[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Harrington Park 10-22-2007 by Ord. No. 620. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 297.
It is hereby ordained by the Mayor and Council of the Borough Harrington Park a traffic ordinance to limit the parking, weights, use and designation of streets within the Borough of Harrington Park.
Whenever any words and phrases are used in this chapter, the meaning respectively ascribed to them in Subtitle 1 of Title 39 of the Revised Statutes of New Jersey shall be deemed to apply to such words and phrases used herein. Furthermore, the enforcement of any such provision herein is contingent upon the Borough erecting the appropriate signage pursuant to applicable New Jersey law.
The regulations contained herein are not exclusive and shall not constitute an offense in lieu of an offense otherwise more restrictive as provided in N.J.S.A. 39:4-1 et seq. or any other New Jersey statute or law.
This chapter shall supersede and repeal any previous ordinance to the contrary, and to the extent any provision of this chapter shall be declared unenforceable, then such provision shall have no force and effect and the remainder of these provisions shall be validly enforced.
"No parking any time" shall mean that no vehicle occupied or unoccupied shall stand or occupy space in an area designated as "no parking" or in any area designated as a "bus stop" or any area designated by the Harrington Park Board of Education and appropriately signed.
"No parking at certain times" shall mean that no vehicle occupied or unoccupied shall stand or occupy space in an area so designated, indicated on the appropriate sign as "no parking."
"No overtime parking" shall mean that no vehicle occupied or unoccupied shall stand or occupy a space in an area so designated in excess of the time allowed for such valid parking.
No parking "permit required" shall mean that no vehicle occupied or unoccupied shall stand or occupy a space in an area so designated during a period requiring a parking permit or decal without displaying the appropriate decal/permit. Residential parking permits shall be issued by the Chief of Police for use only by bona fide residents of the Borough. When a resident moves from Harrington Park, the permit will be forfeited and void. Any vehicle displaying a residential permit for a vehicle not registered to a property owner in Harrington Park or vehicle customarily used by a Harrington Park resident will, in addition to all such other penalties contained in this Chapter 331, Vehicles and Traffic, be subject to a fine of not more than $100 for each day of parking in any such designated municipal area and displaying such invalid permit.
[Amended 6-17-2019 by Ord. No. 733]
No parking "state of emergency" shall mean that upon the declaration of an emergency as declared by the Mayor and/or the Chief of Police or in his absence a ranking police officer, no occupied or unoccupied vehicle shall stand or occupy a space in an area so designated with "temporary emergency no parking" signs or equivalent identification of said emergency.
"No overnight parking at any time" shall apply to all streets and public lots which are in the Borough of Harrington Park between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. during such time. No occupied or unoccupied vehicle shall occupy any space on a street or in any public lot in the Borough of Harrington Park in violation of this chapter.
"Waiver" shall mean that any resident of the Borough of Harrington Park may apply to a police officer of the Borough of Harrington Park for a waiver of the "no overnight parking" provision by calling the Police Department and securing said approval prior to the overnight parking.
"Commercial vehicle" shall mean a vehicle registered as a commercial vehicle by the New Jersey DMV or any other state or federal authority.
"Left-turn prohibition" and "lane use reservation" shall mean that no vehicle, contrary to a duly posted sign, whether stationary or painted upon the street, shall maneuver in violation of such designation.
"One-way," "stop" and "yield" signs shall refer to those streets and intersections appropriately designated by the Mayor and Council for use as so designated for the days and times as appropriately marked.
"Do not enter" shall mean any appropriately marked and designated exit, entrance, street or vehicle way as may be designated by the Mayor and Council.
"Overweight vehicle" shall refer to any vehicle in excess of four tons which traverses any street hereinafter designated by the Mayor and Council and appropriately marked as excluding such vehicles, except for the pickup and delivery of materials on such streets.
No vehicle shall be parked, operated or used in violation of any designation, sign and/or marking appropriately displayed which prohibits the parking, operation or use of such streets or lots within the Borough unless a waiver has been obtained from the Harrington Park Police Department.
Every person convicted of a violation of this chapter shall pay a fine as hereinafter described, unless the court determines otherwise:
Violation of overnight parking: $25.
