This chapter shall be known by the name and title of "The Plumbing Code of the Borough of Metuchen, New Jersey."
[Amended 11-20-1975]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Conveys the waste water and sewage from the building to the street sewer or other point of disposal.
Includes the pipes for distributing the water supply to the fixtures for using water and drainage pipes for removing waste water and sewage, together with fittings and appurtenances of various kinds all within or adjacent to the building.
Includes the service pipe and the house sewer.
Forms the connection between the water main and the building.
[Amended 11-20-1975]
No inadmissible waste shall be discharged into any part or parts of the sewage system of the Borough either through building connections or in through manholes. Inadmissible waste shall be defined for the purposes of this code to include:
Any materials of such a nature and in such quantities as to impair the hydraulic capacity of the sewer system.
Materials which might either by chemical or by mechanical action impair the strength or the durability of sewer structures.
Substances which may create explosive conditions in the sewer facilities.
Any flammable substances with a flash point lower than 187° F., as determined by the Tagliabue (Tag.) closed cup method.
Substances having a pH index value lower than 4.0.
Any radioactive substance, unless the Middlesex County Sewerage Authority shall have given written consent to its inclusion.
Any garbage other than that received directly into public sewers from residences, unless the Middlesex County Sewerage Authority shall have given written consent to its inclusion.[1]
Editor's Note: Former § 29-3, dealing with the Board of Examining Plumbers, and former § 29-4, dealing with the appointment of the Plumbing Inspector, which immediately followed this section, were deleted at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 200, General Provisions, Board of Health, Art. 1).
Any imperfect trap, sink, toilet, plumbing appliance, fixture, soil line, waste line, water line, vent line or any part of the plumbing system or sewage disposal system, within or without any structure, from which there shall arise any foul or obnoxious odor or leakage of fluids is hereby declared to be a nuisance.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 200, General Provisions, Board of Health, Art. 1).
The person installing any new work or extension shall be responsible for any and all defective plumbing or drainage work and for all violations of this chapter. This shall include the owner of the premises, the general contractor and the subcontractor involved.
All changes in direction of horizontal waste and soil lines shall be made with Y-branches and 1/16 or 1/8 bends or long sweeps.
This applies to all soil, waste and drainage either of galvanized iron, copper or brass. The Ty-branch on the horizontal run and short pattern drainage elbow shall be prohibited.
On vertical stacks of soil or waste lines the Ty-branch shall be used, and in no case shall the Y-branch be used on continuous venting.
Galvanized malleable beaded fittings, ductile iron, lead, copper or brass pipe and fittings shall be used on all venting.
The horizontal house drains shall not be less than four inches, and no two-inch waste pipe shall be allowed under the cement floor over a distance of five feet.
Short quarter bends and saddle hubs are prohibited. Soil, waste and vent pipes in an extension shall be extended full bore of the pipe above the main building when otherwise such pipes would open within 10 feet of the windows of the main house or adjoining house.
The circuit or loop vent when used on batteries of more than two and not exceeding eight water closets shall be at least three inches in diameter.
When lead pipes or traps are used to connect soil, waste or vent lines, such pipes or traps shall be of the following weights:
One-and-one-half-inch: three pounds per running foot.
Two-inch: four pounds per running foot.
Three-inch: six pounds per running foot.
Four-inch: eight pounds per running foot.
One-and one-quarter-inch lead or galvanized iron pipe for waste or vent lines is prohibited.
All connections of lead with ductile iron pipes shall be of heavy brass ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe and shall be put into the hub of the ductile iron pipe and caulked with lead. All connections of lead with wrought iron pipes shall be made with a heavy brass soldering nipple and with a wiped joint. All branch wastes under bathroom floors shall be not less than 1 1/2 inches lead for two fixtures and shall be supported to keep the lead from sagging.
Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 and not exceeding $100.
Penalties imposed by this section may be collected or enforced by summary proceedings pursuant to the provisions of the Penalty Enforcement Law (N.J.S.A. 2A:58-1 et seq.), the amendments thereof and supplements thereto.
The court may cause a defendant who refuses or neglects to pay the amount of a judgment so rendered against him or her, and all costs and charges incident thereto, to be committed to the county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days.
In case a defendant shall have been twice convicted within the space of six months of the violation of this chapter, the court may, in addition to the imposition of the appropriate penalty, cause such defendant to be imprisoned in the county jail or county workhouse, with or without hard labor, for any number of days not exceeding one for each dollar of the penalty.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Art. II, dealing with certificates of competency or master plumber's licenses, former Division 1, Bonds, and former Division 2, dealing with Plumbing Permits, which immediately followed this section, were deleted at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 200, General Provisions, Board of Health, Art. 1.