[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Green Tree as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: Because of the frequency of change, provisions relating to compensation and benefits are not codified. Copies of the latest relevant legislation may be obtained, at cost, from the Assistant Borough Secretary.
The Borough enters into agreements from time to time with representatives of various classes of Borough employees. Such agreements provide for compensation, benefits and other incidents of employment. In the event of a conflict between any of the provisions of such agreements and a provision of this Code or of any other ordinance or resolution of Council, the provision of the agreement shall control.
[Adopted 5-3-1982 by Ord. No. 994 as Ch. 226 of the 1982 Code]
The monthly retainer fee of the Borough Solicitor shall be as set forth from time to time by Council. It shall cover the Solicitor's attendance at the regular monthly meeting of Council and the regular monthly meeting of the Planning Commission. It shall also cover routine matters that are handled over the telephone and day-to-day correspondence. It shall not cover court appearances, amendments to the Zoning Code or other complicated ordinances, litigation, extenuating or time-consuming negotiations or complex unforeseeable matters, all of which shall be billed on a time basis.