[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council
of the Borough of Harrington Park as indicated in article histories.
Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 9-13-1915 by Ord. No. 26 (Ch.
17, Art. I, of the 1967 Code)]
[Amended 11-18-1941 by Ord. No. 124; 4-18-2011 by Ord. No. 658]
The Volunteer Fire Department of the Borough
of Harrington Park be and the same is hereby established coextensive
with the territorial limits of said Borough and shall consist of companies
presided over by a Chief. Each company shall have apparatus necessary
for the extinguishing of fires and shall be officered by an Assistant
Chief, Captain, Lieutenant and a Second Lieutenant, and a board of
seven trustees.
[Amended 8-17-1964 by Ord. No. 205]
Each company shall not have fewer than 25 nor
more than 60 active members, and any person hereafter elected to active
membership shall be not less than 18 years of age nor more than 50
years of age.
[Amended 11-18-1941 by Ord. No. 124]
The election of Chief, Assistant Chiefs, Captains, Lieutenants and Second Lieutenants shall be confirmed by a majority vote of the Borough Council. The Borough Council shall have the power to remove for cause, suspend, fine or discipline said officers, after hearing; provided, however, that no fines imposed shall exceed the fine as designated in §
164-1. The vote of five Councilmen shall be necessary to remove or dismiss any of said officers.
[Amended 4-18-2011 by Ord. No. 658]
The companies of said Volunteer Fire Department
shall, by resolution of the Mayor and Council of this Borough, be
recognized and designated numerically, in order as organized.
Each company shall have power to make, alter
or amend its constitution, bylaws and rules describing the qualifications
of its officers and members and for the regulation of the business
and conduct of its affairs; provided, however, that no constitution,
bylaws or rules shall contain anything contrary to the provisions
of this article.
[Adopted 6-19-2000 by Ord. No. 531]
A Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP) is
herewith created in accordance with Chapter 388 of the Laws of 1997
(N.J.S.A. 40A:14-185 et seq.) to reward members of the Volunteer Fire
Department for their loyal, diligent, and devoted services to the
residents of the Borough of Harrington Park.
The LOSAP shall provide for fixed annual contributions
to a deferred income account for each volunteer member that meets
the criteria set forth below, that such contributions shall be made
in accordance with a plan that shall be established by the Borough
of Harrington Park pursuant to P.L. 1997, c. 388 (N.J.S.A. 40A:14-185
et seq.), and that such a plan shall be administered in accordance
with the laws of the State of New Jersey, the United States Internal
Revenue Code, and this article.
The LOSAP shall provide for annual contributions
to each eligible member that meets the following criteria:
A. Points.
(1) One hundred points are required for a member to be
eligible for full annual contribution.
(2) Ninety points are required for a member to be eligible
for 90% annual contribution.
(3) Eighty points are required for a member to be eligible
for 80% annual contribution.
(4) Seventy points are required for a member to be eligible
for 70% annual contribution.
(5) Sixty points are required for a member to be eligible
for 60% annual contribution.
(6) Fifty points are required for a member to be eligible
for 50% annual contribution.
B. Five years of service are required for vesting; however,
for past service, each active member shall be entitled to credit for
vesting purposes only of one year of credit for each two years of
active service to a maximum of five years credit, or full vesting.
C. The amount of payment may change annually, and the
maximum base amount shall be increased by the consumer price index
Each active volunteer member shall be credited
with points for volunteer services provided to the Volunteer Fire
Department in accordance with the attached schedule.
LOSAP Point System
100 points needed for a qualifying year
Fire Department responses (50 points maximum,
20 minimum):
60% attendance
50 points
45% attendance
35 points
30% attendance
20 points
Drills (40 points maximum, 20 points minimum):
points are credited for participation in Department, mutual aid and
special drills at 2 points per drill.
Training (50 points maximum): points credited
for certified firematic training courses upon receipt of certificate
of completion at 2 points per hour.
Holder of an elected office (40 point maximum):
points are credited for completion of one-year term in an elected
position. Only one position can be credited per year.
40 points
Assistant Chief
30 points
20 points
15 points
15 points
10 points
10 points
All VPs
5 points
Active Ex-Chief
15 points
Meetings (24 points maximum, 12 points minimum):
6 meetings are required to get credit for any meetings, 2 points per
Miscellaneous activities (35 points maximum):
points will be credited for participation in the following activities
which are deemed official Fire Department functions at 2 points per
Work details
Truck inspection
Fund-raising activities
Wakes and memorial services
Firematic competitions
Committee meetings
Attendance at an outside firematic association
This article shall not take effect unless it
is approved by voters as a public question at the next general election.
[Amended 4-18-2011 by Ord. No. 658]
Pursuant to the referendum question submitted
to the voters of the Borough of Harrington Park at the general election
held on November 6, 2000, the Borough of Harrington Park was authorized
to establish a Length of Service Awards Program for the volunteer
firefighters that serve the municipality pursuant to the following
terms and conditions:
A. The program shall provide for annual contributions
to a deferred income account for each active volunteer member that
meets the eligibility criteria and in accordance with the schedule
adopted by the Borough of Harrington Park.
B. The estimated cost of the program has been calculated
at between $21,000 and $40,250 per year.