[1959 Code, sec. 435. 1951, ch. 534, sec. 152] [Amended 5-23-2005 by Res. No. 1247]
When the Mayor and Council deem it advisable, the City may establish a Department of Parks and Public Property headed by a Director. The Director of this Department shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of a majority of the full Council and shall serve continuously unless terminated pursuant to § SC2-10. The compensation for the Director shall be determined by a majority of the full Council. All subordinate personnel shall be appointed as provided in § SC3-4C of this Charter.
[Added 5-23-2005 by Res. No. 1247[1]]
Under the authority of the Mayor and the direct supervision of the City Administrator, the Director shall supervise and control all parks and playgrounds and such additional ones as may be acquired in the future by the city, and also shall supervise the management of the public lands and buildings owned by the city.
Editor's Note: This resolution also renumbered former §§ SC19-2 through SC19-4 as §§ SC19-3 through SC19-5, respectively.
[1959 Code, sec. 436. 1951, ch. 534, sec. 153]
All municipal property, franchises and funds of every kind now belonging to or in the possession of the Mayor and Council are vested in the City of Salisbury.
[1959 Code, sec. 438. 1951, ch. 534, sec. 155]
The City of Salisbury may receive in trust and may control for the purpose of such trust all moneys or other property which may have been or shall be bestowed upon the city by will, deed or any other form of gift or conveyance, in trust, for any general purpose of education, or for any charitable purposes of any description, within the City of Salisbury.
[1959 Code, sec. 439. 1951, ch. 534, sec. 156]
The City of Salisbury shall have the power to do whatever may be necessary to protect public property and to keep all public property in good condition.