[Amended 4-21-2008 by Ord. No. 625]
Violation of "no parking emergency": $50.
Violation of "no parking certain days/certain times": $50.
Violation of "no commercial parking": $100.
Violation of "no parking anytime": $50.
Violation of "overweight vehicle on certain streets": $100.
Violation of "no parking permit required": $100.
Violations of failure to obey stop signs, yield signs, one-way signs, no turn signs, lane use signage, parking in handicapped designated spaces and illegal parking on private property shall carry those motor vehicle violation penalties as prescribed by New Jersey statutes.
The Mayor and Council hereby find and declare that problems of traffic control occur when traffic must be moved through or around road or street construction, maintenance operations and utility work, whether above or below the ground, which require the blocking of the roadway and obstructing the normal flow of traffic; such obstructions are or can become dangerous when not properly controlled.
In order to better promote the public health, safety, peace and welfare, it is necessary to establish controls and regulations directed to the safe and expeditious movement of traffic through construction and maintenance zones and to provide safety for the work forces performing these operations.
It shall be the responsibility of the person or contractor, or, in the case of a public utility, as required under the public utility agreement, wishing to conduct work on, under, or above the roadway to contact the Chief of Police or his designee from the Harrington Park Police Department in order to arrange a pre-construction meeting and to submit plans for the safe movement of traffic during such period of construction work. Failure to comply with this section shall be a violation of this chapter.
The person, contractor, or utility shall provide the traffic officer with at least two emergency contact telephone numbers to be used in case of an emergency problem at the construction or maintenance site prior to the start of any work. In the event any emergency shall occur and the appropriate party cannot be reached, then the Borough may undertake to correct any such hazardous condition and the contractor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses of the same.
There shall be no construction, maintenance operation or utility work on any roadway in the Borough, except in an emergency, before the hour of 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. or on any Sunday.
Road closings and detours shall only be permitted if approved by the Harrington Park Police Chief or his designee.
Traffic directors shall be posted at all construction or maintenance sites when determined by the Harrington Park police traffic officer that the same are necessary to provide for the safety and expeditious movement of traffic.
The Police Chief or his designee shall have the authority to stop work, including the removing of equipment and vehicles and stored materials within the right-of-way and backfilling of open excavations, when in his opinion a determination is made that any section of this chapter has been violated or on his determination that there is a clear and present safety hazard.
The Borough of Harrington Park, County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, does hereby adopt the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 1978 Edition, as hereinafter amended or supplemented, as it controls and regulates construction, maintenance operations, or utility work obstructions in the normal flow of traffic. Any person, contractor or utility who or which fails to comply with the provisions referenced above while performing such work shall be in violation of this chapter and shall be fined not less than $500 for a first offense and no less than $1,000 for each subsequent offense.
Parking shall be prohibited on the following streets, designated as Schedule I:
Name of Street
Bogerts Mill Road
Jughandle turn northwest of Old Hook Road intersection
Bogerts Mill Road
Jughandle turn southwest of Old Hook Road intersection
Bogerts Mill Road
Old Hook Road to Taylor Place
Bogerts Mill Road
Taylor Place to Harriot Avenue
Carmen Road
LaRoche Avenue to Harriot Avenue
Closter Road
Schraalenburgh Road to Livingston Street
Demarest Place
Tappan Road to Kohring Circle
Downing Place
Entire length
Elliot Road
LaRoche Avenue to The Parkway
Elm Street
Northwest curbline of LaRoche Avenue to a point 135 feet east thereof
First Street
Entire length
Harriot Avenue
Parkside Road to western boundary line of Borough
Harriot Avenue
Lafayette Road to Downing Place
Harriott Avenue
[Added 10-10-2017 by Ord. No. 717]
Between Elliott Road and Giles Road designated as "No Parking This Side Any Time Except for Wedding or Funeral Limousines Monday-Saturday, no parking Sunday"
Harriot Avenue
Lafayette Road to 120 feet east of Giles Road
Harriot Place
Thomas Street to Parkside Road
Herring Street
