[Amended 9-8-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993]
The general review procedure for subdivisions consists of three elements: the preapplication, the preliminary subdivision plat and the final subdivision plat.
The first submission to be prepared by the applicant as part of the subdivision review process is the preapplication. This shall be submitted prior to taking any action to subdivide the land. The primary purpose of the preapplication is to allow the subdivider to outline the general nature of his proposal for subdivision so that the Planning Board can advise him of the proper method of application, the general acceptability of his concept, the consistency (or inconsistency) of his proposal with the Comprehensive Plan of the Town or any special considerations he should make in development of his final subdivision plat, e.g., accommodation of any special soil conditions, handling potential flooding problems, developing open space areas and other related factors.
The completed preapplication shall be submitted to the Planning Board for its review. Within 30 days of the receipt of the preapplication, the Planning Board shall meet to review and discuss the proposed subdivision. The Planning Board shall formally notify the subdivider, giving at least five days' advance notice of the meeting date at which his proposal will be reviewed, and either the subdivider of his agent or attorney shall be present to participate in the review. Representatives of the Broome County Health Department, the County Planning Department, the Soil Conservation Service and the Department of Environmental Conservation should be requested to participate in this meeting to offer respective expertise.
Within 15 days after the preapplication review meeting and upon receipt of comments from the County Health Department, the Soil Conservation Service and the Department of Environmental Conservation, if required, the Planning Board shall notify the subdivider of the action that it has taken on the preapplication. If the preapplication concept is approved, the Planning Board shall move to direct its Chairman to formally notify the subdivider, in writing, to proceed with the development of a preliminary plat for the proposed subdivision.
If the Planning Board does not approve of the preapplication concept, it shall move to direct the Chairman to notify the applicant, in writing, of the specific reasons for disapproval. The Planning Board may also move to accept the preapplication concept subject to certain conditions or modifications. Such conditions or modifications should be clearly stated and shall be contained in the letter of approval from the Chairman of the Planning Board.
The Planning Board's review of the preapplication shall include, at least, a review of the following considerations:
Zoning requirements, adjustments, variances and other related legal matters that may be applicable to the proposed subdivision concept.
The potential impact of the proposal on the cost and extent of public services to be required.
The impact of the proposed development on existing private and public development in the area.
The degree to which the proposal is consistent or inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the area.
The nature of the soil in the area of proposed development and its impact on the proposed water supply and sanitary sewer systems.
The topography of the proposed site and its relative impact on surface water drainage in the area.
Other special site or community problems that may be involved in the successful development of a subdivision in the area proposed.
Upon approval of the preapplication concept, the subdivider shall prepare a preliminary subdivision plat for submission to the Planning Board. Such a preliminary plat shall contain all of the items and supplementary materials specified in Article IX of this chapter.