[Amended 9-8-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993]
All applications for approval of the subdivision plat for a subdivision shall meet and comply with the submission requirements, and the applicant shall submit the items and meet the standards as provided in this article.
Key map. A key map or location map shall show the location of the proposed subdivision within the municipality.
Preapplication sketch. A rough scale sketch, 22 inches by 32 inches, of the proposed subdivision and adjoining properties shall be based on Tax Map or other similarly accurate information and shall show the following information:
Name and address of subdivision; North arrow; and scale.
Name of the owner of the subdivision and of all adjoining property owners.
Boundary survey data.
Zoning district boundaries, if applicable, and surrounding land use.
Topographic contours from the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey (USGS).
Existing drainage features, e.g., ponds, streams, marshes and culverts.
Map of soils interpretation of existing soils, indicating type, percolation and soil bearings.
Present site conditions, e.g., easements, existing utilities, structures, trees, streets and street names.
Proposed street and block layout, with reference to surrounding properties and street pattern.
Proposed utilities; sewer, water and storm drainage.
The sketch plan initially submitted to the Planning Board shall be based on Tax Map information or some other similarly accurate base map at a scale, preferably not less than 200 feet to the inch, to enable the entire tract to be shown on one sheet. The sketch plan shall be submitted, showing the following information:
The location of that portion which is to be subdivided in relation to the entire tract and the distance to the nearest existing street intersection or other permanent landmark.
All existing structures, wooded areas, streams and other significant physical features within the portion to be subdivided and within 200 feet thereof. If topographic conditions are significant, contours shall also be indicated at intervals of not more than 10 feet.
The name of the owner and of all adjoining property owners as disclosed by the most recent municipal tax records.
The Tax Map sheet, block and lot numbers, if available.
All the utilities available and all streets which are either proposed, mapped or built.
The proposed pattern of lots, including lot width and depth, street layout, recreation areas, systems of drainage, sewerage and water supply within the subdivided area.
All existing restrictions on the use of land, including easements, covenants or zoning lines.[1]
Editor's Note: Original § A110-66, Minor subdivision plat, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 9-8-1993 by L.L. No. 3-1993.
Preliminary layout requirements shall be as follows:
Key map.
Scale of one inch equals 1,000 feet.
Information required for the proposed subdivision and areas extending 200 feet beyond the subdivision:
Relationship of the proposed subdivision to the primary and secondary highway system and main intersections.
Boundary lines: building zone districts, if applicable, special districts and municipal areas.
Match lines, as needed, when there are two or more drawings to show the complete subdivisions.
Boundary data: The proposed subdivision area shall be shaded.
Boundaries of adjacent properties and property owners' names. (Adjacent properties which are a part of a recorded subdivision plat may be identified by the subdivision name.)
Preparation. The preliminary layout shall be prepared by a licensed professional engineer or licensed land surveyor and shall provide all information required. All drainage and utility design shall be prepared by a licensed engineer.
Standard for drawing sheet.
Scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet.
Size shall be 22 inches by 32 inches. A larger area necessitates the use of two or more sheets to show the entire subdivision.
If the case should warrant more than one sheet, a clearly drawn match line shall be placed on both sheets.
Title block.
Name of subdivision.
Post office address of subdivision.
Name and address of subdivider.
Name and address of owner.
Name, address, license number and seal of the professional engineer or land surveyor who prepared the drawing.
Date of original submission and for each subsequent submission.
True or magnetic North and date taken.
Topographic contours.
Not greater than two-foot intervals shall be used in presenting contour information.
Contours shall extend 200 feet beyond the subdivision boundary.
Existing site conditions.
Street rights-of-way:
Location and width.
Other rights-of-way and easements:
Location and width.
Restrictions of use, if any.
Drainage structures:
Type of structure.
Location, invert elevations, gradients and sizes of all other structures where applicable.
Other utility structures such as water, sewer, gas mains and power lines:
Type of structure.
Location, invert elevations, gradients and sizes of all other structures where applicable.
Marshes, ponds, streams, rivers or similar conditions:
Location and area covered indicating apparent high-water level.
Other natural features such as wooded areas, rock outcrops or isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter.
Test hole data if required:
Data and location.
Graphic representation of findings for all test holes.
The number and location of test holes shall be acceptable to the Planning Board.
Municipal or other public lands, land designated as parks, open spaces or for some other public or community use.
Buildings and other structures on the subdivision which are to remain.
Proposed site conditions (which must conform to Chapter 600, Zoning, where applicable.
Names to be checked prior to submission at the Planning Board office.
Right-of-way and pavement width.
Tentative center line elevations at principle changes in grades.
Tentative center line gradient shown in percent of slope.
Lot layout:
Dimensions and area of lots to the nearest foot.