Harriot Avenue to Short Place
Herring Street
Russell Place to Hackensack Avenue
Kline Street
Harriot Avenue to Short Place
Lafayette Road
Harriot Avenue to Blanch Avenue
LaRoche Avenue
Elm Street to a point 300 feet northeast thereof
Legion Place
Highland Avenue to northern dead end of Legion Place
Lohs Place
50 feet north of Third Street and continuing 750 feet south
Lynn Street
LaRoche Avenue to a point 150 feet south thereof
Lynn Street
LaRoche Avenue to The Parkway
Lynn Street
Columbus Avenue to a point 130 feet north thereof
Lynn Street
Harriot Avenue to The Parkway
Martha Road
190 feet north of The Parkway to the intersection of Harriot Avenue
Martha Road
340 feet north of LaRoche Avenue to the intersection of The Parkway
Martha Road
Harriot Avenue north entire length
Martha Road
Harriot Avenue to The Parkway
Norma Road
LaRoche Avenue to The Parkway
Old Hook Road
From boundary of Emerson to boundary with Closter
Parkside Road
River Road to Harriot Avenue
Park Street
Entire length
Penn Street
Schraalenburgh Road to Ward Way
Penn Street
Schraalenburgh Road to a point 74 feet west
Schraalenburgh Road
Tappan Road to Closter boundary line
Semmens Road
Columbus Avenue to South Avenue
Tappan Road
Schraalenburgh Road to boundary line with Norwood
The Parkway
Schraalenburgh Road to a point 160 feet west
The Parkway
[Added 10-10-2017 by Ord. No. 717]
Between Elliott Road and Lynn Street
Thomas Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Harriot Place
Ward Way
LaRoche Avenue to Park Street
West Shore Road
Entire length
Parking shall be prohibited during certain hours on the following streets, designated as Schedule II:
Parking prohibited certain hours.
Name of Street
Downing Place
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Harriot Avenue to 185 feet north
Elliot Road
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Harriot Avenue to The Parkway
Harriot Avenue
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Carmen Road to Elliot Road
Lynn Street
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Between Hackensack Avenue and Harriot Avenue
Time-limit parking.
Name of Street
Time Limit
Columbus Avenue
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Semmens Road and River Road
Elm Street
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between LaRoche Avenue and Schraalenburgh Road
Giles Road
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Carmen Road and Harriot Avenue
Harriot Place
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Entire length
Herring Street
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
LaRoche Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Carmen Road and Lynn Street
LaRoche Avenue
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From Lynn Street to River Road
LaRoche Avenue
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From Schraalenburgh Road to a point 300 feet northeast of Elm Street
Lynn Street
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between LaRoche Avenue and Harriot Avenue
Lynn Street
15 minutes
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning 25 feet north of Columbus Avenue to a point 87 feet north thereof
Lynn Street
15 minutes
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Beginning 25 feet south of LaRoche Avenue to a point 30 feet south thereof
Park Street
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Ward Way and Schraalenburgh Road
Semmens Road
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between LaRoche Avenue and South Avenue
Short Place
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Herring Street and Kline Street
South Avenue
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
From Semmens Road to end of South Avenue
The Parkway
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Giles Road and Elliot Road
Thomas Street
2 hours
8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Entire length
West Shore Road
3 hours
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Between Harriot Avenue and Lafayette Road
No vehicle shall be parked on any street in the Borough of Harrington Park between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. unless an appropriate waiver has been received from the Harrington Park Police Department.
The following areas shall have no parking for certain hours in designated municipal parking areas as detailed in Schedule III below:
Municipal Area A
10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
"Nutshell" parking lot, between The Parkway and LaRoche Avenue
Municipal Area B
10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Ward Way parking lot, between Elm Street and Park Street
Municipal Area C
10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Semmens Road parking lot, between LaRoche Avenue and Columbus Avenue, except those with permit stickers, but not to include commercial vehicles
Municipal Area D
12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m.
