The owner or operator shall have the duty and responsibility of removing garbage wherever a janitor is required for the premises in accordance with § 281-15.
All accumulation of trash, debris, and recyclable matter shall be removed daily from collection areas and trash chutes, if the trash compactor is out of order. In dwellings containing four or more dwelling units, storage areas or storage binds of fireproof construction and containing fireproof walls and partitions of at least two hours' rating shall be provided. Outside storage must be within designated areas, disposal bins/containers or other facilities shall be adequate and shall be located in accordance with all applicable regulations and be situate within an enclosure approved by the Construction Code Official. All such containers shall be sealed with approved covers.
In every dwelling containing three or more dwelling units or rooming units or a combination thereof, the owner shall provide or designate a superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper, who shall at all times maintain the premises in compliance with this code and keep the premises free from filthy garbage, refuse and rubbish and who shall be responsible for the daily collection of garbage and other refuse from the occupants on a regular schedule and at a reasonable time and place the same out for collection. Said person shall be regularly available on the premises to perform the foregoing duties and, in the case of complexes of 50 or more units, shall reside on the premises. In the event that said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper shall not reside in said premises, the owner or operator shall make his name, address and telephone number known to all tenants and shall register the same with the public officer and shall also make available and known to all tenants and public officer the name of an alternative individual who shall be responsible at all times during the absence of said superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper. The failure of any superintendent, janitor, caretaker or housekeeper to comply with the provisions of this code, even in disobedience of instructions, shall not relieve the owner or operator from the duties and responsibilities imposed by this code. Additionally, the owner or operator shall register the name, address and telephone number of said owner or operator with the public officer.
[Amended 3-2-2010 by Ord. No. 10-04]
Premises whose lease or expressed or implied covenants cognizable at common law or in equity or as provided by the statutes of the State of New Jersey which so provide shall include air conditioning from May 2 until September 14 at a temperature of 74°. Central heat shall be required in all residential and dwelling units from September 15 to May 1 at a temperature of 68°.
All landscaping, artificial lighting, buffer areas, or any other restrictions/conditions required by a zoning variance and/or site plan approval shall be installed and maintained in accordance with said approval for the life of the approved use/structure.
All vacant structures must be secured against unauthorized entry and maintained so as not to cause a blighting factor for adjoining properties or adversely affect the public health or safety.