This article is adopted under the authority granted by Wis. Stats. § 62.234.
The provisions of this chapter do not limit any other lawful regulatory powers of the City.
This article applies to all construction sites within the jurisdiction of the City involving sites with land-disturbing construction activity of one acre or more, or sites less than one acre if they are part of a larger common plan of development or sale under the control of the permittee.
This article does not apply to the following:
Stormwater discharges from projects directed and supervised by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation in accordance with Wis. Adm. Code § NR 216.42(5).
Agriculture. Stormwater discharges from planting, growing, cultivating and harvesting of crops for human or livestock consumption and pasturing or yarding of livestock, including sod farms and tree nurseries are not regulated by this subchapter. This exemption does not include the construction of structures such as barns, manure storage facilities or barnyard runoff control systems.
Stormwater discharges from silviculture activities, including tree nursery operations, tree harvesting operations, reforestation, tree thinning, prescribed burning, and pest and fire control are not regulated by this subchapter. Clearing and grubbing of an area of a construction site is not a silviculture activity.
Mill and crush operation. If construction activity does not result in land-disturbing construction activity including a mill and crush operation that does not have soil disturbance, filling or road shoulder grading, the activity is not regulated under this subchapter.
Routine maintenance. Routine maintenance for project sites that involve under five acres of land-disturbing construction activity that is performed to maintain the original line and grade, hydraulic capacity, or original purpose of the facility is not regulated under this subchapter.
Erosion control and stormwater management permit required. Any person desiring to undertake a construction activity subject to this chapter shall obtain an erosion control and stormwater management permit from the City prior to the commencement of the land-disturbing construction activity. The permit can be issued as part of a City building permit for the project site or where there is no building permit it can be issued as a separate permit.
Application requirements. Any person desiring to obtain an erosion control and stormwater management permit shall submit the following information:
An erosion control plan meeting the requirements of Wis. Adm. Code § NR 216.46 and the applicable performance standards in Wis. Adm. Code § NR 151.11 for construction sites (or § NR 151.23 for transportation facility sites).
A stormwater management plan meeting the requirements of Wis. Adm. Code § NR 216.47 and the applicable performance standards in Wis. Adm. Code §§ NR 151.121 to NR 151.128 for construction sites (or §§ NR 151.24 to NR 151.249 for transportation facility sites).
A long-term maintenance agreement meeting the requirements of § 261-10.
A plan to manage solid waste on construction sites such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter and sanitary waste to reduce adverse impacts from stormwater runoff.
Applicable permit fees set by the City.
Review and approval of permit application. The City's designee shall review any erosion control and stormwater management permit in accordance with the following procedures.
Within 14 working days from the date the City of Rice Lake receives the application, the City shall inform the applicant whether the application materials are approved or disapproved based on the requirement of this chapter.
If all the requirements of this chapter have been met, the City shall approve the application and issue a permit. If all the requirements of this chapter have not been met, the City shall state in writing the reasons for disapproval. In the case of disapproval, if the applicant reapplies within 30 calendar days from the disapproval notification date, with a revised application, an additional review fee will not be administered and the City will have 14 working days to respond to the revised application.
If within the 14 working day application review period, the City determines that the application is incomplete, or requests additional information from the applicant, the City shall have 14 working days from the date the additional information is received to review and act on the application.
Failure of the City to inform the applicant of missing information or of a decision within the 14 working days shall be deemed to mean approval of the application and the applicant may proceed as if a permit had been issued.
Standard permit conditions.
The erosion control plan components shall be implemented prior to the start of any land-disturbing activity and shall be maintained over the duration of the project. Stormwater components of the plan shall be maintained for the life of the project.
The permittee is responsible for successful completion of the erosion control plan and the stormwater management plan. The permittee shall be liable for all costs incurred, including environmental restoration costs, resulting from noncompliance with an approved plan.
Application for a permit shall constitute express permission by the permittee and landowner for the City's designee to enter the property for purposes of inspection to determine compliance with this chapter.
All incidental mud-tracking off-site onto adjacent public thoroughfares shall be cleaned up and removed by the end of each working day using proper disposal methods.
A copy of the approved permit and erosion control plan shall be kept on the project site, in a place readily accessible to contractors, engineers, City inspection staff and other authorized personnel.
The permittee shall perform required inspections of the construction site and also of the post construction site following construction and perform the repairs and/or maintenance required in accordance with Wis. Adm. Code § NR 216.48(4).
The permittee shall provide the City notice if there is a material change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance at the construction site which has not otherwise been addressed in the erosion control and stormwater management plans. In such a case, an amendment to the permit shall be requested under Subsection F of this section.
At the time which land-disturbing construction activities have been completed, the permittee shall provide the certification required in § 261-9.
Permit transfers.
