Except as otherwise provided in this Charter or in state law, all departments, offices and agencies of the county government shall be subject to the direction, supervision, and control of the County Executive.
Distribution of duties. The activities under the direction and supervision of the County Executive shall be distributed among such departments, offices and agencies as are established by this Charter or as may be established by law.
Departmental officers. Each department, office or agency created shall be administered by an officer who shall be appointed by the County Executive. The salary of such officer or officers shall be fixed by the County Executive, subject to the provisions of the budget.
Same; suspension or removal. All officers and employees appointed by the County Executive may be suspended or removed from office upon the written order of the County Executive, except that no such suspension or removal may be ordered because of race, national origin, religious opinion or religious affiliation of said officer.
Same; powers. The head of the appropriate department shall appoint and fix compensation, subject to the approval of the County Executive and the budget limitations and personnel regulations provided in this Charter, of all personnel of the department, and such department heads shall have the right and power to suspend or remove any personnel, subject to said personnel regulations.
Departments. The administrative organization shall, except as otherwise provided herein, consist of the following departments:
Department of Law
Department of Human Resources
Department of Finance
Department of Planning, Zoning and Community Development
Department of Public Works
Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism
Department of Corrections
Department of Information Services
Department of Emergency Services
Wicomico Partnership for Families and Children
Department of Aviation.
[Added 6-21-2022 by Res. No. 72-2022]
Creation, merger or abolition. Offices and departments may be created, merged or abolished only by legislative act proposed by the County Executive and passed by the County Council. New divisions of existing offices and departments shall not be created except by legislative act proposed by the County Executive and passed by the County Council.
Assignment of duties. Existing or additional duties and functions may, however, from time to time be assigned to or reassigned among existing offices or departments by directive of the County Executive or by legislative act of the County Council.
Plan of reorganization. In the event, the County Executive deems substantial reorganization within the executive branch to be in the best interest of efficient government, he shall prepare a reorganization plan. Accompanying each reorganization plan shall be a detailed explanation of the reasons for reorganization and an evaluation of the financial impacts. The executive reorganization plan shall be submitted to the Council at least sixty (60) days prior to the submission of the current expense budget within which the reorganization is proposed for funding. Within sixty (60) days of such submission the Council shall introduce the plan in the form of a bill.
Reorganization of departments under state law. If the General Assembly shall at any time transfer to the voters of the county or to the Council jurisdiction or control over the affairs of any of the departments of the county government by law or by this Charter, then to the extent of such transfer, the Council may by legislative act provide for the reorganization of such departments and the administration of their affairs within the executive branch under county law.
Exemption. The Department of Law is not subject to executive reorganization.
As used in this article, "reorganization" shall include:
[Added 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016]
A management initiated rearrangement of reporting relationships, in terms of financial compensation, of multiple positions within or between departments, offices or agencies, or
Any change which prescribes, alters or defines functions and responsibilities and allocates, reallocates, expands or deletes powers of various departments, agencies, boards and other bodies of the Executive Branch.
Director; appointment. There shall be a Department of Finance under the immediate direction of a Director of Finance, who shall be appointed on the basis of education and experience in financial administration. The Director of Finance shall be appointed and removed and his salary fixed in accordance with Section 502B of this Article.
Same; powers and duties. Except as otherwise provided in Article X of this Charter and subject to the public and general local laws, the Director of Finance shall have and exercise all the powers and duties formerly vested in or imposed upon the County Treasurer, and is hereby designated as the collector of state taxes in the county. The Director of Finance shall have charge of the administration of the financial affairs of the county, including:
The preparation and mailing of all tax bills and notices of special assessments in the county.
The collection of state and county taxes, special assessments, urban service charges, fees and other revenues, and funds of every kind due to the county; and such taxes, special assessments, charges, fees and other revenues, and funds of every kind due to any municipality, now or hereafter in said Wicomico County, with which the County may have entered into a contract and/or agreement for the performance of the duties listed above by said Director of Finance.
The custody and safekeeping of all funds and securities belonging to or by law deposited with, distributed to or handled by the county.
The keeping and supervision of all accounts.
The disbursement of county funds and the responsibility for the detection of all payroll items, vouchers, bills and other claims or demands that are fraudulent, erroneous, unauthorized by law or otherwise invalid, which said matters shall be referred to the County Attorney for further action in accordance with law.
The accounting for county funds and property, including securities, special bonds and insurance policies, and the making of reports thereon.
The preparation of a monthly statement of the receipts and expenditures of the county during the preceding month and such other information as the County Executive shall request, which statement shall be provided to the County Council and made public.
