[Adopted 1-9-1928 as Section 85 of the Ordinances of the Village of Coxsackie]
[Amended 12-12-1979 by L.L. No. 27-1979]
No person, firm or corporation shall unlawfully hinder, obstruct or delay any person employed by the Village of Coxsackie or any contractor or subcontractor engaged in constructing or repairing any public work in said Village.
No person shall unlawfully tear down, carry away, remove or in any manner interfere with any barricade or light placed upon, around or in any excavation, street improvement or obstruction in or under any public street, avenue or sidewalk in the Village of Coxsackie so placed by an employee of said Village or any owner thereof or any contractor to protect the public or to prevent injury to such public work.
[Added 12-12-1979 by L.L. No. 27-1979]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or by imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both.