No licensed hack, cab or taxicab, licensed in accordance with this chapter, shall be driven or used within the Borough except by the owner thereof or by a duly licensed driver. Any person, upon being found guilty of violating this section, shall be punished as provided by § 175-17.
[Added 2-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4]
No driver of a hack, cab or taxicab, subject to licensing under this chapter, shall smoke or possess lighted tobacco products in his or her licensed vehicle without first requesting and obtaining permission from all passengers riding therein.
[Added 2-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4]
No passenger shall smoke or possess lighted tobacco products in any hack, cab or taxicab which is subject to licensing under this chapter in which vehicle the driver or owner has prominently displayed a sign, readily visible to passengers, with the words "No Smoking" or the equivalent language in block letters at least two inches high.
Any owner or driver of any hack, cab or taxicab used for the transportation of passengers or baggage, licensed under this chapter, who shall permit or allow any person other than a passenger being transported for hire in and about such vehicle, whether the same is in motion or otherwise, upon being found guilty of violating this section may have his or her license revoked and in addition thereto shall be punished as provided by § 175-17.
It shall be unlawful for the owner, operator or driver of any hack, cab or taxicab to hire to use or employ any person to ask for or solicit travelers or citizens for employment. Upon any such person being found guilty of violating this section such owner, operator or driver may have his or her license revoked and in addition thereto shall be punished as provided by § 175-17.
The Mayor and Council are hereby authorized to designate such places within the Borough as public stands for hacks, cabs or taxicabs licensed as provided by this chapter as may be deemed expedient and proper and also to make such regulations and give such directions with respect to the place and position to be occupied by the vehicles aforesaid while waiting for employment at any railroad station, bus station, street or highway and as may be necessary to preserve order and promote the public convenience. Any person who shall refuse or neglect to obey the designation or regulation herein referred to shall, upon being found guilty of violating this section, be punished as provided by § 175-17.
It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and his or her officers to regulate and preserve order among the owners, operators and drivers licensed as provided by this chapter at any public cab stand or station authorized by this chapter. Any person who shall neglect or refuse to obey the directions of the Chief of Police or the officer designated shall be punished as provided by § 175-17.
[Amended 2-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4]
There shall be conspicuously displayed in the rear passenger area of every hack, cab or taxicab subject to licensing under this chapter a card or sign not less than 8 1/2 inches by 11 inches long, containing:
The name of the owner of the taxicab.
The owner's license number.
The owner's phone number.
The name of the taxi driver.
The driver's taxi license number.
The telephone number of the Metuchen Police Department
The maximum charges as set forth in amended § 175-10.
The aforesaid sign shall be displayed in such a manner to be conveniently read by passengers. The Chief of Police is empowered to prescribe a specific format for this sign. If any owner or driver of a licensed vehicle shall violate any portion of this section, he or she shall be punished as provided for in § 175-17. There shall be conspicuously displayed on every hack, cab or taxicab subject to licensing under this chapter on each side of the vehicle in block letters at least three inches high the name of the owner of the taxicab, his or her telephone number, with a separate number for each taxicab of the particular owner for purposes of identification.
[Amended 2-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4; 10-15-2012 by Ord. No. 2012-8]
Whenever any license is issued to the owner, operator or driver of any hack, cab or taxicab for the transportation of passengers or baggage within the Borough, a badge containing the number of such license shall be furnished by the Chief of Police to such owner, operator or driver, who shall wear the same in a conspicuous place upon his or her person while engaged in such occupation, which badge shall bear the photograph of the license holder.
[Amended 5-4-1970 by Ord. No. 70-15; 6-6-1977 by Ord. No. 77-10; 8-20-1984 by Ord. No. 84-19; 2-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-4; 10-5-1992 by Ord. No. 92-30]
The maximum charges that may be made or requested by owners and operators or drivers of taxicabs, who are subject to licensing under this chapter, for transportation of passengers and other services incidental thereto either entirely within the Borough or originating or terminating within the Borough are hereby fixed as follows:
For one or two passengers, except senior citizens, as measured from the point of dispatch which shall be considered to be the taxi stand operated by the licensed taxicab company in the Borough:
Length of trip within the Borough of Metuchen: All fares herein listed shall be computed from point of dispatch.
Up to 1 mile from point of dispatch
Over 1 mile, up to 2 miles
Over 2 miles, up to 2 1/2 miles
Over 2 1/2 miles
Maximum fare under the subsection
For each additional mile traveled outside the Borough of Metuchen within the County of Middlesex and north of the Raritan River: $3.00.
Other and additional charges shall be as follows:
Type of charge
For each additional passenger
For each stop in route (except the picking up of additional passengers covered above)
For handling or hauling packages which driver is to deliver, each
Waiting time per hour shall be $14.
Senior citizens age 62 and above, as well as handicapped persons, shall receive a 25% reduction in the total fare as listed above in Subsections A, B and C, and as to the following destinations, the total fixed maximum charge, inclusive of senior citizen and handicapped persons reduction, for transportation in either direction shall be:
Roosevelt Hospital
Menlo Park Mall
John F. Kennedy Hospital
Metropark Train Station
Woodbridge Mall
Newark Airport
City of New Brunswick
The rates herein fixed shall be displayed and posted conspicuously in each taxicab, hack or cab under the control and discretion as to size and place of the Chief of Police.