The following words have the precise definitions used in this Charter:
The word "bill" shall mean any measure introduced in the County Council for legislative action.
The words "act," "Ordinance,"[1] "public local law" and "legislative act," when used in connection with any action by the County Council, shall be synonymous and shall mean any bill enacted in the manner and form provided in this Charter.
Note: Definition of "ordinance" modified to conform to usage of that term in State Law.
The word "Regulation" shall be a measure, rule or bylaw adopted by the County Council under authority of a public general law or public local law giving it the right to pass such regulation.
The word "resolution" shall mean a measure adopted by the County Council having the force and effect of law but of a temporary or administrative character.
The word "law" shall be construed as including all acts, ordinances, public local laws and other legislative acts of the County Council in Legislative Session, all regulations and resolutions of the County Council, all ordinances and resolutions of the County Commissioners not hereby or hereafter amended or repealed and all public general laws and public local laws of the General Assembly in effect from time to time after the adoption of this Charter, whenever such construction would be reasonable.
The words "passage" and "adoption," when used in connection with the legislative acts of the County Council, shall mean the action by the Council in approving any item of legislative business prior to expiration of the time when such legislation may be vetoed or submitted to referendum of the voters as heretofore provided in this Charter.
The word "enactment" shall mean the action or means whereby any bill after its passage attains the status of law.
"Assessable basis" shall be defined as the total assessed value of all property which is subject to the full county tax.
The word "state" shall mean the State of Maryland.
The word "shall" shall be construed as mandatory, and the word "may" shall be construed as permissive.
The word "person" shall include the words "corporation," "partnership," "limited liability company," "association" and all other legal entities, unless such a construction would be unreasonable.
The word "officer" shall include the word "Council Member."
Whenever in this Charter the masculine gender is used, such words shall be construed to include the feminine gender, except where such construction would be absurd or unreasonable.
The words "hereafter" and "heretofore" shall refer to the effective date of this Charter, unless such a construction would be unreasonable.