Easements and restricted areas with notation as to purpose.
Identification of lots or parcels for special use, whether they are to be offered for dedication or not.
Street access to adjoining properties.
Lot drainage.
Stormwater drainage plan.
[Amended 7-9-2007 by L.L. No. 6-2007]
Drainage shall be shown on the preliminary plat.
A stormwater pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Articles I and II of Chapter 476, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control, and with the terms of preliminary plat approval shall be required for final plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in Article II of Chapter 476, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control. The approved final subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter 476, Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control.
Utilities plans.
Proposed sewer plan showing structures and direction of flow and connection with existing system.
Proposed water supply plan showing connection with existing system and showing mains, valves and hydrants.
Proposed storm sewers and/or subsurface drains.
In the case of individual sanitary systems, a typical lot layout indicating location of systems dimensioned with reference to house and water supply and a detailed drawing of proposed sanitary waste disposal system.
Open space (see § 490-50).
Location of open space areas.
Facilities to be provided in open space areas.
Television cable.
Protective covenants: draft of any protective covenants whereby the subdivider proposes to regulate land use in the subdivision and otherwise protect the proposed development.
Requirements for the final plat shall follow those of the preliminary layout, § 490-46A through J, with the following changes:
Deletions: Section 490-46E, Topographic contours.
Survey data:
Accurate traverse of subdivision boundaries with true angles and distances.
Survey tie-in with true angle distances to three nearest established street monuments or official monuments.
Municipal, Town, county and special district boundaries referenced to the subdivision survey by true angles and distances.
Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent distances and lengths of all areas.
Accurate dimensions to the nearest hundredth of a foot.
Accurate location of all monuments.
Proposed new monuments or monuments to be reset shall be shown.
One monument shall be located at each corner and at each general change in direction of the boundary.
Two monuments shall be located at each street intersection.
Monuments shall be located at the beginning and end of each curve along one side of the street right-of-way.
Public improvement and utilities plan and profile. This plan and profile are declared to be an integral part of the final plat submission and shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Engineer. The performance bond and inspection shall be based on the public improvement and utilities plan and profile, the final plat itself and the municipal specifications for such public improvements and utilities.
Basic plan requirements:
Sheet size shall be 22 inches by 32 inches.
Title block: name of subdivision section, scale and date.
The plan shall show the outline of all rights-of-way, easements and similar conditions.
Street line gradients in percent indicated with arrows to establish direction of flow.
Critical street center line grade elevations.
Drainage system requirements:
Complete drainage system for the entire subdivision, with the appropriate development stages for each of the final plat sections, shall be shown graphically with all existing drainage features which are to be incorporated properly identified as existing.
The boundaries and area in acres of stormwater runoff watersheds shall be shown for each drainage structure.
All proposed drainage structures, e.g., valley gutters, shall be shown.
All drainage structures shall be identified by county, Town, village or city specification type numbers.
The specific details and dimensions to necessitate an explanatory reason for proposed construction, including type of construction, material, size, pitch and invert elevations, among other things, in accordance with good engineering practice.
Required location of test pits, borings and the description of soils condition and watertable.
The ability of receiving waters or drains to accept the additional anticipated flows by use of notations and calculations.
Utility systems requirements, water supply distribution:
Ownership of water supply.
Location of source of supply on property, where piped in and size of the main supply.
Location and size of all distribution mains.
Location of fire hydrants and hydrant valves.
Location of all control valves.
Utility systems requirements, sanitary sewers:
Location of treatment facilities or where discharged and size of receiving sewer.
All sanitary manholes.
Location, size and direction of flow for all sewers.
Location of structures and any mechanical equipment.
Detail sheets, manufacturer's specifications, installation instructions and parts list for all mechanical equipment.
Profile drawing requirements. Drawings shall be made on standard profile paper with the following scales:
Horizontal scale of one inch equals 50 feet.
Vertical scale of one inch equals 10 feet.
All profiles shall show the existing natural grades, the center lines of existing roads and a system of survey stations.
The center line profile of vertical curve notation as to gradient and critical elevations.
The invert profile and location of all drainage structures in street rights-of-way and in drainage easements, and top of structure elevations.
The invert profile and location of all manholes for sanitary sewers in street rights-of-way and in sanitary sewer easements, and top of structure elevations.
Performance bond. See Article XII.
Offers of cession and protective covenants.
Offers of cession by dedicating streets, rights-of-way and any sites for public use and agreements covering the improvements and maintenance of unceded public places and the conditions and time limits, if any, applying to site reservations.
Statement by the Town Attorney approving as to legal sufficiency of all offers of cession and all covenants governing the maintenance of unceded public open space.
Protective covenants in form for recording, including covenants governing the maintenance of unceded public spaces or reservations.