[Amended 9-3-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-12]
This article shall apply to all applications for development involving a subdivision of land for the creation of not more than two lots, provided that such subdivision does not involve a planned development, any new street or the extension of any off-tract improvement, the cost of which is to be prorated pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-42.
The development plans for a minor subdivision shall be designed in accordance with the zoning requirements of Part III of this chapter, development and design standards of Part IV of this chapter and provisions of Part VI of this chapter, as applicable. Such plans shall also be prepared in accordance with the following, which shall constitute a checklist for minor subdivision application completeness, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-10.3:
The size of sheets for all plans shall be 24 inches by 36 inches, unless an alternate size is approved by the Borough Engineer, and shall be folded prior to submission by the applicant to a size not to exceed nine inches by 12 inches.
Title block including the following information.
The name of the development.
The type of application (minor subdivision).
The location of the tract to be developed, including existing block and lot number(s) as they appear on the Borough Tax Map, street address (if such exists), municipality (Borough of Metuchen), county (Middlesex County), state (New Jersey).
The name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the owner(s) of record and authorized agent, if any.
Written scale.
The date of preparation, and revision box with the date of each revision.
The name, address, signature, license number and seal of person(s) who prepared the plans.
Signature box containing the following:
Approved by the Planning Board
Key map showing and identifying the location of the tract to be developed superimposed on a map of a section of the Borough showing all streets within 1/2 mile of the same and drawn at a scale not larger than one inch equals 2,000 feet.
Zoning schedule comparison showing both the requirements of §§ 110-63 and 110-154B and what is proposed for each lot on the tract to be developed, including notations for any proposed variances.
Location map showing and identifying the existing location of the following information:
All properties, public rights-of-way, railroad rights-of-way, municipal boundaries with Edison Township and zoning district boundaries within 500 feet of the tract to be developed.
A line delineating a two-hundred-foot radius from the extreme limits of the tract to be developed.
The block and lot numbers, as they appear on the Borough Tax Map, of all properties located within 200 feet of the tract to be developed.
All buildings on the tract to be developed and all adjacent properties, and an indication as to the current use of each.
Any historic sites on the tract to be developed and all properties within 200 feet thereof, as shown on the Borough's Historic Sites Inventory.
Graphic scale.
North arrow.
The above is to be drawn at a scale not larger than one inch equals 100 feet.
List of the names, addresses and block and lot numbers of all property owners located within 200 feet of the tract to be developed, as shown on the most recent Borough tax duplicates.
Subdivision plat showing and identifying the location of the following information:
Existing and proposed property lines and reference corners, including lengths of course to 1/100 of a foot, bearings to 30 seconds in the New Jersey Plane Coordinate System, with an error of closure not to exceed 1 to 10,000.
Existing structures on the tract to be developed and within 75 feet of all adjacent properties, including setback distances from all property lines, and an indication as to whether such is to be retained or removed.
Other existing man-made features, such as culverts, drain pipes, fences and retaining walls.
Building envelopes for all lots to be developed, including setback distances to all lot lines.
Lot area, in square feet to the nearest 1/100 of a foot, for all lots to be developed.
Existing and proposed improvements to that portion of the public right-of-way adjacent to the tract, including sidewalks, curbs, driveway aprons, street paving, catch basins, utility poles, hydrants and shade trees.
Existing and proposed utilities, including details for the type and/or width of all lateral connections or easements for water, sanitary sewer, gas, electricity, telephone and cable television.
Existing or proposed easements or rights-of-way, whether public or private, the extent, limits and purpose of such easement rights being definitely stated on the plan.
Existing and proposed elevations or contours sufficient to determine general slope, high and low points of the tract, natural drainage and proposed drainage, including connections to existing storm sewer lines, if proposed.
Existing unique land forms, natural features, watercourses or bodies of water.
Existing vegetation, including all lawn, shrubs, wooded areas and individual trees over four inches DBH, with an indication as to whether such is to be retained or removed, and details for the methods of vegetation protection during the period of development.
Existing wetlands and areas of special flood hazard, if such conditions exist. Proof of the nonexistence of such conditions shall be provided by the applicant.
Existing or proposed buffer areas or screens, if any.
Clear sight triangle easements for tracts involving a corner lot.
Graphic scale.
North arrow.
The above is to be drawn at one of the following scales: one inch equals 10 feet, one inch equals 20 feet or one inch equals 30 feet. The scale chosen shall be sufficient to enable the entire tract to be shown on a single sheet.
Soil erosion and sediment control plan, pursuant to the requirements of the Freehold Soil Conservation District, if soil disturbance proposed by the development exceeds 5,000 square feet.
If the applicant intends to file the plat as record of the approved subdivision with the Middlesex County Recording Officer, the plat shall be prepared in compliance with the Map Filing Act, P.L. 1960, c. 141 (N.J.S.A. 46:23-9.9 et seq).
Any proposed easements, deed restrictions or covenants affecting any portion of the tract to be developed.
Any information relating to any applicable provision of Part VI of this chapter.
Any additional information the Board finds is reasonably necessary to make an informed decision on any aspect of the application may be required.