The inhabitants of the Town of Sharptown, in Wicomico County, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the "Commissioners of Sharptown," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, have and use a common seal, which may be altered at pleasure, and have all powers and privileges incident to or that may attach to a municipal corporation.
A description of the corporate boundaries of the town at all times shall be on file with the Town Clerk or other comparable official and with the Clerk of the court of the county. The corporate boundaries are as follows: The taxable and corporate limits of said town shall begin at low watermark on the south side of the Nanticoke River, at a cement post set up at a point that lies north sixty-nine degrees thirty minutes east two hundred feet from the northeast corner of the corporate limits of Commissioners[1] of Sharptown as they now exist, and running thence south twenty degrees thirty minutes east (all bearings as of February 25, 1949) thirty-nine hundred twenty-three and nine-tenths feet to a cement post on the northerly line of an old County Road; thence running by and with the northerly line of said old County Road south fifty-four degrees west four hundred forty-one feet to a cement post; thence continuing by and with the northerly line of said old County Road south sixty-four degrees thirty minutes west nine hundred and thirty-one feet to a cement post at the northeast intersection of said old County Road and Main Street; thence running south eighty-one degrees thirty minutes west two thousand three and one-tenth feet; thence running north twenty degrees thirty minutes west twenty-six hundred seventy-three feet to a cement post at the low watermark on the south bank of the Nanticoke River; thence by and with the low watermark of the Nanticoke River in an easterly direction to the beginning. The Commissioners hereafter elected may make such alterations in said limits as they may deem advisable and cause the same to be surveyed and the boundaries thereof to be established and the record thereof to be filed amongst the records of the corporation.
Editor's Note: So in original.