center
1 per employee
1 for every 10 children of designed capacity, and at least 1 for every 15 children of designed capacity shall be provided for child dropoff AND 1 visitor space per 25 students/participants
Adult day care
1 per employee/volunteer
1 for every 4 patients of designed capacity, and at least 1 for every 10 patients of designed capacity shall be provided for patient dropoff AND 1 visitor space per 25 participants
Elementary/intermediate school
1.75 per classroom
High School
5 per classroom or 1 per every 4 seats in the largest public assembly area, whichever is higher
Vocational schools
1 per student for the highest time of class attendance, plus 1 space per instructor
Instructional schools
1 per 150 square feet
Facilities focusing on physical development and/or instruction
Facilities focusing on mental development and/or education
Student homes, residence halls
1 for every 5 beds
1 for each faculty/staff member or volunteer AND 1 visitor space per 15 students/participants
Community residential programs
2 for each community residential program occupying a premises
1 for each faculty/staff member or volunteer
Animal hospital/veterinarian
2 per practitioner
1 per employee
Meeting or assembly halls for fraternal or civic organizations
1 for 4 seats
1 per employee
Government services and facilities
1 per employee
1 per 4 seats in public assembly room(s)
Auto gas/service/repair
1 per employee at the highest shift of employment
3 per bay, plus 1 for each 300 square feet of retail sales area
Auto, truck, recreation vehicle or boat sales
1 per 10 vehicles on display
1 per employee
Banks, savings and loans, credit unions, other financial institutions
1 per 100 square feet of floor area used for servicing customers
1 per employee
Fast-food restaurant
1 per table or booth, plus 1 for each 2 counter stools
1 for each employee on the highest shift of employment
Funeral home
1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area dedicated to patron use
1 per employee
1 per rental unit, plus 1 per 200 square feet of additional public floor area. Any restaurant, bar, etc., shall be treated as a separate use.
1 per employee on the highest work shift
1 per 5 washing or drying cleaning machines
1 per employee
1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area
Personal service business (barbershops, salon, dry cleaners, appliance repair)
1 per 200 square feet of space dedicated to patron use
1 per employee on the highest shift
Take-out restaurants
1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, exclusive of basement if not devoted to the use of patrons, not providing indoor service or seating for customers
1 per employee on the highest shift
Restaurant/tavern, cafe, or tearoom, including outdoor restaurants and restaurants with taprooms
1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area dedicated to patron use, including outdoor serving and dining areas
1 per employee on the highest shift
1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor area, exclusive of basements not devoted to the use of patrons
1 per employee on the highest shift
Retail store, general merchandise store
1 per 250 square feet*
1 per employee on the highest shift
Furniture or appliance store
1 per 400 square feet of sales floor area
1 per employee on the highest shift
Car wash
1 per stall
1 per employee on the highest shift
Shopping centers/supermarket
1 per 250 square feet of retail sales area
1 per employee on the highest shift
Department store
1 for every 250 square feet of store sales floor area
1 per employee on the highest shift
Other commercial buildings
1 per 250 square feet of gross floor area
Open areas used for commercial purposes
1 for each 1,500 square feet of area
Television or radio broadcasting station
1 for each 500 square feet
1 for each 10 seats provided for public or private assembly
Other commercial use not listed above
1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area
Wholesaling and warehousing
1 per 750 square feet of office and customer service floor area
1 per employee on the highest shift
Manufacturing and industrial uses
1 per employee
1 per company vehicle based at plant
Laboratory, industrial establishments or other industrial buildings
1 per 650 square feet of gross floor area or 1 per employee on the highest shift, whichever is greater
Additional parking areas as determined by § 250-203 below shall also be constructed
Utility substation
1 per vehicle normally required to service such facility
Of all area occupied by equipment, furnishing, or inventory accessible to customers or patrons, but not including corridors, toilet rooms, and other such accessory rooms as may be provided.
Of all area occupied by equipment, furnishings, or inventory accessible to employees, but not including corridors, toilet rooms, and other accessory rooms as may be provided.
Where the word "employee" is used in this table, it is intended to mean "full-time employee plus the full-time equivalent of part-time employees during the peak shift."
All schools shall designate an area of level lawn or field for overflow parking for special events, which shall provide at least 100 parking spaces or one space per two students of total capacity, whichever is less. The area may be on an adjacent property, if written permission is secured from the property owner.
Parking areas for vehicles offered for sale are not required to meet the minimum parking space and aisle width requirements, provided that there is sufficient width to allow access by fire trucks throughout the lot.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 215, Subdivision and Land Development.
Off-street parking space with proper access from a street or alley shall be provided in the amounts indicated below, on or near any lot on which the following types of uses are hereafter established. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prevent the establishment of joint parking facilities for two or more uses.
For any of the following primary uses, the required parking spaces shall be all-weather and shall be located on the same lot therewith.
For any of the following primary uses, the required parking space shall be all-weather and shall be paved, and such parking spaces shall be located on the same lot therewith, except as provided in § 250-204 below.
Handicapped-accessible parking spaces shall conform to the Americans with Disabilities Act Handbook, as last revised, including but not limited to the following regulations:
Handicapped-accessible parking spaces shall be located as near as practical to a primary building entrance.
Pedestrianways which are accessible to the physically handicapped shall be provided from each handicapped parking space.
Ramps shall not encroach into any parking space.
