[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
As used in this article the following terms shall has the meanings indicated:
means the owner, registrant or lessee in of a motor vehicle as defined in Connecticut General Statutes Section 14-1(51).
Snow emergency
means any snowfall or ice event that is expected, is in progress or has occurred that will require road plowing, sanding, salting and/or snow and ice removal (hereinafter referred to as "treatment") and has been declared to be a snow emergency.
Snow emergency route
means a town road that has been designated a snow emergency route and has been identified as such by signage.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
The Public Works Director (hereinafter the "Director") with the approval of the Mayor, shall have the authority to declare a snow emergency when the Director has determined that public health and safety requires the temporary suspension of street parking on snow emergency routes so as to facilitate treatment of such roads. Parking shall be prohibited on snow emergency routes during a snow emergency. Any motor vehicle parked on a snow emergency route during a snow emergency may be considered an obstruction to traffic and hindrance to road treatment and a threat to public health and safety.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
When practicable, declaration of a snow emergency shall be made at least three hours before the effective time of the snow emergency. The Director shall notify the Chief of Police of such declaration and shall request local radio and television stations to broadcast the declaration and announce that parking on snow emergency routes is prohibited during the snow emergency. Each snow emergency route shall be identified by road signs approved by the New Milford Traffic Authority.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
A snow emergency shall remain in effect until rescinded by the Mayor in consultation with the Director.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
Snow emergency routes shall be designated (and may be added and deleted as such) by the Mayor in consultation with the Director, who shall prepare and maintain a list of such designated roads. Notice of snow emergency routes shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation within the Town and provided to the Chief of Police and the Traffic Authority. The Director, following approval of signage by the Traffic Authority, shall cause signs and markings to be installed on snow emergency routes identifying them as such. Such signs shall also state that vehicles parked on a snow emergency route during a snow emergency will be removed and stored at the vehicle owner's expense.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
The owner of any motor vehicle parked on a snow emergency route during a declared snow emergency shall be in violation of this article. A police officer discovering such vehicle may issue a notice of violation in accordance with the provisions and procedures set forth in Code of New Milford Chapter 20. The owner of the vehicle shall be fined $100 for each violation. Additionally, if a police officer determines that a motor vehicle parked in violation of this article is an obstruction to traffic, hindrance to road treatment or a threat to public health and safety, the officer may order such motor vehicle taken to and stored at a suitable place at the expense of the owner pursuant to the provisions of Code of New Milford § 20-6 and Connecticut General Statutes Section 14-150.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
An owner to whom a notice of violation has been issued shall pay the fine or request a hearing to contest the claimed violation within 10 days of the issuance of the notice. Removed and stored vehicles shall be disposed of and expenses satisfied in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes Section 14-150. In the event a vehicle owner wishes to contest a notice of violation and/or removal authority, a hearing and disposition following hearing, including collection of fines and vehicle removal and storage expenses shall be provided for and conducted in accordance with Code of New Milford Section 20-5 and Connecticut General Statutes Section 14-150.
[Ord. of 11-21-2006]
Any owner aggrieved by a decision of a hearing officer appointed to hear and dispose of a contested notice of violation may appeal such decision to the Superior Court for the Judicial district of Litchfield within 30 days of the issuance of the hearing officer's decision.