All sewer use charges shall be due and payable semiannually on the first day of June and December. The Village Clerk, upon the approval of the Water and Sewer Board, shall establish the procedures for issuance of all sewer use bills.
[Amended 9-7-2021 by L.L. No. 5-2021]
Sewer use charges may be paid at any time within 45 days from the date they become due without penalty. In the event that the sewer use charges are not paid within 45 days, a penalty of 10% shall be added. Such penalty shall constitute additional sewer rents.
The Village Clerk shall annually certify the amounts of all unpaid sewer charges, including penalties, computed to the first day and month following the month in which the fiscal year commences. The Clerk shall present such certificate to the Board of Trustees and enter the certificate in the minutes of the meeting. The Board of Trustees shall levy such amounts against the real property liable therefor as a part of the annual Village tax levy, setting forth such amounts in separate columns in the annual tax roll. The amounts so levied shall be collected and enforced in the same manner and at the same time as provided by law for the collection of Village taxes.
Sewer rents shall be a lien and shall be prior and superior to every other lien or claim except the lien of any existing tax, assessment or other lawful charge imposed by or for the state or a political subdivision or district.
Each user shall be notified annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which is attributable to wastewater treatment services.
This Part 2 shall take precedence over any terms or conditions of agreements or contracts between the Village and all sewer users which are inconsistent with all relevant federal regulations pertaining at the effective date of this Part 2.