In accordance with the municipality's Master Plan and with consideration of the character of the municipality and its various parts and the suitability of the various parts for particular uses and structures, the Borough of Danville is hereby divided into 11 zoning districts, differentiated according to permitted uses and building regulations, as follows:
One-Family Residential District
One-Family Residential District
Two-Family Residential District
Two-Family Residential District
Multifamily Residential District
Neighborhood Commercial District
Central Business District
General Commercial District
Highway Commercial District
Manufacturing District
Public District
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
The location and boundaries of said zones are hereby established as shown on the current or most recent Official Zoning Map of the Borough of Danville, on file in the office of the Secretary of the Borough. Said Official Zoning Map, together with any map inserts, is hereby made a part of this chapter as if the same were all fully described and set forth herein.
For the purposes of this chapter, the boundaries of all identified floodplain areas within the Borough are as shown in the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) dated May 16, 2008 and the accompanying maps or the most recent revision thereof as issued by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which are declared to be part of this chapter and which are available for inspection at the Borough offices.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Designation of zone boundaries. The zone boundary lines are intended to follow the right-of-way lines of streets and roads, existing lot and property lines, the mean and/or flood level of water bodies and borough boundary lines, all as shown on the Zoning Map; but where a zone boundary line does not follow such a line, its location is shown on the Zoning Map by a specific dimension expressing its distance from a street or road line or other boundary line as indicated or by a reference to a contour line delineated on the United States Geological Survey Maps.
[Amended 5-6-2008 by Ord. No. 491[1]]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Determination of locations of boundaries.
The Floodway and Flood-Fringe Districts, as well as the Approximated Floodplain Districts, shall serve as overlays to the existing underlying zoning as shown on the Borough's Official Zoning Map, and as such, the provisions for these districts shall serve as a supplement to the underlying district provisions. Where there happens to be any conflict between the provisions or requirements of the Approximated Floodplain, Floodway or the Flood-Fringe District and those of any underlying district, the more restrictive provisions and/or those pertaining to the Floodway or Flood-Fringe District shall apply.
In the event of uncertainty as to the true location of a zone boundary line in a particular instance, any decision of the Zoning Officer may be appealed before the Zoning Hearing Board by an affected property owner. It shall be the duty of the Zoning Hearing Board to render its determination with respect thereto.
Where interpretation is needed concerning the exact location of any boundary of the Floodway or Flood-Fringe or Approximated Floodplain District(s), the Zoning Hearing Board shall make the necessary determination. The person questioning or contesting the location of the district boundary shall be given a reasonable opportunity to present his case to the Board and to submit his own technical evidence if he so desires.
Division of lot or parcel in single ownership. Where a zone boundary line divides a lot or parcel in single ownership at the time of the passage of this chapter, any use authorized or permitted in either zone may be extended a distance not to exceed 50 feet beyond the boundary of the zone in which such use is authorized or permitted.
The phrase "more restrictive uses," as employed in this chapter, shall mean the following:
Those uses permitted in a P-1 Zone are the most restrictive.
All other uses are less restrictive in the order they are permitted in the zones in the sequence shown: R-1A, R-1B, R-2A, R-2B, R-3, C-1, C-2, C-2A, C-3 and M-1.
Where a use is specifically enumerated in a less restrictive zone, such use shall not be permitted in a more restrictive zone unless it is specifically enumerated as a permitted use therein.
Except as provided in this chapter, no building or part thereof or other structure shall be erected, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land, building, structures or premises be used, designed or intended to be used for any purpose other than the uses hereinafter listed as permitted in the zone in which such building or premises are located.