Borough Hall parking lot, between Herring Street and Kline Street
Municipal Area E
9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
Highland Field parking lot, between Van Orden Road and Greenway
The following areas, designated as Schedule IV, shall be for municipal permit parking:
Municipal Area A
"Nutshell" parking lot, between The Parkway and LaRoche Avenue
Municipal Area B ("pay")
Ward Way parking lot, 95 feet south of LaRoche Avenue to a point 342 feet thereof
Municipal Area C (employee/qualified residence)
Semmens Road parking lot, 68 feet south of LaRoche Avenue to a point 398 feet south thereof
Stopping or standing shall be prohibited in the following locations during the times noted below, designated as Schedule V:
Name of Street
Glen Avenue East
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Lynn Street to Spring Street
Harriot Avenue
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Dean Street to Downing Place
Lynn Street
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Glen Avenue East to Hackensack Avenue
The following areas, designated as Schedule VI, are designated as areas where trucks in excess of four tons are excluded:
Name of Street
Bluefield Avenue
Entire length
George Street
Entire length
Hackensack Avenue
Entire length
Harriot Place
Entire length
Highland Avenue
Entire length
LaRoche Avenue
Between Semmens Road and Parkside Road
Lynn Street
Between Blanch Avenue and Bluefield Avenue
Parkside Road
From LaRoche Avenue to Harriot Avenue
The Parkway
Entire length
The following areas, designated as Schedule VII, are designated as one-way streets or one-way streets on certain days:
One-way streets.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Bogerts Mill Road jughandle turn intersection (northwest of Old Hook Road)
From Old Hook Road onto Bogerts Mill Road
Bogerts Mill Road jughandle turn intersection (southwest of Old Hook Road)
From Old Hook Road onto Bogerts Mill Road
Harriot Place
From Thomas Street to Harriot Avenue
Penn Street
From Schraalenburgh Road to Ward Way
Thomas Street
From Harriot Place to Harriot Avenue
One-way streets on certain days.
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Lynn Street
Monday to Friday
8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Between Hackensack Avenue and Harriot Avenue
Spring Street
Monday to Friday
3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Between Hackensack Avenue and Harriot Avenue
Through streets. The following described streets or parts of streets are hereby designated as through streets. Stop signs shall be installed on the near side of each street intersection of the through street except where yield right-of-way signs are provided for in the designation:
Name of Street
Columbus Avenue
Between Semmens Road and River Road
Dean Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
Hackensack Avenue
Between Lafayette Road and George Street
Harriot Avenue
Between Lafayette Road and George Street
Herring Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
Highland Avenue
Between Livingston Street and Tappan Road
Kline Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
LaRoche Avenue
Between Carmen Road and Parkside Road
Lohs Place
Between Blanch Avenue and First Street
Lynn Street
Between Hackensack Avenue and Pine Place
Lynn Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
Spring Street
Between Harriot Avenue and Hackensack Avenue
Stops streets. The following described intersections are hereby designated as stop intersections:
Stop Sign On
Dean Street and Glen Avenue East
Glen Avenue East
Greenway and Wicks Drive
Wicks Drive
Harriot Place and Parkside Road
Parkside Road
Highland Avenue and Legion Place
[Added 12-20-2010 by Ord. No. 651]
Highland Avenue
Kohring Circle North and Highland Avenue
[Added 12-20-2010 by Ord. No. 651]
Highland Avenue
LaRoche Road and Elm Street
LaRoche Road
Semmens Road and Columbus Avenue
Columbus Avenue
Spring Street and Glen Avenue East
Glen Avenue East
Ward Way and Park Street
Park Street, northeast
The following described locations are hereby designated as bus stops:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
Blanch Avenue
Lynn Street (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Lynn Street and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Blanch Avenue
Dorotockey Drive (near side) beginning at the easterly curbline of Dorotockey Drive and extending 120 feet easterly thereof
Harriot Avenue
Eckerson Road (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Eckerson Road and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Bogerts Mill Road (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Bogerts Mill Road and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Florence Road (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Florence Road and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Lynn Street (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Lynn Street and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Giles Road (near side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Giles Road and extending 120 feet westerly thereof
Harriot Avenue
At Kline Street (near side) beginning at the easterly curbline of Kline Street and extending 120 feet easterly thereof
Lynn Street (near side) beginning at the easterly curbline of Lynn Street and extending 120 feet easterly thereof
Florence Road (near side) beginning at the easterly curbline of Florence Road and extending 120 feet easterly thereof