When a permittee transfers ownership, possession or control of real estate subject to either or both an uncompleted erosion control or stormwater management plan, the successor in interest to any portion of the real estate shall be responsible to control soil erosion and runoff and shall comply with the minimum standards provided in this article; and the permittee shall notify the new owner of this obligation.
Transfers of interest in real estate subject to an approved but uncompleted plan may be conducted consistent with this article under any of the following arrangements:
The transferee files a new, erosion control or stormwater management plan, or both to be approved by the City.
The transferee obtains an approved assignment from the City as sub-permittee to complete that portion of the approved plan regulating soil erosion and runoff on the transferee's property.
Plan or permit amendments.
Any proposed modifications to approved plans, construction schedules or alterations to accepted sequencing of land disturbing site activities shall be approved by the City engineer in consultation with the plan review agency prior to implementation of said changes. This may require an updated plan or modeling depending on the extent of the change.
The City shall approve or disapprove these changes after the revised information is received from the applicant, but in no case shall the review process extend beyond 14 working days.
Request for a variance.
An applicant may include in the application a request for a variance from the requirements of subchapter.
No variance shall be granted unless the applicant demonstrates and the City finds that all of the following conditions are present:
Enforcement of the standards set forth in this article will result in unnecessary hardship to the landowner;
The hardship is due to exceptional physical conditions unique to the property;
Granting the variance will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare, nor be contrary to the spirit, purpose and intent of this article;
The applicant has proposed an alternative to the requirement from which the variance is sought that will provide equivalent protection of the public health, safety and welfare, the environment and public and private property;
The net cumulative effect of the variance will not impact downstream conditions; and
Existing regional facilities are shown to meet the performance standards of this chapter.
If all of the conditions set forth in Subsection G(2) of this section are met, a variance may only be granted to the minimum extent necessary to afford relief from the unnecessary hardship, with primary consideration to water quality.
The procedures for public hearing review of variances by the Zoning Board of Appeals shall be those used in § 260-121.
Any permittee subject to an erosion control and stormwater management permit shall conduct site inspections in accordance with Wis. Adm. Code § NR 216.48(4).
Application for a permit under this article shall constitute permission by the applicant and landowner for the City to enter upon the property and inspect during the construction phase as necessary to confirm compliance with the requirements of this article.
As part of the plan approval process, the City shall determine the minimum number of City inspections required to ensure compliance.
Notice of installation and City review.
Within 10 days after installation of all practices in an approved erosion control plan and achievement of soil stabilization, the permittee shall notify the City engineer. The City shall inspect the property to verify compliance with the erosion control plan within 10 days of notification of soil stabilization.
Within 10 days after installation of all practices in an approved stormwater management plan, the permittee shall notify the City. The City engineer shall inspect the property to verify compliance within 10 days of notification.
Certification of competition. At the time in which land-disturbing construction activities at the construction site have been completed the permittee shall provide a certification including the following:
That a uniform perennial vegetative cover has been established with a density of at least 70% of the cover for the unpaved areas and areas not covered by permanent structures or that employ equivalent permanent stabilization measures.
All stormwater improvements were constructed substantially in conformance with the design plans, specifications, and modeling as applicable and that the temporary erosion control BMPs have been removed.
A long-term maintenance agreement shall be required for all permanent stormwater BMPs installed to comply with the requirements of this chapter. The long-term maintenance agreement shall, at a minimum, contain the following information and provisions:
Ownership. Identification of the owner(s) of the land parcel(s) where the stormwater BMP(s) is located.
Long-term maintenance plan. A description of all long-term maintenance activities that will likely be required for each BMP included in the agreement, and an estimated time interval between each activity;
Access. Authorization for vehicle access, including a minimum fifteen-foot wide access easement dedicated to the City, to allow for future BMP maintenance work.
Maintenance responsibility. Identification of the person(s), organization, municipality or other entity responsible for long-term maintenance of the stormwater BMP.
Inspections shall be performed by the responsible party. The responsible party shall maintain a log of inspection activities.
Municipal maintenance. Authorization for the local municipality or their designee to carry out any maintenance activities and associated inspections if the entity does not perform the required activity within the specified time period or if the local municipality does not accept the work conducted by the designated entity;
Special assessment. A statement that the applicable local unit of government may exercise their statutory authority to levy and collect a special assessment or charge pursuant to Sub Ch. VII of Ch. 66, Wis. Stats., for any services carried out.
Recording. Upon certification of compliance by the City of Rice Lake, an abridged long-term maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the County Register of Deeds referencing any plat, certified survey or other ownership transfer device pertaining to land which contains the subject stormwater BMP or is subject to maintenance responsibility in the approved agreement. For new land divisions, the recording of the long-term maintenance agreement shall occur simultaneously with the recording of the land division. However, no stormwater BMP long-term maintenance agreement shall be recorded prior to City of Rice Lake approval.