Location. Traps shall be placed as near the fixture as possible and in no case shall be more than two feet from the fixture, if within the house. No trap shall be built in so as to prevent access for cleaning.
Urinals, basins, sinks, tubs, grease traps, etc.
Every urinal, sink or slop sink, basin, wash trap, bath and every tub or set of tubs and indirect waste receptor shall be separately trapped and vented. Urinal platforms, if connected to drain pipes, shall also be properly trapped and a supply of water so arranged as to maintain the seal of such traps. In no case shall the waste from the bath, tub or other fixture be connected with a water closet bend. Brass ferrule connected to lead may have outlets and all horizontal lines under bathroom floors shall be of such lead or copper or brass or ductile iron pipe.
Grease interceptors shall be installed in the waste line leading from sinks, drains or other fixtures in the following establishments: restaurants, hotel kitchens or bars, factory cafeterias or restaurants, clubs or other establishments where grease may be introduced into drainage systems in quantities that may cause line stoppage or hinder sewage disposal.
Grease traps may be placed under ground or under the fixture served and may be of masonry construction, ductile iron or suitable equivalent. It shall be of sufficient size to retain the combined volume of water discharged into it from all kitchen or pantry fixtures. When more than one sink discharges into a grease trap, proper stack and vent lines shall be installed.
Flashing. All vent pipes shall be properly flashed at roof with lead or copper flashing. Cement flashing is prohibited. No trap vent shall be used as a waste or soil pipe.
Prohibited cross-connections. Cross-connections, either direct or indirect, which will permit or may possibly permit the flow of unapproved water into the water supply system, serving approved water for human consumption, shall be prohibited.
Vacuum breakers. Vacuum breakers of an approved type shall be installed or an air gap provided on various fixtures and appurtenances involving a cross-connection.
Compliance with state regulations. The regulations of the State Department of Health governing cross-connections shall be strictly adhered to.