Whenever a Village sanitary sewer or tributary thereto is not available to a building or property as provided in Article IV or whenever a property owner receives a waiver from the Article IV connection requirement pursuant to an action of the Water and Sewer Board under this article, then the building drain shall be connected to a private sewage disposal system complying with the requirements of the NYSDEC, the Department of Health and this article.
A waiver from the connection requirement of Article IV may be granted by the Water and Sewer Board only if the property contains not more than one non-owner-occupied dwelling unit with an existing private sewage disposal system which was installed prior to the effective date of the Village's original sewer connection requirement and has been inspected, within one month of the date of the waiver application and at the expense of the applicant, by the Village Engineer and found to be operating in accordance with all applicable laws, rules or regulations of the Village, the Department of Health and the NYSDEC.
The Water and Sewer Board shall not consider any request for a waiver until a completed application, on Village forms, has been submitted to the Village Clerk, together with an application fee. The fee shall be that established pursuant to a resolution of the Water and Sewer Board.
All waivers shall expire on the next proceeding 31st day of May.
Any application to renew a waiver for an additional one-year period must be submitted, in accordance with the provisions of this section, no earlier than April 1 and no later than April 30 of each year.
A waiver, once granted, will exempt a property from sewer use charges and rents.
If a waiver is denied or if any major repairs become necessary to a private sewage disposal system operating under a waiver, then the property owner must abandon the private system and connect to the Village sewer in accordance with Article IV. For purposes of this subsection, "major repairs" shall be those where the cost of repair or replacement exceeds 50% of the present value of the sewage disposal system (exclusive of inside plumbing fixtures and the building drain) as determined by the Water and Sewer Board.
Before commencement of construction of a private sewage disposal system, the owner shall first obtain a written permit issued by the Water and Sewer Board. The application for such permit shall be made on a form furnished by the Village and shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications and other information as is deemed necessary by the Water and Sewer Board. A permit and inspection fee will be paid to the Village at the time the application is filed. All information required shall become a part of the application. No revisions shall be made to a system which is the subject of an issued permit without the prior written approval of the Water and Sewer Board.
The methods, practices and materials used in the construction of a private sewage disposal system located in the Village shall be in accordance with the provisions of the approved application and issued permit and any rules, regulations, specifications and requirements of the Department of Health, the NYSDEC and those adopted by the Board of Trustees and the Water and Sewer Board to implement the provisions of this Part 1 as provided herein. In the absence of any particular provisions in this Part 1 or rules, regulations, specifications and requirements promulgated pursuant thereto or in amplification thereof, the materials and procedures set forth in appropriate specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) Manual of Practice No. 9 shall apply.
The Water and Sewer Board shall be allowed to inspect work being performed on a private sewage disposal system at any stage of construction. No underground portions shall be covered unless they have been inspected and approved by the Water and Sewer Board. Where work is ready for inspection pursuant to the provisions of an issued permit, the owner shall notify the Water and Sewer Board, which shall make reasonable efforts to perform the inspection within 24 hours of receipt of the notice. Prior to final approval of the construction, the owner shall provide the Water and Sewer Board with two complete sets of as-built drawings of the system and any sewage infiltration test results, both certified by a professional engineer licensed in the State of New York. The maximum allowable rate of infiltration into any section of sewage system shall not exceed 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile of sewer per day. The system shall not be used until the Water and Sewer Board grants final approval of the construction.
The owner of a private sewage disposal system shall operate and maintain the facilities in a satisfactory manner at all times, in compliance with an issued permit and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, at no expense to the Village.
If the private system fails for any reason, the owner shall notify the Village immediately. Notification shall be followed within 15 days by a detailed, written statement describing the causes of the failure and the measures taken to prevent future failures.
The owner of property served by a private sewage disposal system shall abandon the system whenever the property is connected to the Village sewer system or tributaries thereto pursuant to the provisions in Article IV. The abandoned facilities shall be cleaned of sludge and either removed or filled with clean bank-run gravel or dirt or other suitable material, as directed by the Water and Sewer Board. Any sludge shall be deemed scavenger waste and as such shall not be discharged into the Village sewer system but shall be disposed of in accordance with applicable local, state or federal requirements.