In the event of an emergency declaration by the Mayor (or, in his absence, by the President of Council or his designated representatives), the Chief of Police shall have the following powers to regulate traffic and/or parking temporarily and in the time of the emergency:
To establish temporary traffic and/or parking regulations to facilitate public works, for fires, floods, snow removal and cleanup of storm debris.
To designate specific streets as snow emergency routes. Each of said routes shall be posted with signs bearing language such as "Snow Emergency Route," "No parking for snow removal" and/or other appropriate emergency instructive signs.
To prohibit parking on snow emergency routes.
A map of such snow routes or a list of such snow emergency routes or temporary traffic or parking regulations shall be filed at the Borough offices, and other copies of the list shall be available for public examination in the Borough offices. The Borough Council may change said map, regulations or lists from time to time, so long as said matters are posted at the Borough offices.
The Mayor shall immediately inform the public of his emergency declaration by issuing press releases to all news media and, if necessary, have the Borough employees notify the general public through the use of loudspeaker equipment and instruct the public as their responsibilities in removing vehicles from the various streets.
Any vehicle parked or incapable of moving under its own power or left unattended upon any special emergency or snow routes may be removed or towed away to any other locations by the Police Department of the Borough or by persons authorized by the Police Department to do so, with said removal and towing charges assessed against the owner under appropriate municipal law.
Any driver or owner of a motor vehicle failing to heed the temporary parking and/or traffic regulations as posted shall, upon conviction before the Magisterial District Judge, pay a fine of no more than $300, together with costs of prosecution, and, in default of payment, undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days.