Bogerts Mill Road (far side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Bogerts Mill Road and extending 110 feet westerly thereof
Eckerson Road (far side) beginning at the westerly curbline of Eckerson Road and extending 110 feet westerly thereof
Lafayette Road
Hackensack Avenue (far side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Hackensack Avenue and extending 110 feet northerly thereof
Lincoln Terrace (near side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Lincoln Terrace and extending 120 feet southerly thereof
Ehret Avenue (near side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Ehret Avenue and extending 120 feet southerly thereof
Bluefield Avenue (near side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Bluefield Avenue and extending 120 feet southerly thereof
Lafayette Road
Bluefield Avenue (right turn, far side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Bluefield Avenue and extending 150 feet southerly thereof
Ehret Avenue (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Ehret Avenue and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
Lincoln Terrace (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Lincoln Terrace and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
Hackensack Avenue (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Hackensack Avenue and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
LaRoche Avenue
Elm Street (near side) beginning 50 feet from the northwesterly curbline of Elm Street and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
Municipal Parking Area A
Between LaRoche Avenue and The Parkway (middle lot) beginning 50 feet north of the westerly curbline of LaRoche Avenue and extending 180 feet northerly thereof
Tappan Road
Highland Avenue (near side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Highland Avenue and extending 120 feet southerly thereof
Greenway (near side) beginning at the southerly curbline of Greenway and extending 120 feet southerly thereof
Tappan Road
Greenway (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Greenway and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
Highland Avenue (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Highland Avenue and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
Demarest Place (near side) beginning at the northerly curbline of Demarest Place and extending 120 feet northerly thereof
The following areas are designated as municipal parking areas in which parking shall be allowed as the signs reveal. Vehicles must conform to the regulations prescribed and as provided below. The following described locations are herein designated as municipal off-street parking areas:
Municipal Area A, "Nutshell" parking lot: off-street municipal property located between LaRoche Avenue and The Parkway. This parking area is designated for vehicles displaying resident decals. All vehicles are restricted to parking at a ninety-degree angle in this area.
Municipal Area B, Ward Way parking lot: off-street municipal property located between Elm Street and Park Street. All vehicles are restricted to parking at a ninety-degree angle in this area. This area includes no-fee time-restricted parking, handicapped parking, paid parking and resident decal parking.
There shall be 30 off-road parking spaces.
There shall be 12 two-hour parking spaces/paid decal parking spaces/overflow resident decal parking spaces, all as provided by signage.
Municipal Area C, Semmens Road parking lot: off-street municipal property located between LaRoche Avenue and Columbus Avenue. All vehicles are restricted to parking at a ninety-degree angle in this area. This area includes no-fee time-restricted parking, handicapped parking and decal parking. All parking shall be as the signage indicates.
There shall be two handicapped spaces, 10 two-hour spaces on the north end of the lot, and five two-hour spaces on the south end of the lot.
South of the two-hour parking shall be parking for business owners and residents in the area.
At the far end of the lot are three overflow spots which will be designated as decal parking only.
Each business owner whose property is located on that property bordered by Semmens and LaRoche shall be given a placard allowing them one parking space in the two-hour Municipal Parking Area C entitling them to park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Each such business owner may request of the Chief of Police additional placards; the Chief shall have the authority to issue temporary placards, for use by employees of business owners, on a temporary basis.
[Added 9-9-2019 by Ord. No. 741]
Municipal Area D, Borough Hall parking lot: off-street municipal property located at 85 Harriot Avenue, between Herring Street and Kline Street.
Municipal Area E, Highland Field parking lot: off-street municipal property located off Tappan Road between Van Orden Road and the Norwood Borough Line. All vehicles are restricted to parking at a ninety-degree angle in this area.
Municipal Area F, Police Headquarters parking lot: off-street municipal property located off LaRoche Avenue between Schraalenburgh Road and Elm Street. All vehicles are restricted to parking at a ninety-degree angle in the areas designated. Only those vehicles designated will park in the spaces provided for police vehicles only, visitors only, police officers only. All visitor parking will be restricted to two hours. All violators will be towed at the owner's expense.