[Amended 7-20-2010 by Res. No. 113-2010]
The performance of the budget functions prescribed under Article VII of this Charter.
The preparation of annual financial reports, which shall be made public.
The performance of such other duties, not inconsistent with those herein enumerated, as may be required by the County Executive or by law.
Expenditures; obligations. No money shall be drawn from the treasury of the county, nor shall any obligation for the expenditure of money by the county be incurred by any officer, board or commission authorized to expend county money, except in pursuance of law or of the appropriation or allotment therefor.
Fees. All fees received by all county officers or employees in connection with their official duties shall be accounted for and paid into the county treasury.
Director; appointment. There shall be a Department of Public Works under the immediate direction of a Director of Public Works who has graduated with an engineering degree from a college or university having an accredited engineering curriculum of four (4) years. The Director of Public Works shall be appointed and removed and his salary fixed in accordance with Section 502 of this Charter.
Same; duties. The Director of Public Works shall be charged with the following duties and responsibilities:
Performance of such engineering duties and engineering work in regard to the property and affairs of the county as the County Executive may require.
The direction of the preparation of plans and specifications and the supervision of all construction and maintenance work undertaken by the county.
To serve as an advisor to the County Executive and to undertake the planning and construction of any project requested by the County Executive.
The planning, construction and maintenance of all streets, highways and roads in said county, and the County Roads Engineer shall work under the control and authority of said Director.
At the discretion of the County Executive, the Director may serve as the Engineer to the Wicomico County Planning and Zoning Commission and, if appointed to serve in this capacity, shall make studies for and recommendations to said Planning and Zoning Commission in all matters pertaining to land planning and zoning.
Appointment, compensation, removal. The Department of Law shall be administered by the County Attorney, who shall be a member in good standing of the bar of the Maryland Court of Appeals for at least five years and shall have been actively engaged in the general practice of law in the State of Maryland for at least five years immediately prior to his or her appointment. The County Attorney shall be appointed in accordance with Section 413 and his compensation shall be as established in the budget.
[Amended 8-7-2012 by Res. No. 131-2012; 6-21-2022 by Res. No. 72-2022]
The County Attorney shall serve at the pleasure of the Executive.
If the County Attorney ceases to be a member in good standing of the bar of the Maryland Court of Appeals, or is convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude, he or she shall immediately forfeit his or her office.
Functions. The County Attorney shall be the legal advisor of the county and of its several offices, departments, boards, commissions and other agencies. The County Attorney shall issue upon request, give advice and opinions upon any legal questions affecting the interests of the county when the same are submitted: (1) by written request of a County Councilman, (2) by written request of the County Executive, or (3) with the approval of the County Executive, by written request of the head of any office or department in the executive branch or any board, commission or agency. All deeds, bonds, contracts, releases, agreements, advertisements, bids and other legal papers, documents and instructions involving the interests of the county to be executed and approved by any officer of the county shall be submitted to the County Attorney and shall be approved by the County Attorney in writing as to their form and legal sufficiency in compliance with the laws and conditions under which executed. The County Attorney shall have the right of access at all times to the official records of any office, department, board, commission or agency of the county. Before the County Executive signs any ordinance passed by the County Council, the County Attorney shall review the ordinance and advise the County Executive as to its legality. The County Attorney shall have such additional legal duties as may from time to time be provided by ordinance not inconsistent herewith.
Representation. The County Attorney shall represent the county in all actions in which the county is a party, except as herein provided.
Same, County Council. The County Attorney shall, at the request of the County Council, serve as a legal advisor and a legislative draftsman for the County Council. However, the County Council may elect to employ other attorneys as provided in Section 304C.
[Amended 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016]
Other counsel. Except as otherwise provided for in state law or this Charter, no department of the County government which receives County funds shall have any authority or power to employ or retain any legal counsel. The County Attorney shall serve as counsel for those departments which receive County Funds.
[Amended 8-2-2016 by Res. No. 101-2016]
Special counsel. The County Executive may, with the approval of the Council, employ special legal counsel to work problems of an extraordinary nature when the work to be done is of such character or magnitude as to require services in addition to those regularly provided by the Department of Law.
Limitation. Neither the County Attorney nor any assistant in the Department of Law may at any time, while holding such office, practice as an attorney before the Council or any department of the county government other than to represent the county's interests.
The County Executive may appoint for designated periods one or more temporary advisory boards of citizens of the county who shall, without compensation other than necessary expenses, assist in the consideration of county administrative policies and programs. Advisory boards appointed by the County Executive under the provisions of this section shall be subject to the confirmation procedures set forth in Section 315 of this Charter.