[Added 4-2-2001]
The Village Board hereby finds that certain issues arise in condominium developments that require the applicability of this chapter to condominium developments. The State Legislature has recognized that subdivision ordinances may apply to condominiums but that subdivision ordinances shall not impose burdens upon condominiums that are different from those imposed on other property of a similar character not subject to a declaration of condominium.
The factor that makes this chapter applicable to a condominium development is the creation of multiple, distinct property entities at, near, or above the ground surface, subject to property taxation as separate parcels, with each property entity having different ownership and management. The Village Board determines that this factor makes a condominium development dissimilar, both physically and in ownership, from developments in which the land and improvements are under unitary ownership, management, and control.
Thus, the Village Board hereby finds that condominium developments can place impacts on community resources in the same manner as other new developments which are characterized by division of land into lots. These impacts include but are not limited to:
Additional population density.
Possibility of use of particular land in a manner unsuitable to the land's characteristics.
Additional demands upon Village area parks, recreation areas, utility facilities and schools.
Additional traffic and street use.
Chapter applicable to condominium developments. The provisions in this chapter in their entirety shall apply to condominium developments to the same extent as the application of the provisions of this chapter to noncondominium developments. The technical requirements and standards of condominium plats set forth in Ch. 703, Wis. Stats., shall be incorporated herein by reference as if set forth at length herein.
Exceptions. This section shall not apply to any condominium declaration or plat recorded prior to the effective date of this amendment to this chapter; provided, however, that any amendments or addenda to the condominium declaration or plat occurring after the effective date hereof shall comply with the provisions of this amendment.
When a housing project consisting of a group of two or more buildings is to be constructed on a site not subdivided into customary lots and streets or where an existing lot and street layout make it impractical to apply the requirements of this chapter to the individual building units, the Plan Commission may modify the requirements, provided that a development plan is submitted for approval of the Plan Commission and such development complies with the intent of the regulations for the appropriate residential zoning district. See Chapter 435, Zoning, § 435-16, Planned unit developments.
Editor's Note: Added at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. II).