The following areas, designated as Schedule XI, are designated as turn restrictions and/or lane use reservations areas and/or "do not enter" areas:
Right turn prohibitions. No person shall make a right turn at any of the following locations:
East on West Shore Road to south on Lafayette Road
Left turn prohibitions. No person shall make a left turn at any of the following locations:
North on Lafayette Road to west on West Shore Road
Lane use reservations. All vehicles shall move as described below:
Schraalenburgh Road and Tappan Road. The right lane of the northerly approach of Schraalenburgh Road shall be for right turns only.
Tappan Road and Lafayette Road. The left lane of the westerly approach of Tappan Road shall be for left turns only.
No right turn on red. No person shall make a right turn on red at any of the following locations:
The intersection of Schraalenburgh Road and Tappan Road
Do not enter. The following intersection will be designated as "Do Not Enter":
Borough Hall parking lot (Area D), 85 Harriot Avenue, at the intersection of the Borough of Harrington Park Fire Department parking lot, 13 Kline Street
Exiting the Borough Hall parking lot in a westerly direction into the Harrington Park Fire Department designated parking lot is prohibited
Penn Street at the intersection of Park Avenue and Ward Way
The following intersections are declared to be four-way stop intersections. Stop signs shall be installed on all four corners of the intersection.
George Street and Glen Avenue West
Lynn Street and Hackensack Avenue
Property known and specified as "Harrington Park Board of Education Property" shall be posted/signed for no parking, roadway direction and use, and time limit parking as detailed on the site plan attached hereto, as amended and referred to as Schedule XIII. Any violation of this provision shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in § 331-7. The Harrington Park Board of Education property shall be signed and marked with respect to lane usage/parking/turning/entering as described on the attached plan.[1]
Editor's Note: The Board of Education site plan is on file in the Borough offices.
From time to time and as otherwise authorized by the Mayor and Council, the Borough shall make available certain decal parking spaces, which are to be used by residents of the Borough only for no fee, and paid decal spaces which shall be for paid parking in certain and municipal parking areas as referred to in Schedule X. Spaces with limited time usage as indicated by the signage shall be allowed in certain municipal parking areas as otherwise provided in Schedule X.
[Added 11-20-2017 by Ord. No. 718]
Harriott Avenue.
On Harriot Avenue the existing flashing school zone signs shall be relocated as follows:
The most westerly flashing sign shall be erected at a location immediately west of Martha Road and its intersection with Harriot Avenue directing traffic moving eastward.
The most easterly sign shall be located between Dean Street and Carmen Road directing traffic in moving westward.
Each sign when activated shall state "School Speed Limit 25 mph."
The total distance running east and west between the two signs on Harriot Avenue shall be approximately 1,700 feet.
On Downing Place, during the school hours for drop-off and pickup, there shall be placed a sign "DO NOT ENTER" and it shall be a violation of this ordinance for anyone who does not reside on Downing Place to enter during regulated hours. Delivery and commercial services are exempt from this provision provided they only provide service to a resident address on Downing Place.
[Added 12-19-2022 by Ord. No. 767[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection B was redesignated as Subsection C pursuant to this ordinance.
Additional areas.
Herring Avenue
Install Ladder crosswalk and pedestrian crossing signage
Kline Street
No markings, no signage
Between Kline Street and Dean Street
Apply "Slow School Zone"
Markings; "School Crossing Ahead" for westbound traffic
Dean Street
No markings
Carmen Road
No crosswalk
Spring Street
Ladder crosswalk applied at westerly side of intersection; school crossing signage installed
Lynn Street
Ladder crosswalk to be applied to cross driveway and westerly side of intersection (L-shaped)
Public school entrance driveway
No markings, no signage
Public school exit
Ladder crosswalk to be reinstalled (diagonal); school crossing signage
Elliot Road
No crosswalk, no signage
Downing Place
No crosswalk, no signage
Martha Road
Ladder crosswalk
Florence Road
No crosswalk, no signage
George Street
No crosswalk, no signage