[Amended 5-11-1981]
All uses in the Highway Interchange Commercial District (H-C) shall be subject to the issuance of a special permit by the Town Board, pursuant to the standards set forth in § 600-15. If a special permit is granted by the Town Board, the Planning Board shall thereafter conduct site plan review. In making its review of proposed site plans, the Planning Board shall be guided by the provisions set forth in § 600-35, as well as those of § 600-14 of this chapter.
[Amended 5-13-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
Vehicle service and repair stations and convenience stores.
[Amended 5-13-2002 by L.L. No. 3-2002]
No gasoline service station or convenience store shall be located within 150 feet of a lot or parcel occupied by a public school, public or private hospital, public library or a church. The measurement distance shall be from the closest lot line to the closest lot line.
No repair work shall be performed out of doors.
Pumps, lubricating devices or other devices shall be located at least 20 feet from any street line or highway right-of-way.
All fuel, oil or similar substances shall be stored at least 35 feet distant from any street or lot line.
All automobile parts, dismantled vehicles and similar articles shall be stored within a building.
Any illumination shall be nonflashing, indirect or diffused and shall be constructed so that the illumination shall not shine or reflect light into adjacent properties.
No more than two access drives shall be permitted. Such access shall be no wider than 30 feet and shall be well defined by curbs.
An eight-foot landscaped strip adjacent to the front lot line shall be provided wherever there are no access drives and shall be planted with trees and shrubs. Development or parking within such strip shall not be permitted.
Other permitted uses.
The minimum setback from the right-of-way of the street shall be 30 feet.
One access from the street to each lot or land use shall be permitted. Such access shall be no wider than 25 feet and shall be well defined by concrete curbs. An additional access may be permitted if the Planning Board determines that this is required for safety or efficiency of movement, and no other effective design solution is possible.
An eight-foot landscaped strip adjacent to any street lot line shall be provided wherever there are no access drives. Such strip shall be planted with trees which shall be approximately 25 feet apart and shall be at least three-inch caliper, four feet above the ground. Development or parking within such landscaped strip shall not be permitted.
No more than 80% of any lot shall be covered by buildings, parking areas or access drives. All area not so covered shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs and lawns.
Required parking.
Parking shall be provided as follows:
Motel: 1.25 spaces for each unit. Some of the required parking space may be designated for buses, and the site plan shall indicate appropriate maneuvering room for such buses.
Restaurant: one space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area.
When a motel and restaurant are combined, the parking required for each use shall be provided.
No parking space shall be located less than eight feet from any property line.
Parking areas which accommodate more than 10 cars shall be provided with landscaping (strips or islands) equal to an aggregate minimum of 5% of the total paved surface of the parking area, including maneuvering space.
All front yard area not used for access shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs and lawn.
All parking areas are to be graded to provide rapid drainage and paved with a material that will provide a hard, dust-free surface.
If any of the site is to be filled, the applicant shall show such fill area and specify the grade of any banks created and the measures to be used to prevent erosion.
Outdoor lighting shall not exceed an average maintained horizontal value of 1.5 footcandles except at street access points, where a three-footcandle value shall be permitted. Light sources shall be specified and of a type that will produce no glare on the street or residential properties in a nearby area.
All on-site lighting and electrical and telephone service shall have no overhead wires.
Two business signs shall be permitted for each land use activity, one at the rear of the property, facing either Route 81 or Route 17 (future 1-86), and one on the Front Street, Market Street or Downs Avenue side of the property, if applicable. The total combined area of both signs shall be no greater than 500 square feet.
[Amended 8-10-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998; 1-13-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Any business sign on the Front Street, Market Street or Downs Avenue side of the property shall have an area no greater than 100 square feet.
[Amended 8-10-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998; 1-13-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
No business signs shall be higher above grade than 30 feet.
[Amended 8-10-1998 by L.L. No. 5-1998]
Two directional signs (exit and entrance) may be located along Front Street, Market Street or Downs Avenue, but neither shall exceed six square feet in area or be higher than six feet above the ground surface.
[Amended 1-13-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
The location of all signs shall be approved by the Planning Board.
If public sewer service is not available, the applicant shall provide an alternate system approved by the Broome County Health Department and the Town Planning Board.
Facade drawings showing the Front Street, Market Street or Downs Avenue side and the Route 81 or Route 17 (future I-86) side of any proposed building shall be provided, and facade materials and colors shall be specified.
[Amended 1-13-2003 by L.L. No. 1-2003]
Any Planning Board suggestions for facade materials and colors and for site plan changes shall be considered by the applicant and, if rejected, the reason for such rejection shall be submitted in writing.
Any outside receptacles for the storage of trash or other solid waste or material shall be enclosed in a manner that will cause no health or fire hazard, rodent harborage or public nuisance and shall be landscaped and otherwise screened from view. The location and design of such facilities shall be approved by the Planning Board.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Art. VIII, Floodplain Management District, as amended, which immediately followed this subsection, was superseded 4-8-1987 by L.L. No. 2-1987. See now Ch. 299, Flood Damage Prevention.