Surface slopes or parking spaces for the physically handicapped shall have as minimum a slope as possible.
Each parking space reserved for the physically handicapped shall be identified by a permanently affixed reflectorized sign, constructed of porcelain steel, beaded text or equal, displaying the international sign for accessibility.
The surface of each parking space reserved for the handicapped shall have a surface identification duplicating the symbol of accessibility and four-inch lines.
State-adopted design standards provided for in the Lower Pottsgrove Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 215, Subdivision and Land Development.
If the number of required spaces is substantially larger than the number anticipated by the applicant, the reserve parking option may be utilized to avoid unnecessary paving, in accordance with the following criteria:
The total number of parking spaces required by § 250-201 and as described in § 250-202 above shall be clearly set forth and labeled as such on the development, subdivision, or other plan required to be filed by the landowner or developer with the Township before the issuance of a building and/or use and occupancy permit.
However, the number of spaces required to be constructed by this chapter may be reduced and the land area equal to the reduction shall be denoted parking-in-reserve area. Said reduction may be accomplished only upon full compliance with each of the following conditions:
The total number of parking spaces required to be paved may be reduced up to 50% by the Board of Commissioners, upon the recommendation of the Township Planning Commission and Township Engineer.
The applicant shall provide evidence of reduced parking needs to the Township Planning Commission and the Township Engineer for their review.
A sufficient area of the applicant's site shall be held in reserve as green space for construction of the remainder of the required spaces. All stormwater engineering shall be designed and installed based on total parking requirements, including the reserve.
Parking capacity will be reevaluated by the Township Planning Commission and Township Engineer should any change occur in the use, ownership or size of buildings or number of employees. On the recommendation of the Planning Commission and Township Engineer, the Board of Commissioners may require the construction of the reserve parking spaces within a time frame determined by the Board of Commissioners.
The applicant shall provide a financial guaranty to cover the costs of engineering and construction of the reserve parking spaces for a period of 18 months following the construction of the initial spaces.
The parking spaces required herein may be located elsewhere than on the same lot, such as on any adjacent lot or on a lot connected therewith by a private right-of-way, when authorized by a conditional use, subject to the following conditions:
The owners of two or more establishments under separate ownership, whose lots are contiguous, shall submit with their application for conditional use a site plan showing joint use and location of a common off-street parking area.
The same portion of the common off-street parking area lies within 200 feet of an entrance, regularly used by patrons, into the buildings served thereby.
The Board of Commissioners may, in its discretion, reduce the required aggregate amount of required parking spaces upon determination that greater efficiency is affected by joint use of a common parking area, but in no case shall the ratio of total off-street parking area be reduced to less than 25%.
The access and parking easements are prepared and recorded for each property affected by the common parking.
All parking lots in industrial and commercial districts shall be operated and maintained in accordance with all of the following conditions:
They shall not be used for the sale, repair or dismantling of any vehicles, equipment, materials, or supplies.
They shall be properly graded for drainage, surfaced with concrete, asphaltic concrete, asphalt, oil, or any dust-free surfacing, and maintained in good condition, free of weeds, dust, trash or debris. Gravel parking surfaces may be approved as an alternative.
They shall be provided with wheel or bumper guards so located and arranged that no part of any parked vehicles will extend beyond the boundaries of the parking lot.
Lighting facilities shall be so arranged that they neither unreasonably nor unnecessarily disturb occupants on adjacent residential properties nor interfere with traffic by either location or glare.
Proper drainage, both on and off the parking site, and meeting the requirements of the Township's Stormwater Management Ordinance shall be provided.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 203, Part 1, Stormwater Management Regulations.
In addition to required off-street parking spaces, the foregoing uses shall be provided with adequate off-street loading space which can safely handle the largest size trucks expected to serve the proposed use. Such off-street loading area shall not be located in parking spaces, parking aisles or access driveways. At least one permanently maintained off-street loading and unloading space shall be provided for each lot on which a commercial or manufacturing use is hereafter established, provided that:
This requirement shall not be mandatory for uses which have a total floor area of 3,000 square feet or less; and
This requirement may be waived when authorized as a conditional use by the Board of Commissioners in any case where the unreasonableness of this regulation is clearly demonstrated.
No tractor-trailer, semi-truck, truck-tractor or trailer from a tractor-trailer truck shall be stored or parked on a public street for more than three successive days within any zoning district unless it is stored in an approved facility as determined by the Township Zoning Officer.
Major recreational equipment, including but not limited to boats and boat trailers, travel trailers, pick-up campers or coaches, motorized dwellings, tent trailers, trailers (recreation and utility), school buses or similar equipment, shall not be parked or stored on any public street or within any zoning district. Such equipment, however, may be parked for a period not exceeding three successive days during loading or unloading in a calendar year. No such equipment shall be used for living, sleeping or housekeeping purposes when parked or stored in such location.
No commercial storage pods shall be placed on any public street except in a rear yard or a driveway, provided such pod is placed behind the building setback line. Such a storage pod, however, may be placed on a public street for a period not exceeding 14 successive days during loading or unloading in a calendar year.
No roll-off containers, regardless of size, shall be placed on any public street, except in a rear yard or a driveway, provided such roll-off is placed behind the building setback line. Such roll-offs, however, may be placed on a public street for a period not exceeding 14 successive days during loading or unloading in a calendar year.