[Added 11-7-2006 by referendum]
The Wicomico County Council shall provide by law for collective
bargaining with binding arbitration with an authorized representative
of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office deputies. Any law so enacted
shall prohibit strikes or work stoppage by deputies. The County Council
shall provide by law a labor code for sworn employees of the Wicomico
County Sheriffs Office to effectuate this charter provision. This
section shall supersede any conflicting provisions of the Wicomico
County Charter or other Wicomico County provisions.
There shall be established a County Personnel Board, composed
of five (5) members who are qualified voters of the County, appointed
by the County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Council
as provided in Section 315B. All appointments shall be for a term of three (3) years,
except that any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior
to the expiration of a term shall be appointed only for the remainder
of that term. Members shall be appointed for staggered terms so that
all appointments shall not terminate at the same time. Said members
each year shall select one (1) of their number as Chairman of said
The County Personnel Board shall:
1. Serve as the formal grievance review board to hear and decide appeals
from any personnel action as defined in the personnel rules. The Personnel
Board's decision shall be final and binding on all parties.
2. Advise county officials on matters concerning the personnel rules
and regulations, and report to the County Executive and County Council
on the operation of the personnel system.
No member of the County Council, The county Executive, nor any
officer or employee directly employed by the County or under the provisions
of this Charter, whose salary or expenses are payable in whole or
in part from county funds, shall, during his employment or incumbency,
appear as attorney or counsel against the interest of the county in
any litigation to which the county is a party.
The members of the County Council, County Executive and any
officers appointed by him shall be prohibited from requesting any
county employee subject to the county personnel regulations to make
any purchase or contribution or pay any assessment for political purposes;
nor shall any officer or employee participate in any political activities
or electioneering while in the course of their employment with the
county. For purposes of this section "in the course of their employment
with the county" shall mean that time for which one is being paid
to perform work assigned by or for the benefit of the county.
No member of the County Council, the County Executive, or officer
or employee of the county shall direct or cause any officer or employee
of the county to do or perform any service or work outside of his
public office or employment.
No elected or appointed officer or employee whose salary or
expenses are payable in whole or in part from county funds shall solicit,
give or promise to give any portion of his compensation or any money
or any valuable thing to any person in consideration of his having
been or being appointed or employed as such officer or employee. Any
officer or employee violating this section shall be removed from office
pursuant to regulations of the County Personnel Board.
The County Council shall, by public local laws, provide appropriate
penalties for enforcement of this Article.