[Adopted 6-6-2003 by Ord. No. 370]
After the date of adoption of this article before the occupancy of any real estate that has been previously occupied, an inspection pursuant to the requirements of the Collegeville Trappe Joint Public Works Department shall be conducted. The inspection shall be performed by the Borough of Trappe Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Officer or his designee, in accordance with the procedures for providing a use and occupancy permit. A duly issued approval shall be required before the purchaser can occupy the property except that, so long as the premises remain under the same ownership, no inspection or approval shall be required on a single unit in a multifamily building or a single room in a room house or a single office or store in a multi-leased premises, is reoccupied.
The required inspection shall be made by the Borough of Trappe Building Inspector and Code Enforcement Office, his designee or such other agent as Borough Council shall delegate, and such inspection shall be upon application of the former owner, new owner, or agent thereof.
It shall be the responsibility of the seller to advise prospective buyers that an inspection and approval as required herein is necessary before the premises can be occupied or used.
A fee for such inspection shall be determined by resolution of the Borough of Trappe, and such fee shall be paid upon the filing of an application for inspection.
The following conditions must be complied with prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit.
Any and all sump pumps on the premises shall be inspected to insure proper connection and that all-surface water is properly directed from the sump pump in a manner approved by the Borough.
Sump pumps and other stormwater control facilities may not be drained into the sanitary sewer system. All exterior sewer vents and cleanouts shall be inspected and shall be repaired if found to be deficient.
All applications shall be made in a form provided by the Borough of Trappe, and shall be filed in the Borough Office during normal Borough business hours.
The inspection shall be conducted within 30 days of the receipt of the application.
Occupancy shall not be authorized until all discrepancies as determined by the inspection report dealing with sump pumps and infiltration have been corrected to the CTMA standards.
After the completion of the required inspection, an applicant shall have 30 days to take corrective action to bring the discrepancies noted by the inspection in compliance with the applicable Borough ordinances or Code. Reinspection of the corrected discrepancies may be made within the period without need to file a new application.
Once approval has been issued, it shall remain valid for the purpose for a period of one 180 days from the date of authorization. Failure to occupy the residential property within the one-hundred-eighty-day period shall require the applicant to file a new application for inspection. The Borough reserves the right to reinspect the property at any time upon cause shown.
Upon the sale of the property, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to occupy as a dwelling any building structure or premises situate within the corporate limits of the Borough until such time as an occupancy permit has been issued by the Borough of Trappe.
It shall be unlawful for any person to offer for sale or rent any residential structure situate within the corporate limits of the Borough of Trappe without informing the potential buyer of the requirement of the Borough of Trappe for the need for inspection as set forth herein, and approval being granted by the Borough before the property can be occupied.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this inspection and authorization shall upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and in default of payment of said fine and costs, to be subject to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 30 days. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.